is this german magazine right?
Will baby-hitler be murdered?
Other urls found in this thread:
no merkel should me quartered on livestream desu
i am SO grateful this man is risking his name and life to combat anti-Semitism. we need him in america. so tired of this racyst natzees!
me too m8, can't let jew-haters like merkel win
Who is going to be in the coalition?
yes german fags will invade again with natsoc faggotry instead of based civic nationalism
Couldn't Kurz sue them for that? "Baby-Hitler"?
>vows zero tolerance on anti-semitism
>giant ears
made me oy vey
It's a satire magazin. Some covers a pretty funny
He said that immigrants are smarter than Austrians and that they should come.
He also approved of Islamic practices like Halal meat.
Yeah, it's 100% controlled opposition, like FPÖ, but of the cuckservative kind.
baby hitler and literally hitler
literally Hitler is a nationalist zionist where baby hitler is a liberal globalist zionist. Austria is fucked till somebody goes full chemical warfare on the parliament
Your "literally Hitler" is a neo-liberal Zionist. Try again
This. Stop believing in political solutions.
based Gandalf
seems like these zionist folks are pretty based
is zionism ourideology?
Noone is allowed to talk about Kurz until something happens
There seems to be exactly the same posts in these threads about him
Get me some proof hes controlled opp
and liking Israel isnt the proof
its communist links
Any of you retards wanna give me an answer?
Highly curious to see what you guys have
Didn't Austria have an election not too long ago where /ourguy/ was jewed out of winning and they just called the election off?
Did a pro Israeli """right""" politician need to replace him like this guy?
i wanna know this too
people are being vague
He's another kosher nationalist Israel dick sucker.
What happened to the Austrian election?
Did they decide to re-do it again?
Titanic is a well known satirical german BANTZ-magazine. can you handle them?
Noone seems to know
ive seen like 50 takes on this shit
A quick Google search reminded me of the guys name, Norbert Hofer. There may have been election fraud with some write in ballots (for the kike puppet) that led to him losing a close race. Just like Hillary, there goy needs fraud to win because only retards vote for them.
They haven't had a president for some time because the election didn't result in what they wanted it to.
Here you go
>ECFR member (soros)
>Islam belongs to Austria
>Shitskins are more qualified than Austrians and stating Merkel is a great politician
thanks guys im reading now
i was just hostile because sometimes hard to get an answer here
there was no /ourguy/ unless you have a boner for nationalist zionists
So is it really common to call for someones death in austria, or is this something they have imported from american leftist now recently?
Shit like this would probably get the security services knocking on your door here
Yeah to be honest I don't know the whole truth or even if that guy was /ourguy/ I just know the election was called off and he almost won.
the last one was a presidential election
this was the parliamentary election
its in German, but jewgle translate should do the trick. If you are interested you can also look through the parliamentary database and see for what policies he voted and which he blocked
So if you were to compare the elections to the US political system (The only foreign system i really know about) would it be more like voting for congress rather than for presidency?
no, because the prime minister actually controls government, like in the US
the last one was like electing their queen, who in practice has few powers and doesnt control the government
how exactly would you describe a nationalist zionist?
also are you austrian?
thats pretty disturbing
what the fuck is soros doing with this?
it seemed to get overlooked here for whatever reason
its a confusing one
yeah jewgle translate
fucking tiresome though
>nationalist zionist
Somebody who praises ol' Bibi from the promised land.
>Are you Austrian
No, just living here.
>What the fuck is Soros doing with this?
The ECFR? Lobbying for globalisation and tax money for his anti nationalist agenda on the supranational and national level.
>What the fuck is Soros doing with this?
nah i meant more with the playing him of as an evil nazi
>Somebody who praises ol' Bibi from the promised land.
So you mean an Israeli basically?
>No, just living here.
are you the same guy from yesterday?
i was speaking with an austrian yesterday
>life to combat anti-Semitism
I thought austrians were really antisemite back in the day, what happened?
The Media Jews don't seem to have an interest in spreading the info. Guess they think they can stop the centre shifting to the right when declaring a globalist shabbes goy as the next Hitler
>be 1000yo nordic druid who spent the majority of his life hibernating in a tree to gain more magic powers
>accidentally wake up in post-Hitler Germany
>wtf is happening.exe
>where are the horses? bah this metal two wheeled contraption will do
an interesting point on that
i use pale moon
i open your link on there and it shows the full page
i open it on chrome for translate and it doesnt
pic related
Czech republic's just voted for a anti EU party too.
Referendums incoming?
>nah i meant more with the playing him of as an evil nazi
same play as with Macaroni man in France, Babic in the Czech Republic and to some degree Trump in the US
>So you mean an Israeli basically?
Yes. Strache is falling for the Israel is an ethno state meme. Not sure if he is aware or not.
>i was speaking with an austrian yesterday
Might be. Not the only Austrian on here that sees that Kurz is a fraud
wtf? that's strange. have a quick translation on his career
>State secretary in the interior ministry (21.04.2011 - 16.12.2013)
>Minister for European and international affairs
(16.12.2013 - 28.02.2014)
>Minister for Europe, Integration and external affairs
(01.03.2014 -...)
