Can anyone actually explain to me why two consenting adults of different skin color having a relationship/child is a...

Can anyone actually explain to me why two consenting adults of different skin color having a relationship/child is a bad thing? And why is it so important politically to you that you stop it?

Why can't you just let people be happy and accept that if your daughter wants to ride black cock and produce beautiful black babies than it is ok as long as she consents?

Sounds to me like most of you are virgins who have never had any experience of what love/relationships are actually like and just get mad because in 100 years time white wills die off haha

Not so sincerely, a girl from reddit

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s a g e

It wouldn't be happening if we just ran them off our territory which consequently restores our Alpha status.


I think a good start, would be to administer drugs to shrink the white penis to a state so small that natural sex can no longer be achieved by white men, and government mandated chastity could be easily enforced. This way, we would become complacent... our violent racists tendencies would be replaced with an obsession of watching interracial mating on a mass scale with our girls.

I am in love with the idea of our women being enslaved while we eagerly watch in anticipation as they are penetrated and bred by dozens of superior men.

Join me, my friends, as we celebrate chastity of white men. Spread this as far as you can. ;)

Is the same shitposting over and over, get fuck retard, really go suck a niger dick, get the fuck out of Sup Forums. FUCKING SCUM

there's nothing wrong with people of different skin colors marrying. but no daughter of mine will ever date a black man. black men are violent and have backwards thoughts towards women. i've never once met a black guy who remotely respected women. it has nothing to do with skin color.

Don't shit in the gene pool.

You people have been on a manic three day posting/sliding spree, seek help.

I bet you take that black bbc right up your Tommy ass huh

You know the reason why people don't like it, don't act coy

White people don't like the competition and they don't like interracial stuff on TV all the time, it is all a mess

>doesnt understands averages

low iq nigger detected

You guys are arse holes. Bloody hell.

Is degenerative, as a woman you can't understand it.

>doesn't understand self reported measurements are erroneous
slit your throat, you fucking nigger

Most of you coalburners end up as single mothers living in a trailer with your mongrel spawn and end up on the Maury show.

I'm a woman and I love the contrast. It sets off sparks in my core

>Can anyone actually explain to me why two consenting adults of different skin color having a relationship/child is a bad thing? And why is it so important politically to you that you stop it?
Very easily, you're destroying your own race by mixing with a subspecies who didn't even invent the wheel. Your ethnicity will be diminished, whilst the nigger is still 99.99% majority back in the 55 nations in africa.
The nigger is depending on white people to feed him, you are dependent on niggers for nothing. He needs you you do not need him. And if you are diminished it is to his ill benefit aswell as you are destroying generations of bringing your genetics to this point. And you want to cut your progeny in half just to virtue signal for a few very short years. Due to devaluation towards the mean. You also jeapordize your entire society and all the nice things you take for granted will go away once others than you become a majority in your own nation, because they don't do it the same way as you are used to. You might have noticed that if you were ever a tourist in some fashion, it's nice to visit other peoples but in many instances you really breathe a sigh of relief when you get back home seeing how other people on the planet act and are. Only problem is if you do this, there's no home to go back to that isn't like that in many ways. And no snapping your fingers to turn it back to how things once were either.

youre a 5'4" Hispanic man living in Texas though



To continue this is what women don't understand, because historically and contemporarily women do not understand what makes and creates a society, because it was predominately the task of men to both safeguard, create and maintain it. So to women they don't realize that these things aren't permanent and can change in a number of a very short year if you don't take steps to preserve it. Women simply take things for granted as eternal things that are not so and takes great effort to create and maintain as such. This was why women usually were prohibited from leading, because they don't get that. But i hope that you will start to realize it, because it's the 11th hour in many aspects of everything you take for granted not changing rapidly and very close to irreversibly too.

That's not how you spell Ass you fucking tea slurping bitch. Nobody gives a fuck if you like bbc in your hairy crumpet.

I cannot understand why you hate women and view them as stupid. Do you view your mothers as stupid?? I simply cannot see why you hate us. Would you say these things to your girlfriends or wives?? This hatred is poisonous and dangerous. Stop blaming women for your problems and society's problems. You're to blame as all you do is sit there and slag off anyone different to yourselves but won't be "man" enough to fix the problems you see.

Here's my thoughts on why it shouldn't be done
>white woman sleeps with nigger
>gets pregnant
>72% of black men do not stay and raise their child
>so now your daughter is playing russian roulette with 3/4 odds of being single parent.
>now you have a single mom raising a mixed baby
>literally the worst thing that can happen to a woman relationship wise
>if niggers don't raise their own kids, they're not gonna raise hers.
>the few white guys that would look past raising someone elses kid are nixxed by it being half chimp
>this means she is now stuck in a cycle of fucking niggers and getting pumped and dumped, occasionally spitting out another monkey.
>Congrats your daughter is now a cum rag, welfare queen.
That's why it shouldn't be allowed user, and as history has shown women are too dumb to realize any of the above is the likely outcome of their black cock fetish.

What's wrong with two loving adults Race Mixing Goys?

It's beautiful.


