Obama, Diversity, and YOU

Beginning in 2013, the Obama administration began collecting all data on race in the US for a database. Data on health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, and neighborhoods was used to document "inequality."
Civil-rights attorneys and urban activist groups can now access this secret database in order to sue and harass over race. This is the Jesse Jackson shakedown on steroids. Cities, corporations, and individuals prefer to settle out of court. Obama's database created a massive income stream that doesn't rely on Democrats being in power. The Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing database will be used to make all zip codes equal. The goal is to "racially balance" every city. Any city that's 50 percent or more white is called "segregated." Therefore affordable housing will be forced on any area deemed segregated. When those dumps are built, property values plummet, which is the goal.
So what's happening, now that Obama is out of office? Well, the Democrats are pushing ahead with the plan to make every zip code "racially balanced."
The GOOD news is that the entire country will oppose this, leading to a massive swing to the Right. More white moderates are forced to learn firsthand what minorities are really like. But if you had any doubt whatsoever that Obama wanted to destroy the US, the evidence is now incontrovertible. Demographically I'm not sure what can be done to reverse this in a legal manner. We all know the hard answer to this.

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Wasn't this also upheld by the Supreme Court? I'm surprised it wasn't discussed more. It really is a black pill.

I would give almost anything to see Barrack Hussein Obama get murdered live on national television. I hope it is a very violent and physically destructive murder

We can hope Ben Carson tries to turn this trend around, but it might be too little too late.

This is the most nefarious plot ever hatched against the US and is already in full swing. I've been to some of the whitest states in the country in the past year, and the changes are astounding. You have no idea what it's like to see a half a dozen hijabs on the schoolbus and muhomo'd the pedo goatfucker name tags in grocery stores in small cities in the Dakotas, negroids in sub-saharan dress in New Hampshire, 1/3rd of a walmart store being Hmong in some small city in the midwest and so on. Obviously recent arrivals except for the Hmongs. You ever wondered why all the migrant rape stories have been from Idaho, New Hampshire and other states so far? Because they are deliberately sending them to the whitest locales in the country. The white-flight destinations are becoming mythos at this point, because they are always more rural, low population states, meaning they can be flipped to democrat very quickly.

Well we could pull every subsidy that allows them to live in nicer areas and force them back into the ghetto.

seek Christ

He needs a public execution. Obama needs to be fucking hung. LIVE


Republicans gerrymander to win votes. Democrats move and import entire populations to win votes. The latter is permanently destructive to the fabric of our nation.

You're a literal retard if you think repubs are the only ones gerrymandering

Democrats gerrymander too.

Republicucks couldn’t pay whitey enough to move to a negroid infested shit hole known as “a city”.

This can be partially opposed with boycotts, but whites are too effete and fickle to not frequent the new kebab or mexican 'restaurant' in town. Then they can't be self-sustaining and will either have to be on welfare or hired by box stores. Turn around and walk right out if you see diversity behind the counter in the gas station, deliberately so.

too late a
the country is majority non-white

>the audacity of that American flag

Its white genocide
How do you make sure every stacey brainwashed by hollywood has access to black man? Right you move them into every second house so that racemixing is basically forced
Fuck obobgo fuck the kikes fuck everything

I live in Westchester County, NY. We were ground zero for this crap, for seven years. We have survived to the end without too much damage, thanks to our fantastic County Executive, Rob Astorino. A few takeaways.

1. They can't touch a municipality that doesn't take HUD money. Westchester County took HUD money and so when the prior County Exec cheated in some way, that was HUD's opening to force an agreement to AFFH for seven years. This was intended to be imposed on the sub-units within the county (towns) but if the towns had stood up and said they are not parties to this agreement, it would have worked. But they all went along because ... neocons.

2. Their goal is to get a finding that your zoning is illegal, "exclusionary", and then force changes so you rezone to put nigger hovels / projects / "fair and affordable housing" right into formerly nice white neighborhoods. "Fair" means you have to try to fill a percentage with undesirable races.

3. The database is not secret, it used to be available on the Census website. Now I don't see it there, but the very useful "dot map" still lives on the internet e.g. demographics.virginia.edu/DotMap/index.html

Very useful if you're planning a trip or a move and want to find compatible areas. This may not be exactly what Obama had in mind!

Thanks for the map

Protip, find a white area that does not accept hud. This won't happen there.

My little town doesn't take HUD money. Fortunately we have no "urban problems" that would require it.

But our county includes 2 fairly large integrated cities and so they took HUD money, and so HUD was able to push some "model zoning" into all the towns within the county. As I said the town could have said no and thanks to Home Rule it would have stuck -- but no town stood up like that. So we're stuck with some pro-liberal changes in our Model Zoning rules now. It would be great to repeal those now.

Maybe living in a county with no cities could protect you totally.

I'd rate the danger much less now that Obama's gone, at least for now.

So this is how they take my country away?