Didn't see a thread, get in here.
I bet a white man wins
>Didn't see a thread
not even we care
anyway, I voted (((cambiemos))) because fuck peronchos
>a fucking hat on a stick
shut it fag
why not explain to me what it means. or the fact the leaves go further on the left than the right to cover the sand dollar's mouth. what is that a plunger? stupidest meme flag ive ever seen. at least people know what are faggots. only vagina cucks would make a fucking south park hat on a stick. dont forget the pom pom!
>he makes an election general
>absolutely no information in the OP; no links, no nothing
Typical fucking nigger.
>isis flag
I bet he's a peronista nigger
5 bings for official results.
Pls KEK smite this commie bitch to kingdom come
What's the deal. Can some Argies answer this for me?
Is Kirchner still a thing?
Do rural areas vote different to BA?
What's your prediction?
Who is /ourguy/? Is Macri ok?
It's shit.
For those who don't know cambiemos "change" are the radical party that has nothing of radical. They are all leftists neo-liberal turds.
Justicialismo = socialism = peronismo, and it's shit. Corruption like never other. They attract Subhumans from neighbors countries like flies to death flesh. They are also leftists.
Another party is the left who nobody voted for because we hate cucks and freemongers. The last thing we need is a party that would support criminals.
Argentina needs a new strong movement, a right movement that would punish all traitors and criminals.
Anarchist supporting
machupe murderers. A stupid Justification for brainwashing and riots.
Death to commies, liberals and socialist
We have like 5 elections a year
Why worry?
Macri is not our guy. His father fucked up thousand of Argentinian and he himself has offshores accounts in other countries.
>Is Kirchner still a thing?
She's running for senator for BA to avoid jail
>Do rural areas vote different to BA?
Rural areas and Capital federal vote cambiemos and the conurbano niggers vote for Kirchner. Cambiemos is winning in a lot of the provinces also
>What's your prediction?
Cambiemos landslide
>Who is /ourguy/? Is Macri ok?
He's just ok for now but I'd like to see what can he do with less oposition
I just want to drink sweet, sweet commie tears
Holy fuck my captcha.
Nobody is our fucking guy
This is why the argentinian 8ch is a deep blackpill of despair
We are divided to a point the kikery won't end unless everyone starts hanging from skyscrapers
Democracy here just doesn't work
>Is Kirchner still a thing?
He's dead. His wife is now running for senator
>Do rural areas vote different to BA?
Varies between province
>What's your prediction?
Cambiemos wins almost everywhere
> Is Macri ok?
After this, yes.
we should make our own party, people here hide their powerlevel a lot, but if we made a remove bolita/peruka/paragua party we would get plenty of votes, but the media would lose the shit so hard
Bumping the..ISIS flag poster? What? Anyway, is there anyone worth watching in this election? I don't exactly expect a Donald Trump but is anyone on /our/ side?
Ive said it before and ill say it again.
Our only hope is to keep electing "right wing" goverments until trump annexes us
>Is Kirchner still a thing?
Yes, and it will as long as we have open borders and 25% of our population in poverty
>Do rural areas vote different to BA?
I'd say its split, but the rural areas have a clear left-wing orientation
>What's your prediction?
We're voting congressmen, the government party will significantly increase their seats.
>Who is /ourguy/? Is Macri ok?
Macri is definitely not /ourguy/, but you could say he's ok
How do you want your election, senpai?
Thank you anons.
Is immigration an election issue there? Do your politicians beat down on useless Uruguayan, Paraguayan and Syrians?
I don't get why people don't see the (((Macris))) for what they are.
That's just sad, desu.
Give us proof
>inb4 muh panama papers
Its basically a dead issue by this point, jungleniggers pouring in and living off my taxes and nobody cares.
I SERIOUSLY doubt such a thing as "deportation" exists here in any way or form
It's a gorro frigio, it symbolize freedom and it's related to the french revolutions
and why do you fucking care about his offshore accounts? you insignificant commie shit
Appreciate the (you)s and info. Am genuinely interested in how you guys are going
>offshore account
Cris pls
Macri is a faggot but nigger please
>Sans culotte-hat on stick
Fucking nigger commies in Argentina.
seriously what does the deep south of argie look like racially?
as much as i hate cronica at least they get to the point when they have to
All that really matters tbqh pham is whether kween gibs get BTFO (again)
If she does i'll be the smuggest mother fucker in the country.
A whole year of cucks and commies parroting shit will be so worth it
based cronica
I swear this fatty gets fatter every time she moves her arms
>Is Kirchner still a thing?
Yes, she still free after Fucking up like that, in your country there would be riots and killing everyone associated with it.
>Do rural areas vote different to BA?
Yes, people is too stupid to understand that they need to work, a welfare state is dominating the ignorant.
>>What about Buenos Aires
We hate those guys, the portends, they are retards just like americans
What's your prediction?
Cambiemos wins in most of the Providences. North wins others parties because bolivians Subhumans, Paraguayans Subhumans, Brazilian Subhumans, Chilean Subhumans, and pretty much any other Subhuman from other countries comes to the north for drugs, free healthcare, free education, free Money and food.
Who is /ourguy/? Is Macri ok?
No /our guy/ in Argentina. See
Macri is okay jewing with his big company friends.