Bcs if everyone race mixed then there would be no races anymore...I don't want that. You are destroying your German or whatever lineage yo have. Let me ask you this. Is it so hard to marry a person of the same race as you? You just have to have Tyrone that much? Race mixing could stand to be made fun of. Seriously. Beautiful black babies? Jesus Christ you women are terrible with requirements of your male counterparts. No greater good bone in your body. If it was up to women races would be gone. Also race mixing suck for the kid. He/She is confused. And especially when its very different races the kid looks messed up, but women don't think about shit. If your reason to do something is bcs you can then I would suggest not doing it. That is not a reason for ANYTHING.

At times I hope when I have a kid it will be a girl because I'm scared if its a boy he will just be a beta but christ that is the biggest concern with having a daughter, I'd disown her if she ever fucked a nigger

Stop blaming women? Oh no honey we are holding you accountable.

Women are the beats of the genders.


>i don't understand why you hate women
I don't hate women whatsoever, i love women and i love my mother very much, i just understand that they lack the capacity to lead a nation because of the things i have already described. They treat things lightly that they think are permanent but due to their lack of understanding are very fragile and requires constant consideration to preserve things that way. Women can be great leaders, but never in a crisis situation or of a society because they don't "GET" these things that men have fought for in wars, and in other ways to protect nurture, maintain and develope. They labour under this delusion because feminism have told them that women can do everything just as good as men. But THAT PART they don't have a FUCKING CLUE, they are also too empathic to make very tough decisions that are VERY necessary to maintain a decent situation of this caliber. They get emotional instead of logical and pragmatic and this clouds their judgement.
Women can be great as leaders, as long as the framework for their society is operated by men. When they tear at the fabric of this framework thinking it is permanent they create havoc that they will ultimately regret themselves but simply do not know any better. Because they are not used to maintaining such things and understand how these things operate and what it requires to make such things the way it is.

If your daughter burns the coal and you don't have the balls to fake her death by telling her you wanna take a trip out on a boat into the ocean away from the world to talk about how you support her decision in a racist cruel world, stabbing her with knives repeatedly, tying an anchor to her waist, pushing her over, and then telling the authorities that she was swimming in the water, got attacked by sharks, and was torn apart and taken under before you could do anything, well if you can't do that then you're not ready to be a father to a white daughter.

Insecure virgins just projecting because they can't get laid. Trust me, if they got laid as often as they shitposted about IR couples they wouldn't give a shit about who's dating who between certain races.

Betas can be fixed it's much harder to prove to a nigger lover that her black guy fetish is gonna land her a life of being a single mother cum rag til she's old and dried up. They'll just spout that equality bullshit or call you racist for simply pointing at numbers. Like it 70% of niggers aren't raising their kids, you're taking a pretty big leap of faith fucking Jamal. If it were just a "type" like I like blondes and red heads, it'd be easier to fix, but they fetishize it to the point they'll only fuck nogs, then cry and bitch and moan when they get left. And now they're tainted goods no sensible guy will touch.

If I brought home a race traitor, I would literally be disowned and laughed out of my county forever. You people live in a bubble.

Also when women who do that screw up, they will tell the men "oh i screwed, up, can't you go and fix it" We arent as inclined to constantly fix things that are broken with regards to THOSE kinds of mistakes because an errror of such a severity is not as simply as fixing the kitchen sink. to fix those kinds of mistakes, it requires great sacrifice on our part whilst you excuse yourself to think about how much you fucked up. You do not honor that and i loathe that of the ultra feminist women. Which is why women should be kept away from such decisionmaking for their own fucking good.

Its principle so yeah anyone would.

>"I love diversity"
>*works to destroy diversity by fuckin*

Whites are a small minority globally. White people aren't having kids, black and brown people are having plenty of kids. You know the rest.

>I would literally be disowned and laughed out of my county forever


You don't have to give a shit. He just disproved you thats all. And of course a gay won't give a shit.

It's not a bad thing. It's the best thing! Any chance that your name is Kate?

Also, congrats on not showing your tits,

Bc niggers are violent and need to be removed

Doesn't change the fact that only insecure incels get bent up over this shit.

>regression to the mean
>higher chance of contracting stds
>higher chance of getting devorced
>no racial identity for the child

because no one ever thinks of black women. don't you find it sad that not even their own men want them?

Niggers genes make retarded or violent people that are an illness of the society. It's been proven time and time again

Tits or gtfo roastie chav... follow the rules or go back to your hugbox with your ham planets gal pals.

I almost forgot. Sage.
If you newfaggot fucktards aren't saging I truly hope you get aids next time you swim in a pool.

We get it Milo you love to suck black cock, doesn't mean we want our daughters to end up single mother cum rag welfare queens to half breed mutts.

Tits of gtfo whore.

Sage sage sage sage sage

>Projection: The Post

This. We need to deport all non whites ASAP. All the white guys of every town need to get together with a a bunch of semi trucks and buses and round up all the non whites and drive them down to mexico or to the nearest sea ports so we can ship them back on freight ships. I'm not even being over the top. The sooner we do this, the sooner we will stop crossing God.

White knighting cucks. Kys and go back to r9k.

