>Basic Gestalt:
>More summary:
>irc chatlog with Sup Forums mods about banned neogaf discussion.
Welcome Sup Forumsfugees.
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Old threads:
>Basic Gestalt:
>More summary:
>irc chatlog with Sup Forums mods about banned neogaf discussion.
Welcome Sup Forumsfugees.
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Old threads:
>y-you were like a brother to me
fuck gaf and fuck gaffot people
shill thread.
Real here
You can't spell fag without GAF
Guys use this thread first,
Then recycle back to this thread.
I want screenshots people. Gimme the salt pls
this thread has potential
Good weekend.
top kek
post more discord lulz
Pennis and also dicke and balls
Dethrone shitty Sup Forums mods pls
This is bait, but my lusty soul wants them to be feeling this right now.
>hanging out with long-lost Sup Forums brethren in a comfy thread watching SJWs burn and melt down
Good weekend desu desu
So frustrated and angry Goy
Once neogaf is dealt with. They're next.
I need a discord link!
Sup Forums is beyond saving. They've been shit since even before GG. And that's been what...three years now?
are video games going to be made great again?
This weekend has been GOAT tier. Sup Forumspol/ memes are the best.
put this in OP please
What is Neogaf and why are you all so interested in it?
Sup Forums they made a rap diss song about you
now that NeoGAF is dead, Giant Bomb has to go next. let me explain:
Jeff Gerstmann was fired from Gamespot for giving a game they sponsored a bad score. Gamespot is owned by CBS Interactive (CBSi), which also owns CNET and other properties. Shelby Bonnie, a guy who got hella rich off CNET/CBSi and quit, started a new company, "Whiskey Media", which made community meta-fansites for stuff—they had a comic book site and an anime/manga site at first. Gerstmann knew Bonnie from CNET or something, as well as Dave Snider, the lead Whiskey Media dev... so after taking a break, Gerstmann joined Whiskey to start a video game news/forum/wiki to complement the rest of Whiskey's sites.
several of Gerstmann's former coworkers quit GameSpot to join Gerstmann in creating Giant Bomb. it starts off as being a community-focused website (wiki, trivia game, other community features), but eventually the staff ignores the site entirely, especially the forums and wiki. Giant Bomb took off right around the time YouTube videos of people playing video games ("Let's Plays") was getting to be a thing, but it was one of the first, most notable sites to figure out early on that talking about your personal life excessively on lengthy podcasts and videos of you playing video games gets people to think of you as a friend, instead of a random person on the Internet being paid to play and talk about video games.
>Good weekend desu desu
It's been too long, lad. 2017 has been amazing so far.
the community of Giant Bomb is like 95% white beta males with no friends. the users instinctively treat the GB staff as surrogate friends, and listening to their three-hour weekly podcast and ingesting as much of their video content as possible makes them feel like they're hanging out with cool people that like video games, instead of listening to and watching jackasses living in San Francisco. some of them even kind of "talk down" to their audience, like Steve from Blues Clues would talk to the children watching his show, and once you know to look for it, it's the most annoying thing in the whole world.
you trust the GB staff like close friends, even though the relationship is unidirectional. thus, when they talk politics, both on and off the site, you listen and believe them, because you're a young naive moron. I'm basically the only one I know who DIDN'T listen and believe, but I have a ton of friends and acquaintances from my years in the community whose entire political worldview was shaped by these guys. and they live in San Francisco (and now NYC).
the GB staff's personalities are all incredibly fake, just false personas they use while on-mic/on-camera. they're completely different in person, and I know this from repeated experience (t. gamedev). those "video game wrestling" events they participate in at PAX are basically inside meta-humor for the lot of them, as they're taking on wrestling character-style personas on top of their fake "video game journo" personas.
>neogaf dies in a fire
All we wanted was to play vidya.
Sonyfag and ultra leftist breeding ground. Destroyed by its own hubris.
>So in the end he still got to fuck her
this kinda makes me salty for some reason.
>NeoGAF died on October 21st
Really makes you think
>they actually had some members who could think for themselves.
