Black borrowers who began school during the 2003-2004 academic year owed 113% of what they originally borrowed 12 years later, CAP found. That’s compared to 65% for white borrowers and 83% for Hispanic or Latino borrowers.
Black borrowers who began school during the 2003-2004 academic year owed 113% of what they originally borrowed 12 years later, CAP found. That’s compared to 65% for white borrowers and 83% for Hispanic or Latino borrowers.
>people this stupid exist
They are never going to get better as long as we keep making excuses.
It’s almost as if black people are more financially irresponsible than others...
>what is interest
That means they aren't even trying to pay back their loans.
Once again, blacks are their own worst enemies. Why do white liberals get suckered in on shit like this?
doesnt this just mean they didnt make payments on their debt and let it rack up interest?
i guess they all thought bernie was gonna win and erase their debts or something
Right? Dumbfucks.
Im white and owe more than I borrowed too.
how could they owe more than they borrowed? thats not equal.
>I didn't pay back my loan and now the interest has gone up
Self inflicted wound.
wow wtf that is RACIST we need to bring the man down
the jews really got a lot of goy with this non dischargeable debt slavery. lol
>use affirmative action to get blacks into colleges
>they end up becoming debt slaves
blacks are the jews dream come true.
these stupid fucks just never pay their loans.
What are those Collage loans in America everyone talks about. Are they that expensive?
Interest is racist. Paying off your loan is racist
ayo hol up
you be sayin
you sayin i owe more
than before??
hol the fuck up
I just started my masters a year ago and already owe several hundred more than I took out. What gives?
Maybe if one of them got a degree in economics instead of feminist holistic dance therapy they'd know that interest is a thing and would know how loans work.
high amounts, high interest rates, given to fresh out of high school retards who got accepted into the nearby jewish university with no requirements.
you must be a nigger
they are scamming you
No one read the article ...
It's about learning lessons of the fertility crisis in the middle east during the period after independance, not importing muslims ...
>College students... the intellectual elite of their generation
> Can't grasp the concept of interest.
Un freakin' real.
You know what's interesting about those numbers?
It implies that black people are the single reason why college debts are so high now.
They literally expect white people to shoulder the burden for their education, and every black that goes through colege might as well be inflating the college debt bubble.
niggers really are dumb as shit
>has bachelors
>doesnt know what interest rates are
god damn university degrees dont mean shit anymore.
Here only people that werent good enough to get to public collages go to private collages and pay money.
Surprise surprise, Blacks not living up to their responsibilities
i know everybody hates Establishment, but they are doing very good job reducing black population.
I assume they defaulted on the loans immediately upon entering repayment period.
You racist assholes just don't realize, nobody told them they had to repay their loans!
>thanks to AA unqualified blacks get into education that's too advanced for them
>they drop out sooner or later
>still have a huge loan they will never be able to pay back, because they never finished their education
>slaves for life
>and they kept a white or asian person out from that education
(((They))) are as smart as they are sociopathic.
>Not making payments on your debt results in accumulating interest
well when your interest adds more than what you're paying off then it adds up. you should probably get a refund from that college though because i think you might be an idiot.
I think the article is saying that they are unable to pay it off.
If you are making the minimum payments, your loan balance should go down overtime
not if there's interest dumduim
Could be lower wages.
>Black student loan borrowers owe MORE than originally borrowed
Holy shit niggers suffer from interest too? Amazing. Incredible.
>be my white cuck parents
>adopt a nigger because it was trendy
>she gets accepted to a private college
>goes off to college for a liberal arts degree
>graduates next year
>will be $140,000 in debt
>before interest
>be me
>have no pity from the university jews because i'm white
>turn to the free market
>get scholarships, federal loans, and private loans
>go to a public university for business
>graduate next year
>will be $30,000 in debt
you have a nigger sister?
These dumb niggers don't understand interest.
Yes, in 2003 they expected Bernie to win the 2016 presidential election.
ask your parents if they regret adopting a monkey
Why? That's how an ethnostate works, if you don't like it, get out.
they are divorced now
>If you are making the minimum payments, your loan balance should go down overtime
thats not true.
minimum payments are designed to keep you in debt forever.
Something that rural and suburban retards vote against :^)))))
How many of these Blacks passed high school math? Do they understand how interest works or are they simply irresponsible borrowers?
That’s not how it works, nigger lover. Federal loans for school are federally backed so you owe no interest until 6 months after you stop going full time.
Don’t get all your news from fake and gay sources.
Even with interest, minimum payment will allow you to pay it off over a well known amount of time
read the article you stupid libtard
inb4 student loans are racist, forgiving them is social justice part payment of reparations
>Institutions with particularly awful results for racial and ethnic subgroups—such as default rates of more than 75 percent—should be further reviewed to ensure that they are not engaging in intentional discrimination. This could include recruiting people who they know will struggle to repay just so the institution can pocket students’ federal financial aid dollars or disproportionately directing financial aid to white students.
oh wow
Must be racism!
the minimum payment is the amount you have to pay to stop the kikes from taking you to court
your statement also includes the realistic amount you have to pay to actually pay it off in time
But race isn't what affects student debt. It's choices. Why don't you fuck off and die with your race baiting kikery you degenerate?
Author of article
>Such reviews must go beyond the outcomes that loan borrowers experience. States and institutions also need to consider if policies may be driving African American students to borrow, either intentionally or unintentionally. These could include well-meaning admissions practices that divert African American students to schools with fewer resources, resulting in students getting less grant aid and paying more out of pocket or lacking the support they need to graduate. Such policies could also include financial aid requirements, such as minimum GPAs, that could disproportionately result in African American students losing their aid, forcing them to borrow more to make up for the loss. Reviews should also look at placement practices for remedial education to see if they lead more students of color to accumulate debt for courses that do not carry college credit.
