Is pol still a natsoc board or is it lost now to anti natsoc hordes
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You're mistaking hatings blacks with liking national socialism. To call pol a natsoc board is retarded, it's not more nazi than /b used to be.
Pol is a melting pot of friendship you dumbass. It was never a hind mind, you nazis are just loud.
It's definitely sympathetic to it. I feel like a lot of people are more attracted to Italian fascism and radical traditionalism than National Socialism nowadays. Alt-right types are trying to shift away from the nazi flag whilst still retaining the race realist edge too so that factors. Hitler's still my and their nibba ultimately though, don't worry user.
Fuck off you people only drag us down with your lies and bullshit. Hitler killed more white people than anyone
You're here forever. Most of us have moved to the Daily Stormer or Niggerchan though.
Sieg heil
gtfo of my borad, you left wing leaning parasite
You two are LARPing faggots who don't have a gf, social life, or social influence. You're dumb fucks who believe in "Internet National Socialism". You're traitors who care more about ideology than race.
I have a girlfriend, friends and an extended family of whites. I cannot recall how many people I have in my family because it's so large.
Can we have a nazi waifu thread?
I am a Reagan baby looking at National Socialism very closely, not the 1930s German version but the 2020s America version. National healthcare, trade and professional education to help our best succeed. Making a priority of caring for our families and our local community, not corporations. Having a government that is the right size to represent a nation and getting out of the empire business. What part of that is not to like?
Sure you do, and the only thing you do to help whites is to larp as an SS officer online. You're a faggot
You're not one to talk kraut. We at least closed our borders.
>any criticism of my retarded one-sided and blatantly ignorant world view is projection
We still have plenty of National Socialists here and /nsg/ is a thing.
I-It's all satire, r-right?
Sup Forums was never Nazi. The only similarities between us are white nationalism and antisemitism.
Try convincing literally any thread on Sup Forums that social welfare policies, even if restricted to white people, are a good idea.
Why does he look like a chink? I mean it's not niggers but anyway.
i prefer the 3d ones
g-guys communism will work if we have a BASED pro-national pro-white message! Honest!
You're no different than the lefties claiming communism hasn't been done right yet.
>tfw no natsoc gf
Oh so you;re saying you have the money to buy acres of land there and start a community? Yeah fucking right. The NW is nearly 30% Hispanic anyways. If you had a brain you'd pick new England which is 90% white. Stop pretending you're gonna create some innawoods ethnostate. Do community activism instead, get off of 4cuck and stop masturbating to Hitler.
Your gf probably fucks other guys behind your back you larping cunt
A fucking leaf has to say it
The absolute state of this board ATM
Why is a jew dating a tall degen woman?
It would probably get gassed like Pepe threads by the subhuman mods.
Pretty much lost. It's hard to find a good informative thread anymore. Most of it is troll spore.
>says the EU flag poster
Nazi meet reality. now fuck off back to stormfront.
>/nsg/ is still a thing
no its not lmao. your generals die after 10 replies, and that's a good thing. fuck you people
the trick isnt to find them user, they must be made
*after you went 20% non-Swede. But you were always a nation of faggots desu.
>let me attack his ebin flag instead of making an argument
What, is this better?
lol good 1 m8
>making up an ad hominem argument consisting of absolutely no evidence while on a Siamese origami forum is what counts as criticism
have a (You)
Yeah that's not the plan.
The plan is to just move there silently and to get to know each other in communities while we hold off our own jobs and lives with our individual families. We've been doing it for years because we're building up a community of people in four selective states waiting for shit to hit the fan. We're doing it quietly and avoiding stupid street activism that doesn't get anywhere.
>changing your flag so people think its not the same dude
holy fuck you're pathetic
>they must be made
Incest is wrong user.
The times when HWNDU was worth watching and remembering, I sure miss that time and when it was going on.
It's mostly r/the_ptg edgy liberals and aut-right racist liberals.
This, not to mention 90% of Nazis here are literal non whites and beta kids.
I mean, WTF anons, do you really hate yourselves that much?
And I'm not shilling for lefty bullshit, but "muh purity" spoken from a US chicano is such cringy I can barely believe it.
fuck i hated the paper nigger
he acted like a bitch when Sup Forums was there and then mouthed of when he was with his faggots
he also gave me that weird pizzagate vibe
You cant convert educated natsocs, we embody peace or conflict.
