What the fuck is wrong with young women? The most entitled generation of women is human cancer.
Millenial women are garbage
Brainwashed from the gender neutral crib,
It's not even remotely true anymore that we have an advantage, but they will keep going because the motive all along was to completely humiliate and subjugate us in the first place.
They are going to kill us all in the name of equality.
it's like obese people who think fit people have it easier. the easier life is made for them, the harder they think they have it.
Liberal is code for denies empirical evidence
>Be told X from the day you're born
>See anyone who thinks X is false publicly shamed
>Believe X is true
quelle surprise
This. They will then proceed to fuck the shit out of brown guys as if they just conquered us and are the new leaders.
remember, they are victims. this last election gave us a really good sign from white women 60% voted for trump( latino men 30% also went for ourguy). even your run of the mill antifa member is one robbery or parenthoodum away from waking up.
you know, i'd normally blame shitty luck for being stuck in such a timeline but then it has nothing to do with luck at all, does it?
This was the plan all along, it might have been conceived thousands of years ago for all we know, but by whom? and why? revenge?
Are we the original aggressors now receiving karmic payback? or are they just evil and acting preemptively because lol fuck white men.
> at party
> two bisexual girls
>with died hair
>tattoos and piercings everywhere
> getting visibly mad at everything I say regardless of context
> actually called ,me priviledged and its 2017 for no reason other than possible defense mechanism
Again, Sup Forums wasn't memeing.
Many years ago I was watching (fapping to) some supermodel photoshoot segment and all the models where whining about how HAAAAAAAARD they had to work. Yep, standing on mossy rocks in a river should get you danger pay when five-year-olds do it all the time for free.
I guess just waking up at 5AM after a night of guzzling wine and riding cock makes everything seem harder.
how do they explain the massive suicide rate difference between young women and young men?
liberalism is cancer and millenials will go down as the worst most disgusting and vile degenerate shit show of generation in history
guess that's why they aren't getting married or having kids huh
this is him 20 years from now
what part of U+1F573 did you not understand?
>how do they explain the massive suicide rate difference between young women and young men?
*Long hair don't care*
Dyed* you fucking leaf don't make me correct you in your own language
he's french canadian you stupid swede
you can tell because he puts a space after punctuation
I mean, millenial men are garbage too.
whatever, french make their punctuation shit look all weird and it's easy to tell
Those models have to hit the gym constantly and keep to a strict diet. You don't know how good you have it, blue collar factory worker.
No roastie, most of them are naturally tall and slender
Calm the fuck down bucko. Its an empirical fact that white women out of all the races prefer to be with their own kind more than any other. Facts suggest that while all minorites are desperate to mate with a whitey and hope their offspring doesnt look like shit, white men are more likely to cave than women. Also, interracial marriage is statistically proven to last less.
It's not wrong. Dying hair is a harsh process and too much leaves to brittle hair at best or dead follicles at worst (balding).
says increasingly nervous local man
Is it degenerate to wait for the wave of gen z qts to find a wife?
T. Millennial
Believe me, Its not a concern. Ive had convos with multiple shitskin folks and when it comes to dating/mating all they do is whine about how they are unable to get some white pussy. Im nervous they might resort to rape though...
Women need to be replaced with artificial wombs and then abandoned.
They are easily influenced by media, as well as any far left extremist group.
Let me make clear, neither far left as well as far right extremism are good, thus one in between is good, which is a group that never gives up it's moral and ethical values.
I get along with older women way more than girls my own age, who are fucking batshit...
Its what I'm doing.
Because the majority of western males are betas who put these entitled whores on pedestals.
Most western men were raised that way.
Young women are completely fucking delusional who woulda thought
Being respectful and nice to women regardless of fault is in itself sexist. They want equality so stop being nice when they don't deserve it.
My bro science senses tells me this mindset of these young ladies are mostly contained in big cities and college towns. Like, do they recognize the effort it takes to maintain society, infrastructure and even fixing/improving their own homes? Do they not recognize work hazards to the body and life of these jobs?
These are rhetorical questions for lurkers and newfags to contemplate.