Can we make California great again? Any Ideas?
Can we make California great again? Any Ideas?
Far too late
Historically accurate USSR.
>Check the watch it's the 17th .
>My Neighbour calls me and says he wants to give me some traditional German food.
>Talk with him about life and stuff then enjoy a traditional German cake.
Nuke it and start again. Praise the Rocket Man.
After the big one kills millions of shitlibs and wetbacks their might be a chance.
california is lost
You have to make people who don't listen change their entire world view. God speed to any user who tries.
I think it can happen If everyone that voted for trump in California showed up but it would take an organized effort. We already tried to make France Great again why not try to help your fellow Americans trapped in California?
Beaner genocide
This. California was great when it was white
Starting by nuking it from orbit.
Then we can talk about it.
This state is far too blue to ever change anything.
Just give it to Mexico then build a wall around it so they stop moving to surrounding states and turning them into California 2.0.
Kick out 50 percent of whites and make sure the remaining whites are harrassed everywhere they go. Stores, parking lots, schools, etc. Whites will pay for all their deeds once they lose their majority.
make CALEXIT happen, faggots get BTFO, california is now a military district allowing conservatives to dominate in national politics, deport all illegals, get rid of 14th amendment, name the jews in (((hollywood)))
No we need kimmy to nuke it asap
>i wouldnt even be mad at him for it
Nope. It's too far gone demographically and culturally. It's basically impossible to turn that around without force, and probably total destruction would be required.
Make the state of Jefferson a real thing, let the rest of the state slide into the ocean.
Come on guys give me some home here if we divide the democrats and suppress the turnout it can happen
its the only way to be sure
Mass white migration to counter the retard vote.
>they think the h1bs are to boost Democrats
>its to keep the skilled whites out of their state
nuke socal and we'd be fine
When the hippies started having sex in the streets of San Francisco, it marked the beginning of the end
>live 30 minutes from LA.
>There are no spics or niggers here.
> paid 100k for this house in 2009
> still get to enjoy the weather
Feels good man. We can save California
Where do you live user? When I visited OC it was refreshing to see a gas station where all the attendees were white
I'm black and voted for trump so it doesn't necessarily have to just be whites.
>Be fresno resident
>spics everywhere
>just want to walk a block downtown where i don't hear spanish or see a nigger get lynched with a tortilla-fiber rope
>most good jobs are further south
>water is gone here
I just want a flood damn it, it'll wipe everything here out and let central cal become purely agriculture again.
Especially stockton
OC and river side nice places
We need voter ID laws and
No free shit to illegals (healthcare, housing, welfare)
Everything else will work itself out.
The democrats here are blowing it here big time with the over taxing and immigrant pandering. A lot of people here are starting to wake up to their insanity. It won't happen fast, but the tide will turn.