Syria General /sg/ - Not Gay Edition


>Latest interviews with Assad
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>DeZ Oct22
>Random by Padre Oct 20
>Palmyra-DeZ Highway Oct20
>Raqqa Oct16
>SE Syria oct11
>N Hama Oct10

Developments Oct 22
SAA start advancing from Mayadin to Bukamal, capture 3 towns. SAA capture Khasham on E bank of Euphrates
Local IS tribal fighters from al-Omar fields defect to SDF which announced the seizure of the fields
Unconfirmed(SOHR):IS to hand over E bank of Euphrates to SDF in new deal. Area represents 110+km-villages between Khsham-Hajin(20 km to Bukamal)
SAA breaks IS defence & advance 600m in Saqr Island. Gen Ghassan Iskander Tarraf, named new commander of the Republican Guard in DeZ
>N Aleppo:2 days ago RuAF visited Turkish&Kurdish forces via heli(rumors of new deconfliction zone), now RU flag replaced YPG flag above Kurdish-held Menagh Air Base in Afrin
>RU MOD:Raqqa bombed like Dresden in 1945. Now Washington,Paris&Berlin alocate millions of $ for restoration trying to hide the coalition's barbarism
>HTS launch attack on SAA positions near Rabiyah town(Turkish-Latakia border), killing 7
>SAA withdrew several points near Jordan border as US did low flyby's, fired flares&airstikes on empty land
>SAA captured Quraytayn
>IsraeliAF fired 3 missiles on SAA positions near the town of Al-Kowm, causing material damage at an army outpost in Golan Heights


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Fuck bashar and his minions on /sg/.
You will all lose in the end inshallah.



op you had 20 seconds ....


Youre just gonna discredit /sg/ with these shitty breads.

Top meme

no but seriously, i can testify for really gay softcore dry humping at my school, we did those retarded thot voices out of complete boredom, its like mimicking the object or person or group of people you are insulting or mocking

I don't like firstposting and I think it's funny that they come here. Try and beat it next time, If I'm baking the bread almost always comes out at 300

Mock-fucking between straight males happens at every school around the world I imagine.
But we're no schoolboys now.

Did he do anything wrong?

yeah true i guess. he's just autistic that way i guess,

This. I imagine the red line is having facial hair.

If we weigh up this sum of his deeds?

Not much at all

Turks are born with facial hair


>Implying middle eastern men don't grow their beards at 11
Beards are not a good measure of age.

testosterone overload when it comes to middle east, everyone here and their unborn brother has facial hair.

Well yeah. Turks are gay.

Look at Turkish wrestling.

facial hair aparently seems to start growing at around 8

fucking hell where did you go to school ......

>fucking hell where did you go to school
a french education school

Only true men are manly enough to fuck men.

girls are supposed to stay virgin until marriage. we need to put our dick in something until then.

So are the Kurds ISIS yet?

Didn't he die of natural causes in 2002?
He got blamed for way more than he ever did.

oh, its all clear now, no wonder you guys had homosex there

preety much yeah

Rise up against ZOG:

I was in an American school.
Private schools in Turkey tend to be more liberal. We literally had no one with a head scarf in our school.

no one inserted their dick into any anuses .

nice edition

They have the same backer, sponsors, advisers and had for years.


so what happend to the qatar situation? didnt s*udi a*abia threaten them to """""stop funding terrorism""""" ?

Night man sneakin in
Spiders in my dreams
Oh I think I love you
You make me want to cry you make me want to die
Oh I love you I love you I love you I love you night man

Every night you come into my room and pin me down with your big strong arms

I try to fight you, you pin me down, you cum inside me you fill me up

It's just two men sharing the night
It might seem wrong but it's just right
Just two men sharing each other
Just two men like loving brothers.

One on top and one on bottom
One is in and one is out
One is screaming he's so happy
The other ones screaming a passionate shout

It's the night man
The feeling so wrong and right man
The feeling so wrong and right man
The feeling so wrong and right man

Oh I can't fight you man when you cum inside me and pin me down with your strong hands and I become the night

The passionate passionate night man


Hard as stones rn

why would you go to a private school, only stuck up rich cunts go to private schools, atleast here in bosnia
well, a thing is either gay or not gay, since what you described can in no way be considered not gay, it must be pretty fucking gay than

some say he died in 2006 due to kidney failure


>Mock-fucking between straight males happens at every school around the world I imagine.
uhm no wtf
we had one open gay classmate, but I can't remember any incident of mock fucking between straight guys. Just get a gf for fucks sake

because public schooling is garbage thats why

Middle classes can afford private schools here, but the price range is crazy so you have very high-end schools too.

turkish memes #1

Maybe I got dates confused, but I do remember it being mentioned in "established media".

