To drive a car you need a license
To own a gun you need a ?????
To drive a car you need a license
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Owning a gun is a right. Owning a car is a ???
...go through a hell of a lot more than getting a drivers license.
To own a car you need a ?????
Also a license, you dumb cunt
Absolutely nothing according to the law of the land — the Constitution.
Don’t like it? Get it amended. You can’t just violate freedoms you disagree with.
have some sage with your bait
No it's not. A right is something that you naturally have that other people can potentially take away from you, like your life, or your liberty. You don't get born with a gun in your hand.
To own a car you do not need a license.
To own a gun you do not need a license.
To drive a car you need a license.
To carry a gun you need a license (permit). In most states.
Anyway, weak bait. Try to be more combative or something next time. Kys, whatever.
Maybe YOU didn't.
As if not having a licence stops me from driving
frankly, given how vital automotive transportation is to the autonomy of an individual, owning a car should probably be a right too. But we didn't write that one into the the constitution
it's not like they actually test you for a driver's license or something so you have no real point. The 20 minute test of driving around the block and parallel parking is fucking nothing.
Couple hundred bucks and US citizenship.
Great picture OP. It's almost as if gun laws aren't the answer.
Almost as if.
The solution is not more gun control.
>Bataclan shooting happens
>they don't ban Islam
>gun laws didn't stop Mudslimes from getting guns
These comics are for brainlets.
Criminals don't care about laws.
like walk up to a booth with money? drivers licenses require a little more than that.
You need a clean background check
>Talk of reform
Why does it always take a white man killing somebody for them to talk about gun laws?
no, you don't.
You do have the inborn right to weapons though.
long background check that could take up to a month or much longer and you have to fill out a huge sheet that gets sent to the cia
this. owning a car requires no liscense, driving does, but so does shooting
>You don't get born with a gun in your hand
You can't speak at birth, free speech therefore isn't a thing either?
>Don’t like it? Get it amended. You can’t just violate freedoms you disagree with.
Take the potato out of your mouth when you speak silly dane
>actually being this fucking stupid.
>To drive a car you need a license
>To own a gun you need a ?????
Second Amendment. Which Amendment grants you the Constitutional right to drive a car? Oh right, owning a firearm is a right, driving a car is a privilege.
This is why we won't give up our arms you stupid fuck. Cold. Dead. Hands.
in my state you need valid State issued identification to buy a gun.
Requiring someone to have a drivers license to purchase a gun violates there civil rights. YOu are not required to drive to be a US citizen or be afforded the right given to them......when they wrote the 2nd amendment people "drove" horses ;)
>Sup Forums insists we need strict voting laws, and need to take away the right to vote from felons
>Sup Forums insists we need strict immigration laws
>Sup Forums insists there is no reason to have gun laws, since people will just break them
A license certifies you know how to drive a car. Firearms are not as complicated as automobiles.
>owning a car should probably be a right too
you shut your whore mouth right this instant. You'll have King Obama pontificated how the government should give welfare recipients a car next.
Do you think free healthcare is a human right too? Of course not, you have the right to try and obtain both things, but not the right to just have them.
Most people don't want to sell their guns to people without cc permits retard
>No it's not. A right is something that you naturally have that other people can potentially take away from you, like your life, or your liberty. You don't get born with a gun in your hand.
In this country, our Rights are those that the founders believe we have, and have had, before this country was formed and shall not be taken from us, nor infringed upon, without Constitutional due process of amending the Constitution.
Learn US Civics before chiming in.
You dont get born with a house and a car in your possession either, yet we dont generally assume others can come and take these things from you if you get them, because of personal property rights.
You need a valid ID and US citizenship. In my state you have a to have a background check to get a handgun unless you have a concealed carry license.
to be fair americans cant stop shooting themselves and their families by accident and there probably should at least be gun saftey classes in school
Fuck you
No one's arguing to GIVE out guns for free you idiot
Though it would be much better than free healthcare, for sure
Imagine barging in there with your SA buddies to bash in some skulls. Soon again.
Thats funny coming from your failed non-country.
>You don't get born with a gun in your hand.
Spotted the non-american
You still need a fucking drivers license (or state ID which is way more difficult to get) and a background check to buy a gun. Either bait or actually retarded
>you have the right to try and obtain both things, but not the right to just have them
Exactly, so what exactly is the problem? Nobody is handing out freely issued guns you retard.
For real though, I agree that we should have gun classes in school. We used to decades ago. Its strange how a country where firearm ownership is enshrined in the bill of rights, can be so deathly afraid of firearms.
Wow, makes you think
Why is it that I get the feeling giving a class full of teenagers devices to instantly end human life isn't a good idea?
Tell you what, I'll support same day voter registration, doing away with disenfranchisement, and rolling US immigration policy back to Obama Administration norms if you support a law repealing the NFA and GCA restrictions and preempting states from enacting the same or similar restrictions. Deal?
you arent born a doctor, so free healthcare isnt a right
you arent born with a paycheck, so universal minimum wage is not a right
you arent born able to speak, so free speech isnt a right
you arent born with the ability to think, so free thought isnt a right
you arent born with the ability to feed yourself, so food isnt a right.
There is no reason to have gun laws, not because people will continue to break them, but because law abiding people will be left defenseless living among those who break them.
You cannot defend yourself with the right to vote or immigration papers.
licences wont stop the death. Should be classes though and a test.
What next though register your guns every fuckin year for 357 dollars like my truck?
I really hope I live to see the day where people have had enough of this shit and just mass execute the leftists.
>free heathcare
>forgetting guns are not free
If the government handed out "free" guns I would not want one for the same reasons I don't want "free" healthcare from them.
I'm sure US intelligence and/or federal law enforcement agencies oiled the wheels to get guns in the hands of those terrorists.