Yep, Sieg heil!
The only thing that can cure that color kangz boy is a good curb stomping.
We are the truth and the way.
One Race One State
We are given life by the race, we give life to the race, we live for the race we die as the race.
Both are important desu.
I'm just here for the nazi aesthetics. Socialisn doesn't interest me
The Hispanics are going back to Mexico.
We have always been natsoc you piece of shit. We best out libertarians because of how fucking Jewish they are and shit there idelogy is. There is a reason why natsoc is the strongest on this board. The strongest will always win and we won. However with the influx of christcucks, middle aged females, underage children, and lebbit/goybook users you are just seeing waaay more threads created by them. They dont understand that you search the fucking board before making a post. Also mods arent deleting duplicate threads.
id prefer a more indirect version of execution
maybe gas or something
Real Sup Forumses, the ones that supported Ron Paul, we are all Xanarcho-Natiolists.
>this board isn't NatSoc!
>s-s-stop being Nazis!
>ok then
You fagget lefty anti-nazi/antifa bitches are getting so fucking soft, it pathetic.
Keep making your anti-Nazi antifa threads! kek!
You have gone from Antifa to anti-nazi! What! did funding run out?
You idiots cant stop the NatSoc movement, and the redpills that are dropping like bombs all over the world and infecting all of social media! you wont fucking win! you cant even get out of bed anymore, can you fagget? Love the larping emo threads, where you llarp as a "nazi" with your meme flag, and write how the anti-nazi horde is taking over! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YOU LOSE FAGGETS!
You wont hide the truth any longer, Kikes.
that projection
Got more land to start a community than you do, enjoy your mosques.
Nat soc is a Christian movement and Sup Forums is a Christian board newfag.
>Hitler: Christianity is the basis of the entire morality of Germany
>Hitler: We will defend Christianity
>Hitler: We will never forsake God
>Hitler: God created our Volk
Here's my stammtisch. Table for 1000 please. Don't bother to light the candle.
That's what I used to think. Now I'm okay with the socialism. After meeting people at Alt-Right rallies, I realize that the politics is only an economic issue, not a social one. In an all white ethnostate, I would pay more taxes to care for white elderly, to pay for educating white children, pay to make sure white people are healthy. I trust that my race can support these things and be prosperous. I don't need to be rich but there is not reason that socialism and prosperity is mutually exclusive when practiced by whites in a socially connected nation. Sweden did it, Norway did it, Denmark did it, We can do it if we contain it to our race and have a country that is small enough to remain cohesive. 12-40 million?
If you think 12-40 million white Americans couldn't generate enough productivity to care for future-producers and retired-producers at 3 : 2 you must be non-white.
I'm not sure about pol as a whole but I still am
Natsoc is for faggots, being unironically racist is for faggots
Sup Forums is satire. We were never nazis anyway.
Differences between the races in overall intelligence has been studied and confirmed. I don't go around calling every black person I see on the street a nigger, but I do recognize the fact that they're inferior.
It isn't lost to anti natsoc hordes you idiot. They can make whatever number of shill threads they want, no one will buy into their bullshit for the same reason that no one buys into MSM (because all they do is spread bullshit).
They just make a lot of threads trying to shill people to their side with retarded "muh dick" or "white genocide isn't real" "you deserve white genocide" threads. The vast majority of Sup Forums users simply don't make threads, while the vast majority of leftypol users on Sup Forums make threads.
If you don't acknowledge that there are reasonably significant differences between races then you're just dumb or in denial at this point.
I'm somewhat NatSoc but I lean more towards Strasserism and don't care much for the Hitlerites. The Furherprinzip doesn't sit well with me, reminds me too much of Papism.
pol is a radical centrist board
Seems 100% compatible.
A chink living in a mud hut in the desert will bomb an IQ test
A towelhead living in a mud hut in the desert will fail an IQ test
A spear chucked living in a mud hut in the desert will fail an IQ test
A boris living in a straw hut in the tundra will fail an IQ test
What you're talking about is the Flynn effect, it only reinforces the certainty there are racial differences in IQ, and there's no such thing as "failing" an IQ test.
Well it's certainly never been a christian board. Hail kek.
Your Just a communist then.