Because they are single-handedly responsible for all the liberal propaganda in western games recently
He's paying the girl some money to say they fucked later and she messed up.
after Dan Ryckert (I could write 1000 words on him alone) had moved from SF to NYC, they had Will Smith (not that Will Smith) on the podcast, and Will is a fucking moron and asked, "now that Dan's gone... how much of his schtick was real, and how much was a character he played?" everyone got real awkward and didn't give a good answer, and they wrapped up the show nearly immediately afterwards.
if you listen closely to their podcasts, you'll notice that they bring up their bathing, tooth-brushing, shaving, and other personal care topics, about once a year, in order to subtly encourage their presumed smelly neckbeard listeners to become better people. they hate video games and the people who play them, and they only barely tolerate their fans.
GB gets intimate and friendly with game devs, which is neat sometimes because it's cool to film/tape stuff with developers directly instead of just hearing from their PR department. however, GB doesn't know where to draw the line, and if you dig into this, you'll find tons of untoward relationships with developers and publishers.
GB heavily pushes the trans/queer agenda. they've had a couple of "ascended fanboys" become popular in the community, and end up producing content for the site and being on-camera. this leads their young straight white male fanbase into the trans shit, either wanting to be trans themselves, or becoming trans-fetishists. many such cases, I have seen many of them go from "so lonely I'll never have a gf" to "HEY EVERYBODY LOOK AT ME I'M SO TRANS AND QUEERRRRRRR >:3 >:3 >:3". they're consciously, intentionally spreading the mind-virus.
Sup Forums is NintendoGAF, but at least its not SJW trash.
I fucking love Nintendo though.
>past week full of Women Respecters getting caught
>ends with a whole site going down overnight
Entire week was golden.
Come on is this a troll discord under the neogaf name, or are these people honestly real, i still can't take this shit seriously.
look up aurahack. she is a very talented artist, born male, who transitioned when Catherine was released and their was a female character in it named Erica, who (spoiler) turns out to be trans, being originally named Eric, just like aurahack. aurahack took hella hormones, became a attention-craving megabitch, and now enjoys all the beta nerds fawning over her on a daily basis. she has a gamedev job but always bitches about wanting to work at Squeenix because she DESERVES it. she also gets super horny from the hormones and draws ridiculous porn and posts it on her 18+ twitter, like, /d/-tier proportions and stuff.
look up alex zandra. used to be a no-name forum poster who nobody gave a shit about. came out as "trans" and does the creepy fucking "always smiling in a way that looks unnatural af, trying to emulate being a Real Woman, but failiing ridiculously" thing that streaming trannies always want to do. goes overnight from being somebody nobody cares about to a C-tier eceleb, posting videos "breaking down the game design" of old games, drawing EXTREMELY poorly, and making games in fucking Game Maker.
both of these people and more have come from the Giant Bomb community, and were given a platform by Giant Bomb. they're both equally as awkward and weird in real life.
They'd be surprised how quickly NatSoc is growing/expanding in the furry community...
I actually missed this. I used to be a Sup Forumsirgin but I just couldn't take the cancer any more so I ended up just staying here. Sup Forums has better vidya threads anyway.
Sup Forums is great. They never changed. The mods did. We were lied to this whole time. This neogaf drama revealed everything.
Giant Bomb is so irrelevant these days that it'd take a few days for anyone to notice if it went offline. I prefer it to keep going and for Jeff to rot in the tomb he's built for himself.
Giant Bomb has always had really shitty PAX panels, and its fans just pretend to enjoy them. (their only good PAX panel was their first one, where they made fans compete to see who could drink bowl noodle soup mixed with Rockstar energy drinks faster in order to win a StarCraft II beta key, and it's only funny because SCII was terrible.) in 2016, Giant Bomb's PAX panel featured the Cards Against Humanity team, which actively sought to get Hillary Clinton elected in a variety of ways. the lead guy donated a bunch of money to her directly, and they published several anti-Trump products such as CAH expansions and "Secret Hitler" (WONDER WHAT THAT WAS PRIMING PEOPLE FOR BELIEVING, EH). there is more to this connection if you dig, but I can't go into details here.
"blinking guy meme" was a manufactured meme to help the guy in it, Drew Scanlon, break away and do his own side project. he conveniently launched a kickstarter (I think?) for his new travelling-the-world-and-playing-video-games side project literally they day after or a few days after that meme started. they laughed about it on the podcast and claimed it was a coincidence. it wasn't.
nobody knows what these full-time-employeed adults do all day at their jobs. amateurs with webcams and nice mics in their parents' basement could crank out far more content each week than they do. when people ask what their typical work day looks like, they get defensive and refuse to give a straight answer. my guess is they take calls and meetings with publishers and developers.
they gave their 2011 Game of the Year to fucking Skyrim instead of Saints Row The Third, a.k.a. "Everything Giant Bomb Likes: The Video Game". this was the most clear-cut instance of being blatantly paid off that I can remember.
