Is there any evidence that a Christian God exists? Can anyone post it if there is?
Is there any evidence that a Christian God exists? Can anyone post it if there is?
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All evidence is in there.
God (s) exists but it sure as hell isn't the Jewish (Christian) God
What type of evidence do you want? Scientific evidence? No. Testimonial evidence? Yes. There is more evidence for Jesus Christ existing than any other person in antiquity. Even from sources (contemporary jewish) that despised him and had every reason to undermine him but nevertheless acknowledge his existence.
Written by God himself.
First off, you need to understand what is meant by the word "God" because you're using that word as if it refers to some being that may or may not exist. This implies there is some sharp distinction between God and existence. This is a mistake. God isn't a thing among other things, but, as Augustine and Aquinas and all the great teachers taught, being itself, or to-be itself (Cf. Exodus 3:14)
That jesus looks really fucking metal tbqh
There is no evidence. This is not a court of law. Its a matter of faith. You either have it or you don't.
Either way. Up to YOU!!! Not us out here on /pol.
That is one satanic looking Jesus desu
Last week I cried and prayed to God that my day would get better. Wednesday was really shitty but at 8:30pm I found $5 on a park bench and bought cheap wine at the liquor store.
God turned water to wine on Wednesday.
there is a being and he is the word that is the word
Our lady of Zeitoun
>historians agree Jesus lived and died
>historians agree that the Early Christians believed they had seen the risen lord
>all the apostles except John, who was exiled, died violent deaths for refusing to say they had seen the risen Jesus. They got no earthly glory while they were alive.
*refusing to recant that they had seen...
Nice pic of Moses :)
Really strong argument that one, why die for a lie?
>raising the dead
>healing the sick
>turning water to wine
>getting killed and resurrecting
This is evidence.
>eyewitness accounts dont count as evidence!
Sure they do, sweety, they are used in courts of law all the time.
Is it not evidence you are asking for, but proof? Sorry, there is no proof. Even if you had been therein person to witness these things there is room for doubt. Doubt that he did these things because of the reason he claimed to be able to do them for example, you could be like the pharisees and claim hes just a demon. Also, of course, you can not trust any of your experiences either, your perceptions could always be skewed, your sensory input flawed.
But there is evidence, surely. Eyewitness accounts are evidence.
What evidence do you have for the existence of god?
>God exists because the bible says he does
How do you know that the bible is accurate?
>The bible is the word of god
What evidence do you have for the existence of god?
>God exists because the bible says he does
How do you know that the bible is accurate?
>The bible is the word of god
What evidence do you have for the existence of god?
>What evidence do you have for the existence of god?
Jesus Christ.
>How do you know that the bible is accurate?
It's a coherent explanation written down independently by over 40 people.
Compare that to Mein Kampf for instance.
God is real, but it has nothing to do with the major religions which are just control schemes at this point.
>believes in some magical jew who supposedly existed 2000 years ago because a book says so
do you even see the insanity you are typing ?
Just because a person existed doesn't prove they were a god, retard.
Who cares? It's just a meme
>Jesus Christ.
Some alleged hippie who claimed to be a god. Good evidence.
>It's a coherent explanation written down (((independently))) by over 40 (((people))).
Successful Christian societies are evidence.
> There is more evidence for Jesus Christ existing than any other person in antiquity.
> This is what christcucks actually believe
Hell is for ever!
>believes in some magical jew who supposedly existed 2000 years ago because a book says so
Jesus Christ is a historical fact, not because a book says so, JIDF.
The appearance of Jesus, his death and resurrection is what makes the book a special document, because it predicted of those occurrences.
Maybe it's just that whites are better
Hell is for ever!
Just have faith. It's like rape, just listen and believe. if you don't then you're a mean meani head and you hate
Nigger worshipper
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
Not an argument
For ever!
Hell is for ever!
>Successful Christian societies
You mean white European society that was successful in spite of converting to Christianity. Where's the successful black African christian society? Those christian societies in South America sure are real successful, huh? Hell, even the shithole where christianity started is still shit.
Reminder that being absorbed in your own high I.Q. score may be the reason that you go to Hell for ever!
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
If God is truth and there is no truth, therefor no God, then that becomes both truth and God.
Holy shit, you is really triggered.
>that voice
make it stop
Theoretical but yes
You got to have :
>a fucking book written by jews thousands of years ago in a time of almost no scientific discovery
>King James Version
Totally legitimate evidence.
No, there isn't. But here is the evidence that he DOESN'T.
Hell is for ever!
You actually consider that an argument?! Maybe you better convert to Islam then since they have the same penalty for disbelief. Wouldn't want to take any chances now, would you?
It's Hell. It's for ever.
Hell is for ever!
You got me, user. I'm totally convinced now by your irrefutable reasoning. Enjoy burning for turning your back on Allah the Merciful.
Hell is for ever!
Hell is for ever!
You can prove that jesus is either fake, evil, or impotent, by asking him to do any miracle however big or small, there are no conditions whatsoever, except that you ask.
Your prayer will not be answered.
If it appears to have been, then it is coincidence, or trickery, because nobody else got theirs answered, and they were FAR more righteous than yourself.
When you wake up on judgment day, you will see me curb stomping him on the banks of the lake of fire. I might let you roll him in with your foot if I'm exhausted or pacified.
ya, that bs is my trigger
>There is more evidence for Jesus Christ existing than any other person in antiquity
I'm not sure how there not being a single shred of evidence miraculously transubstantiates into more evidence than anything in history... but then, the Lard moves in mysterious ways.
No. But pagan gods are just as unprovable.
That's because people exaggerated some alien beings that have long since left this planet and made cargo cults out of them, adding new superpowers to their deities every generation.
Hell is for ever!
... If you choose to see it that way.
Hebrews are not Jews.
No, but here's evidence one doesn't, if you want it.
> you earn an eternal reward for a bunch of shitty decisions you made in a very finite lifespan with impaired judgment and no actual verification as to whether one superstition is superior to another besides warm fuzzies one can get from simple meditation