Sjw Job lynch mob

Some BLM sjw is trying to get someone fired from their jobs for dressing in blackface. Their plan is to keep leaving 1 star reviews on her employers Facebook business untill they fore her.

Can we raid this and leave 5 star reviews

The business is hibiscus dental


if her employer didn't _cuck yet, that's a good sign. Hope she weathers this.

Mr. Shekelstein was here

it was cute, t b h

Bumping this shit for gp

The individual who is facing termination of contract should sue those leaving the fake reviews for financial loss of future earnings.

The 1* reviews are cancer

We got dudes fighting back.

Tssssssk.... Why would you leave IRL pics of digital footprint of this, when SJW go craycray over some bootyass shit?
>potentially being blacklisted
>needing income to raise and support children
Oh well, it's seems we just gained another one.

obviously it's not exactly thought through but I've done some similar shit and wouldn't want my people lecturing me instead of either stfu or defending.

>not buying your 5 star reviews from chinese bot farms like any other business
whats wrong with (you)?

That doesn't excuse dressing up as Aunt Jemima for halloween. It's the current year.

Just kidding of course. I live in Central Florida and need a teeth cleaning (i have top notch insureance through my employer, of course). Booking my appointment at 9am.

>wearing a costume is racist

>tfw no racist milf wife
kill me


>central Florida
Is it sort right-leaning? At least that particular area?
I guess her (and other past/future victims of far left outrage) were just naïve at the time.

link or bye

Bump for justice

Link fgt

Liberals have made online reviews meaningless.


Yes OP. Yes we can.

Its literally you lazy faggots

I approach everything like other races do now. Us vs them, nothing needs to be explained or apologized for,

Yes. Sort of. It's a mix of rednecks, Space faring yuppies, niggers, and lately, a huge influx of Puerto Ricans.

The Space and Defense fags are the liberals, the rednecks cut their grass and build their houses, and the niggers and Puerto Ricans sell dope.

Url for the boyos

Spam filter won't allow actual link

Start hanging out with white nationalist user. The niggers don’t like you anyway so no point in putting on a show.


Not entirely. When I see a bunch of "progressive" faggots condemning a business for its "racism", I'm much more likely to give them my business for not groveling.

This actually makes me sick. Fucking sjw are cancer. Don't they realize they're the new puritans? Don't they realize they're conducting a witch hunt? Don't they realize they're like the inquisition punishing people for thought crime?

These people are absolutely sickening and are about as open minded and tolerant as your average Taliban.

Made a FaggotBook account just for this
What kind of low-live scum would try to take away someone's living for a act like this

proud of you for not doing what whites used to "she should've known x y z".