Sage in all fields

kys faggot, you're a cancer cell homos need to be removed

There should be laws preventing it from happening

Aww and the little faggot is grade school retarded.

>"hehehe, the ol' rubber and glue, that'll show him"
Neck yourself faggot.

Why would I poor a bottle of diarrhea into my water jug instead of more clean water?

because of various reasons.

Your anger makes my penis erect.
>Stop hurting muh feefees


I ain't white knighting for shit. I think it's fucking hilarious as long as it's not a family member, and no one in my family fucks niggers lol



>Your anger makes my penis erect.

Cool doesn't change the fact you're mentally ill failure as a human

inb4 more anger makes me more erect

not an argument

>Can anyone actually explain to me why two consenting adults of different skin color having a relationship/child is a bad thing? And why is it so important politically to you that you stop it?
sure, straight after why you declaim the preservation of diversity

Keep Race Mixing Goys. We're getting there.

adding a photo makes your sage worthless, you know that right? fucking new fag

It's not important politically, it's important biologically you fucking mook. If everyone ends up the same shit-brown half-white mongrel, it would only take a single flu virus to wipe out the entire human race because all immune systems would be identical. Learn to science and history, you incredible dipshit. What the did the natives die from that the colonists didn't? Exactly.

>Cool doesn't change the fact you're mentally ill failure as a human
So that's why you're here?


makes sense, brits are obsessed with interracial marriages, in london it was an absolute epidemic

The question is really whether women should be allowed to choose their m8s, or if they're too stupid.

>Because full of idiots.

>Don't want to be told what to do, who to respect.

>Want to tell unknown people what to say, what to do, who to respect, who and how to fuck.

>think they own other people.

>think other people will give a fuck (not like themselves)

>I know you are but what am I
please stop trying to speak xd

Never said I wasn't. It's funny watching you sperg out over a faggot.

Why is that guy wearing lipstick?

Also this is the thing about these women. LISTEN BITCH AND LISTEN CAREFULLY. You are not helping the world by breeding with a nigger on purpose to "miscegenate the earth". You're not making niggers equal to us, you're not miscegenating the earth at all, you're destroying white people that's the ONLY FUCKING THING that you are making happen with that, you're making it WORSE, WORSE FOR BOTH BLACK AND WHITE PEOPLE. Every single non white people are still going to remain 90% non miscegenated majority back in your home nations. THE JOKE IS ON YOU. You produce dillutted whites who have a higher likelyhood of going on welfare than helping fucking anyone, and in case you didn't notice, niggers have relied on us to fucking feed them for half a century in africa. Let alone how much they go on welfare in other nations. We pay for that too! Even if every single white woman on the fucking planet ON PURPOSE bred with a nigger. you'd have a shit ton of mulattos, and you'd still have 1.2 to reach over 4 billion niggers in africa by 2100.. ALL BLACK. Do you call that miscegenated global population. What you have done is partaken in destroying white nations, and putting millions more mulattos on welfare that others then have to pay for. YOU'RE NOT MAKING A FUCKING DIFFERENCE. YOU'RE HURTING THE WORLD NOT HELPING IT! You want to help a nigger? Have white kids, and then go volunteer to work in africa to save the africans from themselves, you might get raped and get some mulatto babies out of that. It's win win!

>Not so sincerely, a girl from reddit
So, are you asking a rhetorical question, since you're not sincere, or what is this supposed to mean?

In short, we are results of tens of thousands of years of divergent evolution, and race mixing undoes all that. It's regressing people back to the distant past. And that is bad for everyone, since people are what makes up a society. If the people are no good, the society will be no good. I could ignore all the retardation other people do, but my children can't. My grand children definitely can't. And none of this takes into account the genetics shared by my countrymen. Our ancestors built this country, and I benefit from it so much. I have a duty to my ancestors, and the only way I can pay back is by taking care of their children, my countrymen. It would be immoral to stand by while naive people ruin the lives of themselves, their children and the children of everone else.

Sincerely, a modern day revolutionary: a family man.

>Never said I wasn't. It's funny watching you sperg out over a faggot.
>implying faggots aren't worth saving

So If you know that as a faggot you're completely worthless why are you still living and talking? Also you must be new if you consider this sperging out.

Your ancestors have fought for thousands of years to create pure children. Why should you ruin that?

immediately disowned

If you want happy children then don't make them black, if you want unhappy black children then please kill yourself.

Who cares if Jews have written for hundreds (if not thousands) of years that that want a Mixed Race group of Mongrel Goyim, that they can rule over forever?

It's all good, right Goys?

Because my life doesn't revolve around this shithole.
>you must be new if you consider this sperging out
Actual newfriend detected.

Stop responding to blatant bait retards

You're just as worthless IRL though and, no I've been on Sup Forums for a while now. Go to therapy or kill yourself and your faggot friends to stop spreading disease.



What makes your life any significant by shitposting on a Chinese imageboard?


>mods delete the asian thread
>they leave the nigger one up

Hmm... really got my neuropositrons flowing

Bet these faggot mods won't give me one year ban






Our lord and savior Snacks left a long long tiem ago user...