You fuckers are delusional if youre not getting in on this shit before the apocalypse

let me break it down for you flat skulled sheeple

>almost entirely white
>christianity patched by one of His prophets from the 1820s

patches include:
>multiple wives
>isolated white community in beautiful state of Utah
>rich as FUCK church because of tithes from rich as FUCK members, church knows you intimately (seriously youre a fucking retard if you disagree)
>youre allowed to be as conservative as you want
>join their community and youve made it to "utopia" as long as you are cool with their flying magic underwear (big fuckin deal)
>they will inherit the earth along with other christians
>they will get SUPER exclusive when trump blows up this origin myth

Give me just 1 reason why you wouldnt join tf up

>inb4 heresy
fuck you

heresy is a social construct

Other urls found in this thread:

>let's make white people hated for the same reason muslim are

fuck off Anglin you rat faced kike

>muslims care about you hating them

youre pathetic, dude

Mormons are a Satanic cult. They're not going to inherit the earth because they aren't Christians. They're liars and cowards who blaspheme the teachings of Christ with each word spoken. Woe to the Mormons in the days of no mercy.

yeah ok (((user)))

Why not LDS?


if you need the energy jew then youre already a pleb

>addicted to alcohol
yeah they dont want you

>cant watch jewish propaganda
waah how unfair

>hes such a beta his wife divorces HIM
lmao no words

Also, when you guys start talking about that white salamander, I can't keep a straight face. And the magic underwear.

And how you cuck to the Indians.

not a mormon, but i visited them today

yeah who gives a shit about the mythology man. its all for the kids, all the adults realize the necessity of a WASP caliphate

plus it was to ensure that it would be comsidered as holy as the old and new testaments, they had to throw that shit in there

>not wanting to be part of something greater than yourself as we approach judgement day

whatever losers

All for the kids?

The LDS church seems to be good with pedophilia. I was molested by a Mormon in good standing, who also molested his own children.

I've known two other Mormon child molesters. They don't do anything about it. But if you don't hand over the tithe, no heaven for you!

"All for the kids". You hit the nail on the head but not in how you mean it.

you can always tell a cuck in how he defends the FCC by telling you "just don't watch, bro"
brainwashed cattle nigger mind slaves. thoughtlet mental midget tigger niggers. cartoon fucking niggers. barney fife bubba gump nigger trucker dumb fucker.

i watch it all the time, i mean, i can because im redpilled and im not gonna get subverted

but the sheeple wont be able to, dingus. youre probably one of them right now

sorry that happened bro, i encountered mormons for the first time today and they came off as good people

pedophiles need to be given the death sentence via hanging

Had bad experiences with the only two mormons ive ever met.

One called me a scumbag in a restaurant unprovoked. Thought he had tourettes but he was just being a cunt. He was obese.

The other I worked with, and as soon as everyone walked away hed blatantly talk shit about them it was weird.

God will punish the ones that claim to be His servants in vain

>theyre not real mormons

theyre really not, because they will be thrown into the Hellfire on the day of judgement

Mormonism is just a cult that somehow got somewhat mainstream.

so is scientology but everyone over the age of 30 knows its culty appearance is a front for tax haven seeking celebrities which is a front for celebs in hollywood etc that realize they need to discuss the jq somewhere

mormonist cult style living is a front for living in "utopia"

same thing with the amish

Where do I sign up

Not recognized world religion.

come to utah

it will be after the 2nd coming of jesus/first coming of the jewish messia (kushner)

Mormons are traditional white people for the most part. They have a good structure whether or not some of their relion is stupid.

the whole religion is a massive metaphor for how to live without sin (degeneracy)

Mormonism, LDS church, Adventist church...
I don't trust any cult that disguises itself as a religion to gain the benefits of a tax shelter.
They're like jews, except they believe in Jesus.

Yeah, with devine intervention everything is possible but Mormons still had no any.

I was born into the church and left it because it was a glorified cult full of stupid people based on emotional manipulation.

its that guy

>emotional manipulation
Bingo, it preys upon those who are heavily influenced by emotions and group harmony. It's pretty tragic honestly.



