Why did the US government risk the life of US soldiers in Niger? what the fack?
Four US soldiers die in Niger
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I read that as nigger attack. Still accurate I guess.
They want to strike Algeria from Niger
Four people died, but does it really matter?
Why the fuck is the US military involved in African wars?
Same reason we lost 19 in Somalia. Fighting terrorists.
They'll say it's to stop terrorism, except it makes no sense if terrorists stay in their own country. Imagine, a travel ban would prevent terrorists from coming to the US.
Frederica Wilson put forward a motion to combat Boko Haram in Niger after ~300 children were kidnapped and used as sex slaves a year back.
It grew into a more general campaign to slow the spread of Muslim extremism.
ISIS affiliates can operate with impunity in Niger because like all African countries it has a completely useless incompetent and corrupt government.
>he thinks Africa has money
I only see 3.6 soldiers.
the "good guys" starting a war with the whole muslim world. this is gonna be good
It does matter, like that could’ve been you
But why they’re involved is a good question, to which “ISIS” is probably the answer.
They went full Niger. Never go full Niger.
Ask Obama, he sent them there.
You racist motherfucker, fuck you
Obama is still the president?
We are 9 months into Trump's presidency, you can't pretend Trump is not to blame.
Trump is also escalating in Afgahnistan, mind you
And you will embarrassingly lost in a painful way
Oil prices are pretty low now compared to 2-3 years ago. Also, Wesley Clark is a turbo-democrat. He'd sell his children to Podesta for another star.
>nigger attack
fuck I've been to Sup Forums for too long
SF do crazy shit all the time and we'll never get the full story. Don't bother. We're fighting some terrorist group and financing another that will inevitably turn on us. We never fucking learn.
>Fighting terrorists.
kek, this delusion
george bush kept the country safe so who does that leave?
we have to bomb niger so we can bomb algeria
>We're fighting some terrorist group and financing another that will inevitably turn on us. We never fucking learn.
Probably this. This team was probably training & arming some local militia that will inevitably join the people that we currently want dead. In an ideal world we'd just put a travel ban on the entire continent and let the Chinamen deal with it.
LOL, dumbasses died protecting oil and mining companies in the worst part of Africa.
No, they're trying to penetrate into Nigerian society and destroy Boko HAram.
It was all the Mad Hatter's idea.
I tested your theory just to make sure. It turns out you were correct, sir.
Niger a base to boom Algeria
Really annoying having you fag shills posting the same threads over and over and over and over.
Same thread picture and format, go fuck yourselves.
oil prices will go back up.
Peace missions maybe , do you missed kids with ak's and canibalistic leaders?
shut the fuck up dikembe
I often browse Reddit and just came to this site. I agree. Trump's policies and intelligence are dim-witted and sickening.
The people on this site are the type of fuckers holding the world back. They're the type of people who got Trump elected into office.
It's sick that sites like these are still propped up by people. IT IS NOT FREE SPEECH TO ILLEGALLY ELECT A MONSTER INTO OFFICE WHO DIDN'T EVEN WIN THE POPULAR VOTE
Im gonna take a guess that theyre being good goys protecting some wealthy kikes assets in africa
because trump is dumb. obama got away with killing tons of people in the middle east because he used drones and no american lives were lost. the american people only cares if american lives are lost. it is very simple. someone needs to teach trump on how to use drones. they work great.
Still Obama's program started a few years back. Trump should have pulled the plug though.
Mogadishu was a Warlord watch, not terrorist pursuit.
And it was more of a policing action and watch/report attempt to apprehend if you can get approval from Bill Clinton when he’s not busy fucking interns.
I feel like a child for laughing at this, but I can't get over the fact that the countries name is Niger.
I think they were there training Nigerian army on how to deal with an Islamic State-aligned guerrilla army running around Niger. But knowing the Deep State, they were there to TRAIN FUCKING ISLAMISTS and/or advance corporate globalist jew businesses.
africa has a bunch of natural resources that aren't being used because niggers
Drones are still murdering people every day, retard. Trump expanded the program.
Why the fuck do we care about Algeria?
Listen, hugbox redditors. Not everyone who disagrees with you is deep into psyops or a shill. Some people just disagree. For instance, me.
Rural white voter here. Voting for Trump was possibly the biggest mistake of my life. Probably the worst president we've had in the last 250 years. We must impeach him now and lock up his most fervent supporters. The travel ban is racist and the white house is literally full of islamophobic texts and art. Hate can only be defeated by destroying it from the top down.
On top of his blatant racism, now he is literally destroying the planet earth and ruining young and promising female entertainers' lives. What about our children? Do the right thing, fellow rural white voters. Call your senator or congressman and set things right.
it was a psycho terrorist shit hole not that long ago
dont be racist user
We all did, user, we all did.