I can't drive a gun, you fucking nigger.
Yanks disgust me. even more than Brits do. Disgusting nation of culture-less mongrels
Only in murica. In civilzed nations you need license for both.
>there are no amendments or rights for operating a car
>there are no amendments or rights to free health care
>there are no amendments or rights to free college.
>there are no amendments or rights to free food or housing
Lefties don't understand that the pursuit of happiness is up to YOU, not your government.
There used to be. Not only that, fire arms were a normal thing in every home. It wasn't until the last 40 years that people developed this weird veneration for guns and violence, which led to polarization of opinions on the second amendment. It used to be just a tool.
What is a tank? Sure I know owning a functional tank is illegal but it’s literally a driving gun.
where the fuck did they get that statue from
Nothing else, it's supposed to be protected by the Constitution.
A FOID card. I had to fill out 5-10 minutes of all of my information including SSN and a recent shoulder up photograph of myself. They're going to background check this and if they find any reason to not give me one they won't.
And even then I can't open carry it nor conceal carry it without further info/training. Nor can I even own a gun until the FOID card is here and processed, and then I'm pretty sure I cannot buy it right away I need to wait a week or so, buy one, wait a week or so while the gun shop processes another background check.
>ive never bought a gun before or i live in commiefornia
bitch, i go on to arms list, look for private sales in my area, drive over there, hand the dude the money, come home with gun
wtf are you on about "forms sent to cia"?
do you mean form 4's or form 1's for NFA shit? because "solvent traps" arent prohibited, neither are braced ar-pistols, or pieces of string
you are one dumb motherfucker
And we saw the right steadily erode during the first six seven or eight decades of the 20th century. The NRA almost gave up fucking handguns in '34.
To own a gun you need to be any other race than black. Problem solved
>then why ban guns
because they don't 'effectively defend ourselves'.
I got your culture right here, Bitch.
>pregnant black woman
In other words a single mother.
Go try to buy a gun yourself to see how careful they are. Asking online won't give you a reap answer.
You should be required to pass a test and get a license in order to vote.
You forgot when it tumbled down about an hour lately and broke into pieces.
Anything that puts more guns into the hands of minorities helps.
I can't wait to start selling guns to felons.
Illinois? The FOID is a pain in the ass and you'll be close to $500 and four months in for your CCL. 24 hour waiting period of long arms, 72 for handguns. No assault weapon bans. Don't worry about the Cook or Chicago bans, they're terrified of a qualified petitioner. At least we don't have that gun-a-month bullshit.
Driving is not a right.
Not to mention all the bullshit laws already involved in getting a gun. FOIDs, background checks, mountains of paperwork... get fucking educated about the current process asshole, then come talk about gun laws.
You need a ???? to operate a kitchen knife.
To have a child you need a...
Nothing. Don't worry about it. The Middle Class will pay all your medical bills, and welfare salary and if you have More Kids, you will get More Money. Don't worry about schools, that is paid for as well. Along with day care, and breakfast,lunch and dinner for your children.
Don't dismay. Those kids will be A-OK when they are arrested for violent crimes for the 10th time and tossed in jail where the Middle Class will once again take care of them.
Right on Middle Class. Keep on worrying about guns Lefty Liberal. That's some real shit there. Only .0000001% of society is killed by them and half of that is suicide. Yeahhhhhhhh.
Who would make the test?
I would be damned if I had to pass some test written by some Cultural Marxist from Berkeley just to vote.
Long term you just end up with Chicago and offering the other side a constant parade of emotional stories and context free statistics.
It wouldn't be that hard to lie and bullshit answers if the test was written was written by some Marxist.
Made it from papier mache ahead of the statue's removal. Then it fell over within 24 hours because of course and apparently the nazis did it but their own pictures showed the defaced swastika on the base was there when they put it up. No photo or video evidence despite it being in the middle of the day with a bunch of art students hanging around it.
So in the end, where did it come from? I think you (((know))).
>in the bill of RIGHTS
Yup, finally decided to do it. I do expect I will put out a few hundred in processing for the CCL cause why shouldn't I carry my gun around if I have one. I'm not even mad about all the regulation relative to the fucking people who say it's easier than certain things like OP. Plus I bet they'll take their precious time background checking and it'll be nearer the maximum time to check cause our state is run by retards.
Cars aren't in the 2nd amemdment.
You don't need background check-- or anything at all-- if you buy it in the right place.
do yourself a favor and make some correlations from these 3 lists
To own a car you need nothing.
To drive a car you need nothing.
To drive your car on public roads you need a liscence.
To own a gun you need nothing.
To shoot a gun you need nothing.
To carry a gun on public property, you need whatever carry permits your state demands
I'll take "right to self defense" for a thousand, Alex!
Of course they do. There is no greater equalizer. Any frail or weak individual can effectively defend themselves against a threat with a firearm.
There are over 300 million guns in the US. 33000 people die each year from guns in the US. (I even included suicides here, fuck you). That means a tenth of a tenth (0.001ish) of guns in the US are involved in the death of someone. Of those 33000 yearly gun deaths less than 400 involve rifles.
>you don't get born with a gun in your hand
it's the right to bear arms, meaning you have the choice to own a gun, not that every citizen MUST be armed. It's just a freedom of choice, you faggot.
Last I heard FOIDs are turning around pretty fast, but CCLs are as close to the statutory time as they can get without provoking a lawsuit. Get the prints if you're in a hurry.
Also, as someone who was in the first batch that went out, a word of warning: just because printing is legal doesn't mean you should be anything other than anal about concealment. I had a MWAG call while I was power washing my deck over the summer. The last fucking thing you want is the cops showing up, weapons out, when you can't hear them because of the diesel engine and the ear pro.