Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
Is Sup Forums siding with Iran?
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we side with anyone working against the jews
I stand with my arab brothers in the fight against our common Zionist enemy.
If Sup Forums is serious about Aryan Supremacy then yes
They only people who aren't are r/ptg/
Iranian are Persians but still, based
>is Sup Forums siding with the people fighting Israel
what do you think
Iran funds terrorists like Hamas and Hezbollah who call for the destruction of Israel everyday.
Sup Forums is a board of peace and does not engage with terrorists.
>siding with terrorists and criminals
Not surprisingly Sup Forums would take the wrong side.
Good thing your politicians see it differently.
all islums must remove
Jews were wrong about Iraq, why should I trust them about Iran?
yes ,but fuck other mudslimes
Why are you kikes still here?
You’re going to burn kike
I'm not fuck Iran they've killed over 1000 US soldiers.
fuck no, get nuked, goat fucking faggots.
Based Iran fighting the jews as always
I will as soon as the nuke Israel
>fucking do it already!
Based Iran standing up against Buddhist-Jews
Look at what Yemen has done to the Saudis with a handful of these, just wait until Iran launches 10,000 at the US bases in Iraq
Based Iran and Hezbollah fighting Serb-Jews and helping based Bosnian Muslims
No I think Persia should have been destroyed like Carthage.
Yes. I support a greater Iran (Safavid empire land).
Hezbollah needs to control Lebanon and Iraq too
That’s just bantz to try and goad the Saudis into another unwinnable conflict.
>Islam is the problem
*screeches autistically in neocon*
>they killed 1000 kike slaves
Fixed that for you
Zomg its a terrorist child
Of course I side with Iran, I usually end up siding with white countries.
Based Iran sending 4 billion rials to based Rohingya because of the oppression they face under the Zionist-Buddhists
I wonder how this girl is doing these days.
GTFO soros shills
Why the fuck would we side with sand niggers
Go fuck yourselves
All sand niggers will sit down and STFU or die
t. half kike half chink
tfw the Jew is so neurotic he thinks everyone who hates israel is a shill.
I fucking hate materialistic, greedy, coal burning Persian cunts, so fuck Iran.
you guys are too transparent
How dare you accuse Based Iran of being sand niggers, they are the purest members of the Persian White Aryan race, did you know Iran means land of the Aryans?
Only if they stop being muslims
>my version of genocide is the correct one guys!!
Nope. They suck nigger cocks. Would sooner trust a Jew.
Shias and christians will destroy the Sunnis and Zionists
>libertarian trusting Jews
Color me shocked
>no arguments detected
neck yourselves
Useful idiots. Mossad controlled and funded.
Idiot, Israel makes you afraid of Iran so they can have more control of the area.
You don't know anything about Iran. Or Syria. Plenty of Assyrians being framed by kikes.
Iranians aren't Arab, they're Persian. Totally different.
your a fucking idiot
im not afraid of iran
i just HATE sand people and also know they have a limited chance of becoming based if any
Siding with Iran is the moral thing to do. I hope they nuke Israel.
Sup Forums is a Christian board
do Christians wanna destroy our holy sites?
At least I know I can't trust a fucking kike, unlike "muh based Aryan", where the men are bitches and literal cucks, while their women are coalburning whores.
They might have been Aryan once, but they are a thousand years of Arab rape baby since. Fuck them all to death.
Semitic haplogroup have been found in only ~20% of Iranians
Well it would do you good to know that Assyrians aren't sand niggers, and Mesopotamia existed where Iran/Iraq/Syria are. So those people have nothing to contribute besides our understanding of the foundation for civilization I guess.
They're not sand niggers. You're thinking of disgusting Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates.
You wanna talk about truly evil shitskins, let's start there.
I would like the US to side with Iran and Russia.
theyre muslims
end of story cunt
that alone tells me that they are not based
>bomb Iran
>bomb Israel
>bomb Saudis
>bomb turkey
This is the only Sup Forums answer
based Persians ignoring this sub-par bait
Think again cuck
If the West is to be saved from Muslim invasion - we need to side with Russia and Iran imo. Boomers don't want this.
Think again cuckk
>bomb Israel
wouldnt that destroy Christian holy sites?
I thought Sup Forums was a Christian board
neck yourself achmed
>Holy sites
They are just Stones in the end
>what is Jerusalem worth?
>I side with Iran so I'm a Muslim
sorry schlomo, this doesn't triggers me
I like Iran because they refuse to to have a central slave bank run by the world slave bank.
so you are a retarded commie then?
back to r9k athiest
Sup Forums is not Chistian. I'm not Christian.
from a Christian standpoint, the nuclear annihilation of Israel is the equivalent of salvation for the world.
I bet you have to pay money to see the tomb of Jesus. That's literally the only holy spot for Christians anyways, a cave in some mountain. That you have to pay to say.
Don't you find it weird that the people who killed Christ profit from his life?
They did? Did the Iranians land in the USA and attack a military base there? Or do you mean they defended their homeland from the invading jewnited shills of america?
It's not AS IF Israeli Jews burned the church of Galilee where Jesus fed about 5000 people
sikh? I thought they were muslims
kys scum
no it doesnt
what does this have to do with nuking israel?
id be happy if christians took over rule
but thats the only way
all muslims will burn
Iran supports Hezbollah, these motherfuckers support terrorists who help criminals in Brazil.
>the picture of a guy throwing away the jewish star
muh fucking sides
They're Persians you fuckgoof
these cunts in here will try to say hezbollah are based because they wanna fight MUH ISRAEL
but hezbollah are scum and are a big part of the reason lebanon is fucked today
and a muslim shithole
>t. cucked by emu
you're not Sup Forums tho, you're just a newfag from neofag kek
t.orthodox jew
t. frog
>calls iranians sandnigger
Very christian of you!
im not a kike
im quite clearly a Christian
>Is Sup Forums siding with Persia?
Hezbollah and Al Qaeda are ran by The Mossad.
CIA would freak out.
>christians cant be mean
i shouldnt but im just human
go fuck yourself
yeah right mate