The US government is involved in almost every corner of the earth in some way, it's really not surprising. We also have a volunteer force so don't sign up if you don't want to die in some shithole.
>Crying about "racism"
Unironically kill yourself, you fucking faggot.
Okee Dokee
Go away, like forever. We know your kind
It's just a troll. Probably Russian. Just ignore.
We can't play world empire if we had immigration restrictions. America is able to invade countries and loot their resources because we allow the shitskins living in these places to come here freely. It ceases to be imperialism and becomes globalism when the natives of the countries we destroy are invited to come here.
The Black Caucus is responsible for all military action in Africa. Only reason troops are there.
What do you call the citizens of niger? Nigers?
> 9/11
> W was president.
Pick both
Sure, whatever. I'm sure all of the oil and minerals under their soil have nothing to do with this country's presence in Africa.
>Why did the US government risk the life of US soldiers in Niger? what the fack?
To keep region stable. That area is full of fucking islamists, Boko Haram, ISIS and shieet. US military just isn't in area at full force, just SOF elements doing minor raids, aiding/training local military/police, and guiding in drone or air strikes.
Rural white voter hating trump.
Got it.
>3 soldiers and a local
I heard they might have ignored orders and chased militants, a reason why one was a mile away. That is fuck up on their part.
these guys are ca/psyops not really sf doing secret missions or shit, they do propaganda etc porb died cause they pushed shit to the wrong people happens all the time
lol, nice shit post
>Why the fuck is the US military involved in African wars?
Because maintaining stability of some African nations is in US interests. In both diplomatic and economic interests. If Chad and Niger fall to islamists, next thing to go will be Nigeria. Islamist cancer can only spread further from there and it would affect energy market. If they aren't trading oil in dollars, dollar will become something that isn't the world reserve currency, just another reserve currency. In that case entire US economy would stall. Economic shitstorm would make the Great Depression look like a minor fluke.
Being the world police is something that is price of keeping the dollar as the most important currency in the world.
never take your eye of the niger
Niger's gonna nig
They died in Vegas. BlackWater smoked those fools.
Are they still calling him a Green Beret? Last I heard it was "with three other Green Berets".
Also heard he might have wondered off.
> Four US soldiers die in Nigger
why are we in niger again?
@44:00 to 47:44
>Why did the US government risk the life of US soldiers in Niger?
To train armies that can't afford to train, give equipment to or in some cases, feed their soldiers to fight drug addicts funded by war lords and terror groups.
Putting the work in to help prevent groups from prospering and growing into a force you can't stamp out (like ISIS) will save more lives and reduce the work load in the future compared to if you leave them be and allow the groups to grow, it also protects the established governments and stops groups (like ISIS) from getting a foothold in the region.
The down side is that because it wasn't a war, it must seem really shitty and pointless that the soldiers died, their families probably didn't expect them to be in much danger compared to being in places like Afghanistan.
Niger attack.... fake news is even mispelling shit now.
>Nigger attack
I don't know? How much much research did you do? It could be counter terrorism. But we could also be doing bad things over there.
Protecting US interests in resources and preventing China or others from taking over.
This guy gets it. US would be fucked with the massive debt it has if it didn't act as the World's security force.
Because it is a "terrorist state" that consider a threat to your capital known as israel
how much more bluepilled can you get
Does anyone know how many militants they killed or how they "escaped"?
And the black guy's body was left behind for 48 hours -- doesn't it seem like the militants would have scooped it in that time?
They knew what they signed up for
>with three other Green Berets
That implies he was also a Green Beret
Otherwise it would be:
>with three Green Berets
>This guy gets it.
yeah, it's not like they could just tell the saudia to stop supporting all these terrorist groups
I guess I meant anyone else hearing MSM say that?
It has indeed been reported as anti terrorist operations and it appears that our troops were unprepared for the danger that took their lives. It could be that what was reported is false but seeing as how we have no direct means of investigation it be best to assume that anti terrorism is the most likely.
I heard there were 12 all headed to a meeting on the mali nigeria boarder
at least one of these fucks died in the place they came from.
zog etc amirite? It's all about money
I keep reading Nigger attack desu
Once again, I'm grateful I never served in our Zio military.
finally you make some sense
They were searching for the tomb of Yakub. They were not prepared for what they found.
At least he wasn't a pussy like you. js
blackhawk down needs an update
Because we put them everywhere in exchange for favorable trade deals for us based multinationals who donate to the right candidates and to provide nationally subsidized security for said fucking corporations.
Fuck these asses.
lol and rightwingers are afraid of world government
>Nigger killed by Niggers in Niger