He ded?

He ded?

Other urls found in this thread:



Probably arrested for kidnapping a girl

Why do people hate him again? Is it because he doxxed that person?

I hope so, his virtue signaling was jusr as bad as the worst of the SJWs.

figuratively yes. Sacrificed his status for a cringe group that is now either alt right or gone.

He is a left-wing faggot that praises muh (((democracy))) and denies race differences

Braving thinks he will be back. But I did point out he deleted his discords.

Had to think 1 archive could do so much damage. Thank braving ruin for singing their praises

Hard* ah whatever

And then there's the whole scenario of some English girl was a fanboy so he invited her over to Germany and ended up being a massive cunt to her.
I believe at one point and she said she wanted to go back home early, so he threatened to kick her out of the car in rural Germany, had no clue where she was and didn't speak German.

He's a smug pseudo intellectual cunt who doesn't know how the world works

>b-but he had experts

In tne second video, his expert (in neurology, not behavioral/population genetics) made the same argument Vernaculis once made.

"You need to prove the genes which cause them to be black lower their IQ" or some such nonsense

It is weird how there is a thread about him every time I visit Sup Forums

>being British, not speaking German

Things that could have taken care of 80 years ago

Sweet Jesus. I saw someone mentioning this weeks ago and thought they were just being figurative....but it's real. The absolute state of German "academia"

He's dead.
The reason why he's dead:

Alternative Hypothesis' videos give a good summary why he was wrong, but JFs are more thorough and, most importantly, not from an ebil altrighter

Which is why you and skeptics like sargon, mouthy, etc feel safe praising jfg

Literally who?

Have* skeptics. This just isn't my day

>Braving thinks he will be back.
got a link/timestamp for this?

Wasn't this the dude who had an amazing prussian military history but then went full democrat and started going on about how Fascist Italy and National Socialist Germany hated Wwi soldiers or something?

Yea, I'm actually not sure what JF's position is. I think he's basically a lolbertarian, who's sympathetic to HBD and many aspects of trad life. Not all lolbertarians are all bad, though. The most prominent of them are literally on our side, agreeing that the Alt-Right is correct in diagnosing the disease and the things we must oppose.


There is nothing really to it, just a prediction on his part. The last few tweets Kraut made, because he hasnt tweeted in like a month, say as much

doktorant.m, is subbed to my youtube acc, i once wanted to debate him but he didn't reply, what a shame

JF is great. Holiday runs from him,won't go in his show, sad.

Fucking hilarious. I wonder why they leave out overall population? Is it maybe because there is 186 million people in Nigeria while there is 82 million in Germany?

Maybe he will pull a Jeff and cycle through 3 excuses while clearly giving a shit about the whole issue

It is doubly funny because there is a did-ya-know meme from Sup Forums which makes the same point sarcastically

Hope someone here has it and posts it

>, who's sympathetic to HBD
He's a PhD biologist so any policy/political positioning that takes this into consideration is naturally going to attract him.

And that JewTube account would be?

He looked reality in the face and tried to disprove it. He even did two videos on it and made himself look like a fool. He has probably realized by now that he's been wrong his whole life, his people are dying and he's been supporting it all. He is probably very depressed and scared. He now wishes that he never looked at reality. You all know the feeling guys. We have all been where he is just a few years ago.

"race" "differences"

WEW. Excellently stated. Nothing more needs to be said

with that, I am gonna stop hanging out online. Started browsing to that Civil War 2.0 thread anyway. But drama is always enticing.

I highly doubt it. Kraut is too self-centred and full of himself for that. He was the "intellectual leader" of the skeptics(tm) and fucked up, made them look bad. Now he lost that. Big tragedy for someone who never had many friends.

Alright, bigots. After five years of grueling research, I have come to the conclusion that donkeys are a sub-species of horse and it is LICHRALLY impossible for two different species to breed fertile offspring. What say you, Nazi bitch boys?

t. Enlightened Skeptic™ who is to intelligent for ad hominems and attacking people for wrong think

nah, I'd have sympathy if he'd admit he's wrong but is much more accurate to what's occurring in that kike rats head.

He's as bad as the Romanian Fag Vie that sucks Sargon's cock.

I gotta say, I believe Vee is a doctor, he has the same bloated sense of intellectualism as one.

Every video he makes on the Altright or far right is a sad points scoring exercise when you peek behind the curtaim. Void of substance

I guess Sup Forums was anti-racist this entire time. Who would've thunk?

Underrated post

perhaps but at least he BTFO of the autistic alt-right with his 2 videos

It was pretty hillarious how he was smugly stating he 'was going to destroy the alt right/ race realism' etc with three nuke videos and he had to give up after two becuase they got shredded so badly. To be fair a lot of skepticucks would have just deleted all the comments that destroyed their arguments and pushed through the derision and ignored them to keep the shekels flowing. It may be he's actually reconsidering his positions after disapearing for so long after his annihilation.would gain some respect for him if he came back and said he was wrong. We all know once you've broke that taboo barrier there is only one outcome for the intellectually honest. He will be basically alt right/Nazi and it will be priceless to see Sargon and the skepticucks faces if this happens.

maybe his female hostage killed him in his sleep

Hoooooly shit. Can totally imagine him pulling a dick move like that.

t. didn't actually read anything in this thread

azyx i made one video about suzy grime

yeah the last few years has shown how soft most of these "old school liberals" and sceptics are

Is this real? The mean is there in front of god and everyone

Only dumb southern alt-right rednecks hate him. He btfo'd everyone with facts.

Who is he?

Yeah, it's taken straight from his twitter. It's probably still on it unless he took it down due to shit he was getting for it. I took that screenshot myself.

>hurr durr read my btfo tweet
>ignore the 14pt iq gap i forgot to edit out plz
What a fuckup

He's a self-hating German who promotes multiculturalism and believes the Holohoax happened.

His new gf had a twitter.

I dont remember it, but people never bring her up.

If people want to snoop for info, to be clear.

Quick summary:
>Be Kraut and Tea, German YT’er, part of the Skeptic™ Community
>See other YT’er RageAfterStorm defending race realism
>Go full SJW, contact her employer
>Massive backlash
>Double down, say that you’re going to study race realism
>Spend several months doing research, talk to experts
>Brag that the Alt Right doesn’t understand anything and that you’re going to destroy them
>Release two video’s (one on r/K-selection theory, other race realism)
>Immediately get BTFO’ed byJean-Francois Gariepy (actual biologist), the Alternative Hypothesis and Millennial Woes
>Everyone starts mocking you
>Double down even more, say that you don’t care if these videos will destroy your YT career
>Last tweet on 10th September, nothing since then


>"He btfo'd everyone with facts."
>Being this deluded
*Breathes in*


Thanks for the rundown. Sounds like a typical german cuck

so basically only 1/6 of Nigeria has an IQ over 99 whereas 1/2 of Germans do.

Do these people even think?

He’s a jew


His alt-right debunk videos pretty much fucked him. Went full autist right there.

His avatar is 1 of the many jew cousins of Karl Marx who was also kicked out of Germany for being a typical anti-German kike. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Heine

Donkeys and horses are the same species yo and subspecies can't interbreed, I studied this shit for 1 month, here look at this expert on genetics that's makes almost the exact same videos as I do in German.