>wtf? that's strange.
yeah its odd
>have a quick translation on his career
thanks for that
could you possibly give me some translation on some of the things he voted for
>same play as with Macaroni man
not sure macron was memed as far right
>Yes. Strache is falling for the Israel is an ethno state meme. Not sure if he is aware or not.
yeah i dunno where people get this
how is it an ethnostate? there is all religions there as well as a decent variation of races
>Might be. Not the only Austrian on here that sees that Kurz is a fraud
was just curious
was a good conversation yesterday too
show flag
>ould you possibly give me some translation on some of the things he voted for
Sorry, sometimes I forget that Austria isn't as transparent as my homeland when it comes to who voted for what, but following links and summaries to some of his statements regarding parliamentarian requests by MPs
>Stating that giving cultural goods in state hands to "private" organizations is based
>Defend the tax money financing of NGOs under Soros to "help" poor Africans
>Defending the funding of Integration (((organizations)))
The whole list btw:
>not sure macron was memed as far right
Don't you remember the based Macron memes and the shills trying to push that Macron is pro nigger sterilization.
This one is also great
MP asks about weapon import ban for sport shooters. Kurz defends EU weapon bans
Lol imagine if there was a magazine in 2007 that had that image but with obama everyone would have went apeshit
>Don't you remember the based Macron memes and the shills trying to push that Macron is pro nigger sterilization.
my almonds are activating now
they did try didnt they
was a pathetic attempt but yeah i remember
trying to say he was gonna be based and try become king
>Stating that giving cultural goods in state hands to "private" organizations is based
>Defend the tax money financing of NGOs under Soros to "help" poor Africans
>Defending the funding of Integration (((organizations)))
fuck these guys
our government is starting to fill with these cunts
pretty sure our prime minister has ties with media matters which probably involves soros money
i need to learn some languages
this shit take so long otherwise
how hard is german to learn?
yeah he seems fairly not based
have they even got any evidence to say he is ?
or is it just his spooky fashy haircut
Their only evidence is his rhetoric during the election campaign to appeal to illegal immigration critical voters, like stating that he himself closed the Balkan route and some rambling against very specific NGOs shipping nigger to Italy, but when it comes to real policies he did nothing and the opposite since 2011. His excuse is that he was in a coalition with the socialists and that now everything will change. I'm currently working on a quantitative analysis of 22 newspaper to determine how much the press helped to form this narrative, will be able to say it for sure in 2 months.
>how hard is german to learn?
Fairly easy for an anglo, compared to for a francophone or spics
>breitbart jerusalem
Alright thanks for all the info mate
>will be able to say it for sure in 2 months.
K-Keep me posted
Do you think hes a plant to make Austria more Blacked and Muslim'd?
>Alright thanks for all the info mate
It was a pleasure, the shift of the overtone window can't be stopped till everything left of the KKK is considered communist.
>Do you think he is a plant to make Austria more Blacked and Muslim'd
Yes. Feeding the average Fritzel with rhetorical Xanax while effectively import more "qualified" sub humans till its too late. In this regard one should keep in mind that the Identitarians around Sellner are kind of critical but praise him for the "meta political" shift while Martin should know better with is background.
>the shift of the overtone window can't be stopped till everything left of the KKK is considered communist.
Its amazing how much favor communism has in this age
So many greedy entitled retards
Guess it is a typical occurrence during the late autumn of a civilization. Like an ontological shift from the community being strengthened by strong individuals to a view of the individual being determined by external structures. Can be observed since at least the Babylonians. Hopefully this time the jew will not survive the Caesars of the winter
"Identitarians" are fucking gay. Anything that's not Fascist may as well be communist.
i think its not so much the jew causing it anymore
its the fool
the jew already did the damage of writing the shit down
but it comes from a primitive mindset
tbf the Identitarians in Austria promote /sig/ tier behaviour and ethno culturalism but are still too optimistic when it comes to institutional change, preferring second and third degree changes instead of those of first degree.
Think you're miking a few commies up there Hans
why wont that cuck stand up for his people and declare zero tolerance on jews.
>ywn have your nation saved by an ancient druid who have seen the danger the hebrew and mohammedean are for millenia
Yes of course, without a fool, the Jew is powerless. But I would disagree that it comes from a primitive mindset, as the natural hobbesian state requests more from the individual in the competition among resources. Maybe I'm too much of a Spenglerist when it comes to this but I believe that for a new civilization to arise, there has to be a spring with a decentralized, kind of chaotic time, and it helps if the new arising civilization is formed by strong individuals who have somehow access to the knowledge of earlier civilizations
you make good points
in such a rebirth most idiots would simply die anyway
i dunno know though
>you make good points
Thanks to this godforsaken anonymous west Bengalian tiger fur gathering board. Observing how discursive institutions get born, evolve, degenerate, die and reappear in a different way is like observing over 9K civilizations in the blink of an eye without leaving the basement
Thanks for the conversation south Austria. Start to feel sleepy and boss jew wants me to make him more shekel in 5 hours. Cya Space cowboy
>godforsaken anonymous west Bengalian tiger fur gathering board
yeah its an interesting place
>Thanks for the conversation south Austria
no worries mate
get some rest
everybody is smarter than austrians. have you ever been there?
germany needs to be nuked, im not even memeing.