EPA shutting down wood stove businesses

I need a new blower for my outdoor woodburning stove that can heat your house and water and allow you to live off the land if you have the ability. I was just informed that I've got a heaping pile of junk attached to the side of my house as the business owner was shut down by the EPA on May 15 2017.

I tried to do some digging and the only thing that I found was that Trump made an executive order in Feb of this year to require the EPA to get rid of unnecessary regulations, and create new ones where needed. The results of this executive order went into effect May 15.

Did Trump just fuck over rural people heating their homes with wood over the winter?

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=EPA wood stove

...But what about the bbq

Only propane goy, charcoal ruins the flavor

Shit like this does not even effect Rural america

Gas the kike's
Jews belong in the oven

If you've purchased a stove that's 10x more effective than a fireplace it does.

If you want a January electric bill that's below $150 it does.

i can't understand your boomer ramblings, so the epa said you have to get rid of your wood burning stove ? or just the blower system ?

So do what your ancestors did: nigger rig it

using kikes as fuel, now there's an idea

The EPA has shut down all production of the stoves in my state, maybe more. Putting the business I purchased the stove from out of... business. Meaning I can no longer buy replacement parts

provide the buisness owners name, pics with timestamp, or fuck off

Lil' House Outside Wood Heater

"Warm up with Wood Heat!"

Bradley Enterpirses

Scott Bradley

760 Southpaw Road Ozark, Missouri 65721

Fake and gay.
EPA regulation changes 2020. All it changes is to make new stoves more efficient.

Go LARP somewhere else, fagaloo

I can't post the number without Chan4 telling me I'm trying to spam, the website is: www.outsidewoodheater.com

Seems like if it's that important to you, you could pull a similar motor out another product and modify it to work in your stove. You could probably take it to any electrician and get a quote.

Give me the make and model of the stove so I can see how full of shit you are.

So you looked it up and that's what you've found? Sauce plz

pic related is not a fucking wood burner or boiler. its a decoartive piece of shit. look up woodboilers and inboor wood stoves. as i type this my heating guy is putting the final touches on my boiler hookup and ill be burning wood as soon as the temp drops more. michigan fag 231 repping yoyo

lmgtfy.com/?q=EPA wood stove

Scroll down until it’s the epa website. Every thing you’ve said is false.

OPs full of shit. Otherwise there'd be a pic. of the blower motor on here.

why not use coal

>be american
>can't even heat your own home with wood

wood stove business has been under attack for years. it isn't trump.

This. Wood stoves are not at all complicated and if you can't figure that shit out you're not rural, you're just a larping hipster


The EPA has a stranglehold on businesses not willing to conform to their emission regulations, how does that make me full of shit? Either you somehow make enough money to make new models and test them for emissions while being unable to produce and sell any of your old models or go out of business.

I've built my own, and it has a sterling engine blower.

>Be mexican.
>Have no heat sorce in your cardboard house.

That's literally an off the self blower motor you can even see the brand on the boxz in his photos. Just look at the model number on yours and buy a new one.


How inept can one man be?

Why nigger rig it when you can get something from the producer? How the fuck do you nigger rig a burnt motor?

lol wut. it costs like 50 bucks to heat my house in the winter. no wonder everyone is hella jealous of california. we have the best weather.

>Boomer can't go to a physical location and talk to a person who will then order what he wants so he can drive back and pick it up, look him in the eye, and firmly shake his hand as he pays with a check

Dude just get that shit online. Quit being a fucking nigger.

>need a new blower
Okay, make one yourself, or hire someone to make you one. It's a fucking fan, not complicated.

t. proud pellet stove owner

take motor out, put new one in, done

sounds like you're going to have improvise and either fabricate a replacement or have someone else do it.
Is is possible it is a matter of simply replacing the electric motor in the assembly?

In the time you spent bitching you could have ordered the replacement parts and repaired it.

Look up the pary number of the motor itself, not the entire assembly and replace it. Or find a like motor.

>he needs a regulation to make stoves more efficient
Fucking commies, die already.

This. It's just a fucking blower. If OP was rural, he would know how to fix his own shit. Instead he's just a faggot with a bunch of useless faggots.

>lol wut. it costs like 50 bucks to heat my house in the winter. no wonder everyone is hella jealous of california. we have the best weather.
It costs 780 € to heat my commieblock flat for one average winter. This is how good you have it.

Even the gook knows how to fix a blower motor and he ain't even got walls.

Do you know what a motor is? They're all the same just different amps

Whats more shocking to me is the /ptg/ fags try so hard to justify this. How is more regulation better? All you fags wailing "we need regulation to make stoves more effecient" are no better than commies. Trump fucked up here. If your imly blindly following youre no better than a im with her faggot.

>unironically using "hella"
>unironically stating people are jealous of california

Well to be fair it is regulation that was pushed and passed during the Obama Administration.

The regulations are bullshit but OP isn't being impeded by them at all.

I am if the stove I have purchased from a small business exceeds those regulations and the business owner decided it wasn't worth the time or money to make a stove that burns wood "cleaner".

OP needs a blower and the blower is a commercial unit that you can still purchase which can be found out with 30 seconds of searching

Agenda 21. They want to force everyone into 1984 city prisons.

My model was discontinued, checkmate atheists

So that has nothing to do with the EPA then and you just got played by buying an old ass blower. Speaking of old ass blowers I might swing by your mom's house later.

