How can your shit country even compete

How can your shit country even compete

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They cant.

>How can your shit country even compete
How's your shit internet and no gun rights been going soo far mate?

>Not being Aussie

Feel sad for the rest of humanity desu


For a shitpost I was hoping for a better pile of shit. You dissapointed me Australia

pretty gud

I wonder if I can trigger the Ford vs GM aussies to fight with each other and sit back and laugh

Kek that HDI index crossed out

>Average Aussie porn folder

So fuckin hot

>melbourne voted most liveable city


>trusting stats from aussies
yeah sure mate

Australia has no gay marriage.

>one chance at life
>not an aussie

>no gun rights
incorrect, it was a buyback program,those rich strayan peasants are now even richer thanks to their stupid government. :^) straya rules!

That's why you come here, batka.

yeah, go to NZ

Jokes on you mate - all the shitskins that come here for their 3-5 year citizenships end up moving to Aussie, and all the whites end up staying cause they all know what's good for them

The Aussie fears the Emu.

>and all the gooks end up staying


Post speedtest results faggot.


>Is the Aussie guy real? I thought he was a meme? who's Bruce?

>tfw have to share the board with americans



You're not even allowed to run at the beach without getting a fine.
A socialist paradise without firearms. \

Hell on Earth


>no Fags
>happiest place
wonder why

Can you own a Ar-15? I can


Lol biggest bunch a bullshit

> Feral species problem aint got to do with guns, farmers still have guns. The problem is strayas so great everyones fucking all the time.

>ANZUS has been enacted once, and it was Australia coming to help America after 9/11

Bruce is just a common name here. Like jack or john

>7th state
lmao u cunts are literally listed as a colony in our constitution. Cucked from the very beginning

I spent a year in Perth, and it pains me to admit Australia is literally paradise.