A lot of people dislike immigrants from Paraguay, Bolivia and Peru. There are a lot of them in GBA (Buenos Aires metropolitan area)
reminder who truly governs the latin paradise
I feel you, we black pill now my Friend!
Dictatorship is the only solution.
Everything north of cordoba should be firebombed
Ushuaia too, for the bantz
pls kek
Is a mix, please always remember that "Aryan Patagonia" is some meme started here.
The original inhabitants where mostly natives, mestizos and the creoles that took the land by force in a war "The Dessert Conquest".
Then the immigrants came, so yeah, there are whites. But then many people from the northern provinces went to find jobs there, so more brown people.
I would say is something like Chicago, but no niggers and crime is relatively low.
Pic is from some Chocolate festival in Bariloche.
Thank you my somewhat white Friend. Please ignore the kristina-macri shills.
I appreciate politeness unlike those porteños who give us a bad name.
Why is that horseface bitch still running? Why she is not in jail!!???
deshi deshi basara basara
We share the same feelings.
Democracy doesnt work on SA. Everyone against dictatorships is either a commie or a commie in a closet
Didnt menem win a seat too?
jesus christ
but he was right about the rocket-planes :^)
how rural can you get down there? scenery i've seen is stunning. is it a trap? can a white man retire and be left alone?
>can a white man retire and be left alone?
yeah, plenty did, just stay away from the mapuches
Most of southern argentina has been bought by jews.
If you have money to buy a ranch or something in patagonia or sierras cordobesas, sure is comfy.
Problem is you'll pay a lot of taxes probs and dealing with people.
Cities are a cesspool of facebook-liberals/feminists
btw no guns tho
That old motherfucker is not gonna get elected right?
>The Liberal Bastard that selled everything to foreign nations
>Caused to close factories in all the country
>Caused an economic crisis that we never recovered
>Enriched himself with unfair trades of Argentina and other nations
>Didn't do shit and still bragged about it
>was jailed and forbidden of voting
>This Fucking traitor is running a election
Dear God.
nah, you can have guns within your property, its way more regulated than the USA, but in the countryside cops dont care much
if an intruder enters your property it gets a little fuckey, like if you kill him and he wasn't armed you can go to jail
make sure to have some shitty illegal gun to put in their hands before calling the cops
he also killed his own son for political gain
try shooting someone with it and tell me what happens
The dude could be raping your wifes corpse after slitting your throat and you would still go to jail and have to pay reparations to the nigger's family for life
Will peronism die in our lifetime?
he also allowed two islamic terror attacks and blew up a munitions depot to cover up his weapons trafficking
Some people in cities are pro-autoritarian goverment, others don't.
Rural zones are the worst, they are the most liberal/socialist in the north.
>but heard this you dirty pig america traitor:
we hate niggers, we make fun of them.
If you are not okay with that, do not come to here.
As long as villeros and hippies live, peronism will never die.
I yearn for the day of the great crusade
Like the anons said up there
>guns laws are fucked
>Patagonia is invaded by big land owners and now the Mapus burning houses
Córdoba in the middle of the Sierras (small mountains) is better, watch out for the Ayy LMAOs tho!
its different in the provinces, remember the based samurai cordobez? it was great when even the (((media))) didnt want to air the mother of the criminals crying "muh poor baby dindu nuffin!"
Villa gral belgrano is essential german-kino
The qt girls even dress up in the traditional german dress.
I recomend El Viejo Munich beer and restaurant, shits great
I bring you some K tears
I reserve my right to shitpost IRL until all results are in, myself.
I dont want any surprises
I get you, Ks are pretty absent from social media anyway, these comments are from TN
>(((K vs M)))
The Yanqui user said he would like to retire and be left alone.
What better than to have a house in a valley there? No one to bother you, just a couple of anal probes by Ayys once in a while.
Pic related is also a 10/10.
What a retarded image
what did you expect from taringa?
>tfw im passively preparing myself for secluded life in sierras after i make some money
I already know how to salt and preserve meat and shit
Taringa is so fucking shit, its ASTOUNDING how their "meme" making capabilities havent changed, let alone improved a single bit since its inception.
Its all just still simpson jokes with paint-cropped faces
Seriously? Videla on Macri's side? It's clear who made this
I'm surprised it still exists, to be honest.
I only see kikes
>Implying Videla and the drunken Galtieri were not much than CIA puppets.
>tfw you vote Macri but he’s way too much of a lefty for you to get happy about it.
>Shits on Maldonado days before the election
>Everybody shits on her after it gets confirmed the body is him
>Still got 50%
How does she do it?
I see it as voting for commie tears myself, tbqh
Then its worth it
I like the fat cunt
She may be controlled oposition but was entertaining to watch years ago.
Una vela
tell your friends to get out of my country
i hate watching the peruvian flag in the slums next to the train
Omg, didn't Kirchner left your country in shambles when she ended her last term? I remember some news mentioning that here, before Macri took over.
Is cambiemos conservative? Please tell me where their ideology is from very left to very right.
Is cambiemos interested in free market?
Was there a better/more liberty oriented alternative in this election?
Does Argentina have an immigration problem?
Did the best party win and will cambiemos be allowed to select a president?
Because "everybody" just means liberal crying faggots
Nobody gives a fuck about that dirty commie anti nationalist cuck.
This. I dislike some of his ideas but as long as commie faggots cry me a river I couldn't care less. Vamo'