The male feminist purge is far from over. We're gonna see more of these numales get reamed really soon.
It's Sunday night v/pol/ and you know the drill by now.
why? she's clearly a promiscuous slut.
I don't know many girls in relationships that will travel in a car with another man to another state, share a hotel room with them and drink to the point of being sick and expect it to be innocuous. She was having affair, she's probably more hurt that her bf at the time found out and dropped her roastie ass. she even says it in the facebook post that's what happened.
>also i got harassed 4 times today
she's a SJW tumblrina mess looking for her pity points
Digits say multiple suicides from losing their safe space.
It would be much better if there were less nebulous restrictions on what's allowed and more consistent enforcement of the rules.
Current mods must go.
>I Knew Enough to Do More Than I Did
Fuck off Nintenigger.
how does Giant Bomb make money? they have sponsors on the podcast now, yes, but they're not an independent podcast looking for a way to make ends meet like the most of them, they work for fucking CBSi, which pays the staff. how does GB make money for CBSi? the podcast sponsorships and website ad revenue can't amount to anywhere near what it does to pay living wages for like a dozen people living in two of the most expensive cities in the country. where does their profit come from? dig here.
GB also acts as a "farm league" or incubator for up-and-coming progressive leftist mouthpieces. when Klepek joined, it wasn't assumed that his position would be temporary; it was assumed he'd stay there forever. then he left after a couple of years, and eventually Walker replaced him. then Walker left after a couple years. both Klepek and Walker moved onto other leftist trash-blogs.
thus, GB acts, at some level, as an incubation chamber for leftist personality-driven "news":
>new guy joins
>builds his fake internet persona's character out over the course of several videos/podcasts
>has interactions with established site staff personalities to help with this
>gets fans
>people like them and not just because GB
>moves onto bigger and better things, bringing personal fanbase along with them
there's more to this if you dig. the new hires won't be around forever.
Ben Pack stabbed his friend Nick Robinson in the back to get where he is now. both were GB fangays and interns in the past. they did a podcast together for years afterwards.
>being salty because he fucked THAT
Not even tinder has woman that ugly
take your autism pills
>the community of Giant Bomb is like 95% white beta males with no friends
How does that at all not sound like Sup Forums?
Every flag she's flying is if you act like a bullying big brother to her, you'll be pounding on her cervix soon after.
>t. Butthurt Neofag Fanboy butthurt over his beloved god's bad choices
You need to leave, you're not wanted here.
>in their twitter bios
There are twitter motheboards?
Patrick Klepek was memed into being some kind of up-and-coming "intrepid video game reporter" and nicknamed "Scoops" because he broke a couple of big stories. I nearly (but not quite) have evidence that this was more fo the persona-building I mentioned above, and that it was someone else, likely Gerstmann, who received the news of these breaking stories (i.e. the Infinity Ward exodus), but Klepek was allowed to break and take credit for the story to help build his persona. there is no real fucking video game journalism, let's be real, it's all fake bullshit and incestuous nonsense.
I might have more on Giant Bomb that I can't remember right now (tired & a bit drunk) but I'll add it next time I use this pasta.
>appropriate black culture
Jesus christ just make a fucking image with this shit, stop spamming the thread with it
wtf I hate Satanists now
How does anyone into video games not know about neogaf at this point? And I don't mean the scandal.
Feels good to have a site admin that smashes gash on a daily basis without incident, doesn't it?
>the face that sunk neofag
>a juggalo
Mario Rabbids and Peach Beach Splash
Orange Juice
Umaruchan S2 and Shokugeki no Soma
Jump Up Superstar!
Enjoying this thread
>everything i don't like is white males
Halloween candy and some crab cakes
>Drinkin water
Saltybet playlist / Kishibashi / Yes
This has been a good year
>have meaningless sex with a rainbow haired slut
>lose your entire website for it
Don't get mad.
>the skank who brought down the SJW ivory tower poisoning gaming.
This weekend has delivered.
I didn't like BotW. I wish I did. Everyone seemed to like it. Same with toobie's game.