>you should become mormon
seems reasonable
>mormonism is true
what nigga?

The only decent Mormons are the ones who left the church. The rest serve the anti-Christ.

This post is the most depressing things I have ever seen on Sup Forums.

A goofy sex cult founded because Joseph Smith was ambitious about getting mega-laid. Another way it is like Islam is that it borrows the Christian backstory and then dismisses it. It came Joseph Smith's imagination, unlike Islam, which was dictated to Mohammed by Lucifer (masquerading as Gabriel).

Degenerate in-breds brought themselves a hoard of Mexican and Tongan criminals into Utah through their satanic proselytization. Crime is through the roof.

Are you really just McMffin shitposting again?

>A goofy sex cult
when will this meme die? mormons are the most prudish people on the face of the earth. you're all just mad because they're responsible, have families and close communities, and don't partake in degeneracy like you do.

Seriously, mormons and JW's are going straight to hell .

When the Satanic cult of Mormonism dies.

ok (((buddy)))

Blasphemy destroys your soul. It's why Mormons are so shallow, false, spineless.

>You fuckers are delusional if youre not getting in on this shit before the apocalypse
Why bother doing it before, I can just join up with them after the apocalypse. They specifically stockpile excess food and supplies for non-Mormons so that if SHTF they roll up with commodities like superheroes. We'll look and and scream "Save us", and they'll look down and whisper "I'm on it".

I can spend a lifetime ignoring them, and still count on them if I really need to.

mormonism has been corrupted, but after judgement day it will be restored. sorry for your pain

it definitely does, it has been corrupted

yeah niqqa

ok (((my friend))) lets chill with the (((banter)))


THIS, he was still an enlightened man, but either he was corrupted like mohammed or his rules became corrupted by later mormons



Does anyone have that white sharia picture of a white guy (actual white, not a chechen or turk) wearing muslim garb with a decent looking arab concubine?

ITT: OP who is massive faggot is either producing 2/10 quality bait (would not recommend to a friend) or is literally a delusional Mormon cuck.

Mormonism is a cult founded in 1830 by pedophile-in-chief Joseph Smith who forged/plagiarized the Book of Mormon, crowned himself prophet, and dicked other men’s wives. Naturally that didn’t fly with the other guys who shot the fucker. His cult fled to utah (then Mexico) where they continue this day to wear magic underwear, LARP as Jewish fags in their temples and do secret handshakes and shit (YouTube it), cough up 10% of their gross income for the rest of their lives, be forced to clean their meetinghouses and scrub toilets for free, have other memebers spy on you monthly and report to the bishop, can’t have sex/coffee/tea/alcohol/drugs/tobacco, be forced to go on two-year mission paid for entirely by you to convert others to the cult, have sleep deprived youth participating in early-morning “seminary” brainwashing, allow blacks to hold the priesthood, plus most of the cult membership is now from third world shitholes like Mexico and Brazil. Mormons are not Christian and they certainly are not a cult worth joining. Source: was Mormon because parents are idiots.

TL;DR: Kill yourself OP

My brother is mormon. Whole family is set.

Pic related is magic Mormon underwear that cultists must wear 24/7 to protect them from physical danger

Pic related is “sacred” temple ceremonial garb the cultists wear to perform their temple ordinances. They’re supposed to be dressed like ancient Jewish priests and priestesses

>UN flag
lmao you dipshit you cant fool us with (((reverse psychology)))

Ad hominem attack, dipshit? Can’t do better? Refute ONE THING I just posted. Pro tip: you can’t

joseph smith was what is known as a jesu/buddha who decided to use his enlightened mind to create a religion

you missed the whole point. yeah both of these dudes were autist larpers, but they figured out were living in an origin myth

all post polytheistic religions have a certain amount of holiness or truth to it, through which you can chose to live like a pedophile mohammed pbuh or joseph smith or jesus christ himself, or ford, or tesla, or martin luther, etc etc and still attain what is known as enlightenment, or a direct communication from God st. paul style.

the idea is that to sin is to deviate from god, meaning you can be the chad and not the virgin as long as what youre doing serves God, who will reward you

mormonism is basically an interesting white cult/caliphate that is based in utah

all the myths are to populate the members' understanding of the world with factoids and shit


no more incidents of child abuse than other churches

Sage shill

like on kikebook.