I dont know anons, private schools seem kinda gay to me

>Just get a gf
we dont fuck our gfs here.

that ifunny thing is part of the meme

as expected i guess

wir wurden Germans an' shieeeet

i thought jews were supposed to be intelligent?

saved! that's quite good!

yup. same here, there are good private schools and bad private schools, but they are all better than public schools, since government sometimes doesnt pay their salaries, so they go on strikes and shit, private schools are also the only ones that can give you a ticket out of the country for a better life outside, since over here corruption is bad enough you need contacts and political affeliations to get a job with good enough pay.

>Greece, Turkey, Armenia, Azerbaijan
Wew lad what a team

>source:Huffington post
I am interested in this topic, need to find a hymen for a diamond. Post some real fucking sources, not H*ffingtonpost.


“To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates”
Genesis, 15:18

>An "above threshold" category for Sweden only

>the absolute state of the kikes

Essentially he was a dead man walking. He had outlived his usefulness as a tool.

>uncucked but still permavirgin


So you are basically like Bosnia, but a bit better off. I dont know user, leaving your country to go work and live abroad seems kinda gay to me

not in my lifetime

Turkey, just come to the Middle East.

when freedom of political thought wont get you beat up then yes i would prefer to live outside , i'd love to change lebanon for the better but who the fuck am i, i'm some fat fuck student that isnt worth 2 shits to anyone, i'm not going to be the changing factor here. its the big players that will.

Why are meds so masterrace, Sup Forums?

how is that weapons manufacturing idea going mate?

It's not gay if you come back.
Most Turks who leave don't though. They end up leaving and living in the US while the US and Turkey both try to find a way to fuck Turkey up.

headscarf kezbans are the ones who are the reason for this statistics. they do oral & handjob in order to not lose their virginity.

pipe dreams are pipe dreams bro


Fucking delet this

It's the Sven jew
I guess you did a pretty good job at destroying Sweden, but eh. Who cares ,lol.

kek. But if these people can do it so can you.

I dont know user, i could never go to live somewhere else. The thought of spending your life in a foreighn land, just seem so bad to me. I mean, you'll never really fit there. You may live there for decades, but it's not your country, its not your land, not your people, i dont know, i just guess that i could never feel as if i belonged there. I mean, make no mistake, im no rich cunt, but id rather stay poor here than live in wealth somewhere else, it just wouldnt feel like home

I attended a conservative majority private college. May God smite me down this very second if I'm lying.

these people probably have it done illegally, also, i'm not knowledgeable on any of the weapons manufacturing laws in lebanon, shits too strict here.

People don’t have sex in Belarussia and Moldova

>what does no data mean

it means that the population of belarussia belongs to russia

there are good public high-schools here. actually most prestigious high-school is public.

gülenist detected, i am informing authoroties

here isnt there

Why is he so perfect /sg/?

It was a joke you mong

south lebanon

and what a joke that was ho ho ho!

Already said this but I did not know anyone with a scarf throughout highschool. Now I'm fucking disgusted when I see one.
I can't imagine what you've been through user. May your noggin survive.

>most prestigious high-school is public
bro what


pls no ;_; the dean and rectrix sent an sms to all students to attend to the democracy march this year and the previous year

shit right

>most prestigious

Its legal mate. Atleast it used to be before things got really bad. But owning weapons with licences is still allowed.
>shits too strict here
You can own weapons there, yes?

>Daesh defecting to SDF
SDF civil war, or Daesh takeover of SDF?

strict gun laws, but people buy em anyways without licenses, or from dealers. its really like, laws are put in effect but rarely get enforced.

Am I in /sg/ or in /tr/?

what does tr mean?

why not both

>Kinda gay

Mujo I....

Is it that bad down there? I hear Hezbollah is pretty based