Things Europoors will never enjoy

Things Europoors will never enjoy

They can't even have dogs. kek

Wait. Euro's can't have doggo?


no tactical assault doggos allowed user

Looks like a neat hobby. But what do you do with it if you can't carry it outside? Do you use it to shoot glass bottles?

They're not allowed in Sharia Law zones.

At least I can drink in public

They probably need a license for their dogs just like their TV and internet

that was is one comfy doggo, but you need to fix his blanket for him user

>being a stupid fucking fat yank and thinking you can't have guns in Europe

A nigglet american... I mean, dog?


Century arms gp1975, ultimak rail, ultimak gas piston, forgot grip and muzzle break. Still need a red Dot and sling mount. 762x39 ofc

dachshunds are fucking killers. I've seen the little bastards kill whole families of coons (raccoons)

>not shooting exploding targets

There's shooting ranges user.

>stupid fucking fat yank
hahahaha rage more sissy

It's not a WASR, it has dimples.

>at least I can be a degenerate in front of everyone
the absolute state of germanistan

There're not sharia zones, son of bitch, fagot

Nicht wahr, Fag.

Anyone who replies to this thread doesn't deserve to be able to post

Conceal carry Smith and wesson shield 9mm, 8 round mag with one in chamber. Two backup mags. Appendix carry /inside waist band (2 o'clock position).

Rifles more for home defense or fighting tyranny

A killing spree from a maniac with a fully aromatic weapon.

open long gun carry is legal in all states in non metropolitan areas except maryland and delaware, I believe. (could be wrong, let me know)

In Germany, yes

You must pay taxs for dogs, make sure the dog gets all vaccinations, insurance and you need to prove in a test that you are qualified to handle a dog. The last part is fairly new, 5 years or so

>tapco mag

Only unofficial sharia zones.


>Broadcast TV without government extortion
>Discussing the finer points of the hulohoax
>The criticism of Islam
>White male Police officers
>Cat calling hot women
>Rape free zones
>Life without Islam terrorism
>Talking shit about gays
>Talking shit about feminists
>talking shit about their elected officials
>talking shit about the jews

Being right wing and not getting arrested for hate think.



1975 is the date of the trunnion, not the rifle itself.

Yes it is.


No wonder you like things in your ass.

I really wish freedom hating yuropoors could shitpost with aks and ar15s like we do, I'm literally laying in bed with my ak right now

>Tfw you will never legally purchase, own, and shoot a nice gun
Shit not even the PAs here in Ireland really trade in that shit anymore.


>fully aromatic weapon
There really is nothing quite like the smell of a freshly-fired weapon, is there?

lol canada speaking about sharia laws over here

>No wonder you like things in your ass.
Are you saying this something wrong with liking high-caliber weaponry in your ass?

Maybe in Canada, but not in France

i didn't think muslims drank

>murrican niggers get guns but euros dont

Want to see some of my guns?
Too bad!

>I can be degenerate in public while Muhammad fucks my wife

God, you're fucking GAY.

This is now an Amerimutt hate thread

You know what fuck you we have too many blacks for that you son of a bitch



This is now an Amerimutt hate thread

Post your best Amerimutts and share stories of Americans being fat/retarded etc

You dont count mountain jew you're not in the EU.


Hello, fellow /k/ommando

Hahaha no assault doggos

>be american
>200 years of owning guns
>still turn into orcs

massive dicksandwich with mayo to go.

You obviously never got to /k/


here is your last (you)
use it wisely

Don't forget about the Indian population, I'm talking real injuns , not poo in the loos
How do you party with a person that gets violently drunk off of one beer?

Besides the taxes and insurance, we should definitley implement the test to prove youre qualified.
Lots of shit owners.

You know, drinking culture can be more than Tyronne with a 40 on the stoop

Okay then.
>I'm watching you.

Post your memes. Nothing will take away the joy dead muzzies bring.

If it wasn't for the niggers, I beer wouldn't be so cheap ....but in the end our taxes and their thefts from white people pay for the beer

Muslims have the highest percentage of inbreeding out of any group

literally a new race of mentally retarded mongoloids kek

>Things Canadian exclusively get to enjoy


Thanks. Here's you, literally you in picture form

These weapons scream leafistan

feels good being a white American with freedoms and the constitution. pic related is my boomstick, just painted it last yesterday.

I bet the guy in that gif takes it up the ass from the same niggers he lets fuck his wife and daughter

Unfortunately weapons are the current mark of a gentle society. The people who want them banned, want to revert to violent ape behavior (big gorilla runs the show). With weapons, the small guy can win, and the big apes can't ruin someones life or cause corruption. The anti-gun women just want to revert to a wild state. I recognize that its not an ideal solution, but for now, everyone having some kind of weapon is the ideal solution.

Assault bb gun? That's badass!

What a gay looking dog

I shoot at anything I want on my goddamn property. Potshots at coyotes 300 yards away is a bredddy gud time.

Go cry about us on Sup Forums.

Hes just using that flag to bait you more.
And Sup Forums says others dont use critical thinking.

god status, desu

>working in north ontario tree cutting gig (litarally swinging axes, not chainsaws) in buttfuck nowhere
>living in a fucking tent like a wildman
>crewboss hires a bunch of fucking natives to "help us get the work done"
>they show up their first night while were all drinking and playing guitar at the bonfire
>we offer them a beer
>within 30 minutes one of them had a knife to my buddies throat, and theyre threatening to kill us all in our sleep
>we all have axes ready by our side because weve spent month cutting down trees like butter
>boss takes them all and drops them off on the side of the highwayhundreds of KM from civilisation and tells them to find their own way home.

This is not a nice thing to do.

user, why the fuck do you have that saved?

>tfw dogs now taking pictures of the guns they paint

>thinks RL is counter-strike


>getting overwhelmed by your abbos

>things europeans dont have
>wait, I got one for you amerifats
niggers with guns

Not in front of Ahmed.

At least our niggers don't have grenades.



reminder that the amerimutt maymay spammer is just one kike switching proxies

he does this all fucking day

God damn the natives in Canada sound like muzzies

you can own both a dog and a gun in Europe.

Europoor in Canada here.

Get to have my guns AND enjoy my doggo ifyouknowwhatimeanyesyouknowwhatimean

Ameripoors will never enjoy this freedom

we were piss drunk

Or acid