Look at those faces. They're out to lunch. I swear after generations of inbreeding here in Utah, these people are just empty husks being force fed lies in the guise of Jesus Christ's teachings.

So you’re admitting that Mormonism is a fraud, but want us to join anyways? Good luck with that bro. Mormonism is interesting to study but it is definitely not a “white caliphate”, much less one that any sane person should consider joining

>Hes a Mormon
>He takes his job VERY seriously
>He does it for free
>He makes these threads rather than going door to door
Wow OP

All you degenerate nigger scum better stay the fuck away from UTAH. I've been seeing way to many New Jersey, California, Nevada, Arizona, New Mexico license plates lately.

Just realize if you move here and you're not a member of the church, you will be identified by the local ward (church community) and your information will be passed to the higher ups who will send constant visits from different pairs of 'missionaries' to spy on and collect information on you, including any illegal or possibly illegal activity.

This information will then be passed to your local police department who will continue covert surveillance and if you are deemed any way insufficient or harmful to the community, you will be targetted with gang-stalking and other forms of harassment to bait you into doing something we can imprison you for.

Stay the fuck out of our state.

Mormons are explosive and inbred?

Putting in a bit too much effort.

We also spend a large portion on our private intelligence services and police state activities. You will be poisoned, electromagnetically harassed, hacked, and persecuted until you either leave our state, kill yourself, or are baited into committing a crime you will be immediately imprisoned for.

Burn in Hell, heretic. You don't know God and most certainly don't have the Holy Spirit. Joseph Smith is a charlatan false prophet who is currently burning in Hell with the false prophet Mohammed(piss be upon him).

>Joseph Smith is a charlatan false prophet

Enjoy eternity in Hell, son of Belial. Enjoy your rewards for your kikery in this life, because in the Resurection your life is eternal suffering in hellfire.

stay the fuck out of utah, we don't need you degenerate atheist shit skins polluting up the place and we don't need to spend more church money on our identify, harass, remove secret services. Just remember if you're a non-mormon in Utah everything you do is being watched and recorded by your MANY MANY mormon neighbors and reported to the bishop or spread through the local neighborhood mormon community at church. This stuff gets filed in reports and memos up the church leadership, which then disseminates it to the priesthood controlled police departments.

If you live in a way that is deemed harmful to the community, especially if you drink, smoke, or use any other form of drug, you will be spied upon, covertly harassed, and eventually arrested and imprisoned if you don't get the hint and leave beforehand. Utah is OUR state, we have nukes here. We have an airbase here. We also control the NSA databases here.


If anyone wants to learn about the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith please sign up for a free book
The missionaries are wonderful people and are always willing to answer any questions you might have about our wonderful church. I do hope you stop and think about why you actually want to join the church though, polygamy hasn't been a part of us for hundreds of years and it's far from Sharia. God bless anons and remember, you don't need to be in Utah in order to join, there's temples all across the world

13 Lift up your head and be of good cheer; for behold, the time is at hand, and on this night shall the sign be given, and on the morrow come I into the world, to show unto the world that I will fulfil all that which I have caused to be spoken by the mouth of my holy prophets.

Goodnight and God bless

>glorified cult full of stupid people
on the lower levels. Maybe you believe stupid people should be left to their own wims and impulses to lead society to degeracy and ruin?

I'd rather have the sheeple fenced into a religion those smarter than them can control and guide. If you disagree, you're a weak beta cuck who couldn't meet the standards to be let into the higher power structure, with its many many benefits. And in that case. I'm glad you left. Now leave our state before we start ramping up our crowdstalking and covert harassment on you. You WILL end up dead by your own hand, homeless, or in prison, if you don't leave.

Based Mormonbro

Mormons have a lot of kooky religious/cultural convictions. And like most conservatives, they'e no fun allowed.