I realize it's so of course they're progressive libshits, but this is just embarrassing.
This aint no joke. We out here hustlin tryna make a living flipping singles n shit n da pigs always up in our binniz trynna tell us we cant sell cigarettes on the skreets. Nigga I sell what ever the fuck I want dis my fucking corner nigga get the fuck away from me is what I told that nigga and now im locked up becuz of his racist ass. Fuck these niggas I told my cusin deMarcus to kill this pig and I know he a ride or die nigga I know he finna catch a body for me cuz he a real nigga. How Im suppos to pay some fucking det these fake jews put on me like Im some fucking slave nigga Im a black man. We da real israelites. One day you will pay for all this shit we gon run the world again and be kingz. Fuck outahere nigga.
Nigs usually have terrible credit, so the interest is often times exponential.
was it because of having 2 animals in the house?
interest is always exponential.
the takeaways for people that don't want to read it
niggers aren't making any payments once they get out of school - they probably """forget""" the loans exist. reminder that there are multiple repayment options to avoid defaulting
>a large share of African Americans default — roughly half of black borrowers who borrowed money for their undergraduate degrees defaulted on a student loan,
niggers take the bait and enroll in private schools instead of going to successful public universities for STEM roles
>“If you look at the most affluent public colleges they are much more occupied by white students than African-American and Latino students,” Miller said. “We basically spend less money educating those folks.”
That's how interest works.
Few. The article mentions “preparatory courses” schools require but offer no credits toward a degree. These are remedial classes like basic math and english all the nigs have to take because they fail the placement tests.
For subsidized loans. Schools offer you the opportunity to accept an unsubsidized loans, which begin accruing interest immediately. Let's say you accept $2,500 in subsidized loans in a semester, you can accept an equal amount in unsubsidized loans.
>But the higher education system may disadvantage black students and borrowers in other ways too, Miller noted. Policymakers and higher education leaders rarely consider how things like federal policies that lead to students losing government aid, may disproportionately affect black student loan borrowers. Requirements by many schools that certain students participate in preparatory courses — that cost money but often don’t count for credit — may also put black student loan borrowers at a disadvantage when paying down their debt.
Preparatory courses would include things like remedial math, which is a high school-level math done in college to get you up to speed for college level math, chemistry, and physics.
You need preparatory math if you did really poorly on the SAT/ACT, or if you've been out of school for a long time and forgot most of it.
If this "disproportionately" affects black students, the reason isn't purposeful nor systemic discrimination.
>fucking intrest
>breaths in
>niggers are bad with money, the investigation continues
the article states they look at them 12 years after they finish school so this doesnt even matter even if they were borrowing more.
Shocking stuff. Note article has no data regarding income earned by these debtors - would not be surprised if many make enough money to pay loans just don’t do it.
If only she didn't blow the borrowed money on jewelry, RayBan's and makeup.
Jeez, Louise.
If you don't pay on the principal, the interest racks up.
Same thing with other loans:
>credit card
The buy today, pay later is expensive.
Don't play if you can't pay.
Pretty shitty way to get a bullshit degree in black studies.
>Lax home loans for them
Housing market collapses.
>Lax student loans for them
Student loan bubble about to collapse
>paying them back at a rate lower than the interest rate
>14 years later
wew niggers are such victims
>if there's interest
these are federal student loans at 3-3.7% int, not loans from Cash 4 Gold, shit for brains
Also this problem is because the idea was to lower standards and give away money to get blacks into higher education and give them the tools to work and compete in today's job markets. But then they major in African Studies, Womyn's Studies, etc. Worthless bullshit.
>loan has interest greater than 0% and you dont pay anything
>principal increases exponentially
wow who would have seen this coming?
>mentioned black, white and hispanic numbers
>dont even mention asian rates
>be me
>have no pity from university jews because that concept doesn't exist here if you have good grades before going to college
>pay circa 6000€ total for six years of study
>walk out with a masters in STEM
>find work in the area before even finishing college, pay is above average in my country
>ZERO debt
>laugh ate fat americans shitcanning their future
you have to be 18+ to post on 4chinz user
Yeah but even with all of that, you live in Portugal and have to try to convince other people on an anonymous image board that their lives are worse than yours so you can feel like you've won something. Sad!
Honestly this might be an issue. Maybe blacks think all college loans are like grants where you don't have to pay them back?
So white and Mex borrowers should stop paying their bills too?
It was just a way of saying your whole system of college is fucked up.
In my defense, I pay as little attention to niggers and spics as possible, but I honestly just assumed both of these parasitic races got their college paid for free.
explains why academia sucks so much black dick nowadays
>universities get all that tasty loan money
>loan collectors get a lifetime of interest from debtslaves
what a bunch of shekel-pinchers
Why aren't they working on paying off those loans? It's not free money.
>paying for grad school
>not having a fully funded project
>not getting a monthly stipend from the school
You picked the wrong degree, annon.
They'll actually pay you to go to school if they field is in demand at research institutions.
Asians pay in cash, and don't get a loan in the first place. This is also how they buy houses.
>loan collectors get a lifetime of interest from debtslaves
That's the thing. These articles say over half of blacks have defaulted on their loans.
almost everyone does this isn't news, except to show how utterly fucked up the government made the student loan situation in our nation. realistically like 85% of loans are never going to get paid off
Niggers have already ruined public schools, now they're ruining state colleges.
>be me
>not a moron
>get job in manufacturing
>get to 50k when turn 24
>goto college
>pay out of pocket for tuition
>masters degree at 30 in CS
>no student debt
>250$ a month mortgage for small 1 room condo
>2016 car paid off
>freshman woman while im on year 5
>paid her loan (1year worth) when she dropped out of engineering degree
>make many babies