I've owned the thing for 9 years, nothing "old ass" about it. You may be full of insults but you have been a useful idiot, thank you for your research and the website. I'm still going to wait and hear from the man who made the damn thing before I go cutting shit with the grinder though.

No, you've misunderstood the EA. You're fine.

Stupid illiterate millennials

Do what ya do best user.

niggers, it's not a blower. it's an outdoor wood boiler. it's a pump for a water circulator or something that the op needs.

It's a fan and some metal. A white man can make one for you.

The EA put small wood stove businesses who weren't willing to spend money on R&D out of commission, I'm not fine

You pay more than I pay to heat 330 square meter house. Goddamn you are getting wrecked.

Just drill new holes for a comparable blower model and use a gasket that'll cover the old mounting holes or get a new motor that fits in the shroud. This is easy shit and still has nothing at all to do with the EPA.

Did you read his post or look at the website?

>heating your house
what kind of faggot are you? Its like fucking 50 degrees at the lowest.

Ok. Get two white men. One to fabricate the metal and another to install the PLC controlled pump and custom ladder logic. Do you think this is complicated?

The man was issued an order from the EPA to create more efficient wood stoves and cease production of his current models, instead of fucking with that he went back to farming. That's the EPA's fault bruv



Dayton Blower
Specifically states it's a common blower and not something strange that you cannot find.
Took me less than 5 minutes to find and I'm not even autistic.

>I will have parts available for you to repair the one that you own now as you are "grandfathered" in under the new EPA laws.

What in the fuck is OP even on about, this is straight from the page. Also that woodstove is ghetto as fuck. Get a real chimney and get an indoor woodstove. What, are you going outside to stoke a stove for your RV shanty faggot?

It's a model 465, discontinued M8

>You pay more than I pay to heat 330 square meter house. Goddamn you are getting wrecked.
And that's cheap already, thanks to district heating. My old (non-commieblock) flat did cost over 1000 € natural gas per winter to get only one room up to cozy temperature.
We're heating from September to May here.

We sell wood stoves and I can confirm that we were ordered by Ace to take all stoves off of the shelf that didn't have a catalytic converter piece in them, which is basically a shelf beneath The burner with a sheet of wool on it. This was an Obama regulation that happened in 2015-2016 though, and I was hoping to see it reversed. All it did was drive up the price and force us to buy the stove from a lower quality manufacturer. Instead of Vozelgang stoves, we started selling an off brand. It took longer to assemble, was heavier and less efficient and customers complained!

I bet the fan is still a Dayton though.

Think like a white man.

He's not going to have spare discontinued parts you jaggoff. And the stove is much more efficient than it looks

>not ruining the flavor

Yes a dayton, I already have the page saved to order one. But it'd be nice to have the business I purchased the product from still be in business to get main-line information.

You don't like your steaks steamed? What are you a faggot?

>try to get get off the electric jew
>buy wood stove and install
>save 50-75 dollarinos in the winter
>house insurance goes up over 6000000 because its a fire hazard
why even try

chocall the ovens now, gas war now

what are we dicusssing btw

Why not put some filters on the stack?

Like activated carbon/charcoal, baking soda, HEPA, and a catlytic converter?

Not if you don't report it to them

>it has a sterling engine blower.
cultural appropriation, wew

What about oil heating?

>t. proud pellet

How much energy would that produce per kike OP? That's the real question you should be asking here.

Load shotgun.
Kill EPA.

You don't need a wood stove though, you just need a motor. The availability of the motor is not dependent on the guy who made the stove being in business or not.

Coal gas for street lamps?

>you just got played by buying an old ass blower. Speaking of old ass blowers I might swing by your mom's house later.
will you help her unblow it? truly you are a saint user

No. Contact a good fab shop. If you're anywhere in SE PA I can give ya contact info for my Mennonite buddy.. I have him fabricate shit for my customers all the time. You're just gonna have to look around a little. I'd suggest trying craigslist, you might find someone who can give you info or put you in touch with someone. You can also order generic shit online and install yourself, its not that difficult

Are you fucking retarded?
You missing the point.


>new stoves more efficient.

who gives a fuck, it's burnt wood. It's literally in the life cycle of a lot of trees to get burned down.

Those are smelly as fuck in the winter. They should be shut down. So fuck your motor. Also, if you really lived in the country you could rig up a different blower motor. Unless you got Ozark Electric as well with its constant outages and interruptions it makes Bhagdad look top shelf.

25-30 years ago governments were offering incentives, rebates and tax breaks to install this decidedly white trash rural bullshit in urban housing. The result was choking, gagging localized pollution that literally prevented people from venturing out in their own fucking neighborhood.

Everyone who lives an an area more densely populated than 10 people per square mile should be given six months to get rid of this shit or face being shot.

Are you sure this isn't it?

you are a giant pussy
wood fireplaces are GOAT

>dont report wood furnace
>get fined when bank decides its going to
randomly assess your house

He's LARPing obviously.

Michigan comment: I spend about $1,200 a year on natural gas to heat my two-story home. It is very well insulated. My city prohibits wood\coal furnaces, but allows "wood stoves" and heaters.

I'm planning on installing pic related next year, fuck the police. I can get unlimited wood for free.

>shut down by the EPA
they don't have that kind of budget, it's just some scam artist selling some bullshit

>no wonder everyone is hella jealous of california
nice bait

I genuinely think he's just retarded.

No he didn't - per the OP
>I was just informed that I've got a heaping pile of junk attached to the side of my house as the business owner was shut down by the EPA on May 15 2017.