No coffee or tea.


This isn't true but I do hope it scares the shitskins away. LDS is for Aryans only.

I'm not Mormon but I live like one and I'm moving out there after I finish school. 92% white, 4% Asian. Can't beat that for when the US emplodes.

>I'm not willing to give up coffee to live in a pure white conservative community

>Muslims are hated for polygamy and not 100000 other reasons

> Missionaries are wonderful people
You mean, 18-year-old naive cultist recruiters

> Our wonderful church
It’s a cult. You can put icing, rainbow sprinkles, and a cherry on a turd, but that turd will still be a turd.

> Polygamy hasn’t been part of us for hundreds of years
> Hundreds of years
Cult founded in 1830, polygamy “officially” ended in 1890, faggot

> you don’t need to be in Utah in order to join
Implying anyone would even want to hgo part of your fucking cult

Go shill somewhere else, bitch

Just stay the fuck out of Utah.

Yeup, it's not true. Enjoy your continued level 1 pleb teachings and tithe paying. I'll be deciding how it gets spent. Stay behind the veil, you unwashed faggot lover.

> I’m not Mormon but I live like one
Oh so you’re wearing cotton-polyester magic undies right now? Okay

It hurts seeing LDS people and it's teachings being so misunderstood

>pic related
funny i did this exact thing in the mandatory seminary classes mormon utahns are forced to attend in their daily school schedules.

my seminary teacher was not pleased.

they're surprisingly comfortable, especially the briefs. Like wearing silky underwhere. Helps with the confidence.

Keep it this way. We only want successful people in the church. And the ones with merit see the merit in the system the church provides. Degenerates and welfare knobs can stay the fuck out.

> LDS is for Aryans only

Mormons are cucked these days. Just ask Mitt Romney and his black grandson

And don't kid yourself. The leaders of the church are all pragmatic atheists that understand they are tasked with guiding low iq sheeple book worshippers. That's why we have a living doctrine. The churchs number one prioriti is the maintenence of white euro-centric power over lower life forms. That's why you won't ever see a shit skin in a leadership position that matters. Also why all church activists are ex-communicated with extreme prejudice.

Whats wrong with keeping the savages under a voluntary mental whip?

He won't be receiving any of the family inheritance and neither will the blacked daughter. Our families aren't immune to the jew, but we are well-versed in excising the cancer.


>isolated white community in beautiful state of Utah
Good luck when yellowstone blows.
>Give me just 1 reason why you wouldnt join tf up
Ted Cruz, Mitt Romney, etc... Basically they don't think for themselves, they just want to be ruled by whomever beats on a bible the hardest. They have great teachings but instead of helping people understand what's great about them they sell it in this cultish "you're rewarded by god" fashion that is off-putting. Since they don't understand how the world works they have this constant "holier than art thou" prideful air about them that can only be bred of complete and utter ignorance. It's unbelievably frustrating having to be around creepy cultists that are good without understanding why it's beneficial to be good.

Religions is a scam faggot. Example, who lives off these tithes? There's your scam artist.

But user they don't let just anyone join, they do have to actively be a member of the church beforehand as well doing an interview to see if you're fit to join. If someone dedicates their life to the lord and wants to be an active productive member of the church who are we to deny them the opportunity? I have faith in the bishops and missionaries to make the right choices.

You’re moving the goalposts. I never said it was wrong, I just disputed the false notion that somehow the LDS cult is an “Aryan paradise”. It’s a cult out to make financial profit for its prophet & top dogs, and while it may have had tenets in the past that appeal to white nationalists, today it’s a cucked Ponzi scheme masquerading as a Christian church

Drugs are degenerate.

Are there any actual mormons here? I'm considering joining my local mormon church, it looks pretty lit if all I've heard around here is true. I want to meet a white qt, buy a farm and have 6 kids.

> I’m such a good little Mormon
Then why the fuck are you posting on a neo-Nazi larper imageboard?

>giving 10% of your net earnings annually to the church.


No one is so far gone that they can't find redemption through Christ. I don't see a problem with posting here or any other board in my free time