Why did Americans leave cities for the suburbs?
Why did Americans leave cities for the suburbs?
All the smart people moved to the cities.
what did he mean by thit
Urban spaces became the dumping ground for colored folk, causing Whites move outward.
Cities also make people act up, and is a breeding ground for faggotry of all kinds to propagate and spread outwards.
This a scat thread now?
Don't you have the most drug addicts and suicides in the countryside?
Niggers user.
>That’s what destroyed St. Louis. It would still be a small white city with cherished urban life if not for the invasion of niggers.
>SF will never be an affordable shithole again
Stop fucking up the Sup Forumsack narrative. Literally everything bad about society is condensed in cities. Rural communities are all bastions of morality.
Look up great white flight.
So, why don't you do anything about it?
That would be racist.
>So, why don't you do anything about it?
What is planned parenthood?
What is the prison system?
What is crack?
What is police involved shootings?
Blacks are killing themselves in record numbers through drugs gang violence and abortion. Even with the sheer quantity of reckless breeding they are doing their population is not really growing at all.
If we changed it to require an IUD for anyone qualifying for food stamps/welfare (because obviously they are too poor to care for a child) then the ghetto black population would be almost gone in a generation.
Drugs are concentrated in cities, some rural areas are heavily drug ridden but all cities are full of drug addicts and massive distribution centers.
ever hear of gentrification? whites are now moving back to the urban centers and driving out negroes
granted lot of them are shitlib striver poors but that's what is happening
Cool. But
>What is planned parenthood?
I though americans on pol hated planned parenthood??
There are more freedoms away from cities. Cities are government slavery systems on steroids.
I mean it should be pretty obvious...NIGGERS and Libtards.
Except most people don't live in rural or urban areas, they're suburbanites. And they see objectively less crime and degeneracy than urbanites, and they have a higher average iq.
>m-muh city lyfe
The suburbs are fucking shit. Fact.
I only speak for myself but most americans understand planned parenthood is essential. Even if you hate abortion most people agree that availability of effective contraception is integral. In a perfect world all women are given IUDs by the government they can have removed at 21 (or keep if they still want to have sex without risk of pregnancy). Effective contraception should eliminate the need for abortion.