ITT: red pills that Sup Forums will never accept
>Blacks and Whites are natural allies against the Jew
ITT: red pills that Sup Forums will never accept
>Blacks and Whites are natural allies against the Jew
Hitler was a jew
Everyone is the natural enemy of the Jewish supremacist.
>Africa for Africans
>Europe for Europeans
>Oven for Jews
It's the only realistic solution to all of this.
Differing races have never and will never see each other as allies in any form. This has been tried before many times and ultimately ends in one race taking precedence over the other until the weaker of the two is destroyed.
Jews in America are a far greater menace than kikes in Israel.
The enemy of your enemy is your friend. The jew is the natural enemy of all life on Earth.
>merkel flag
not even a surprise
How then have blacks been living in the US for over 300 years without being "destroyed" and increasingly becoming more equal to white in social standing?
Blacks just lump the jews in with whites. They don't see the manipulation being done to them. All the rap music companies, NBA, BET and whatnot are mostly owned by jews.
It's not the Jews, it's the Irish.
i wasn't even kinda racist until i had to work with the public for a living.
and even then i felt guilty.
i wasn't truly racist until i worked for a multinational that paraded diversity.
local shop has been begging for whites for years. still only a handful of us and half were hired 20+ years ago.
The same way our itchybum natives have been destroyed, all culture and spirit erased, dumped into the fringes and kept passive with alcohol. It's the same game with blacks, they aren't becoming equal to whites by a long shot despite what some jew legislation tries to force into existence.
A white girl posing with a minority guy for a photo is not proof they had sex
Well, I accept this and (((their))) attempts to divide us is proof of it.
I've always hated this saying because it's retarded and only looks at the here and now. The U.S. wonders why they get 9/11'd with these shit strategies.
What the fuck do blacks bring to the table?
Because the Jews are using the blacks to bring about the destruction of the white race.
The Jew is an eternal enemy that must be fought, now, then, and possibly until the end of time.
mein kampf was written by a jesuit, and the jesuit conspiracy is the real conspiracy
Latinos yes, black man, unlikely. Although there are blacks who are trustworthy, the majority will always be suspect because all the jews have to do is cater tho the blacks baser impulses. It probably wont happen, they are too far down the kike's yellow brick brainwashing road.
This also why the left will never be totally united in the field of identity politics. Too many conflicting groups competing for the lowest status on the Oppression Olympics totem pole.
Animalism. And not like the Gangrel kind. Sometimes you need to release the hounds.
This is true but so are the lesser races, the Jew knows this and pits them against us. They are all the same filth to be removed.
The NSA cares about what people post on Sup Forums.
The lesser races are not enemies. They are like dogs. They can be domesticated and be our friends once we slay their masters and bring them to heel. The Jew pits them against us, yes, but without them they are powerless. Groids only have the power that they do in America because the Jews like Soros enable them.
The different races can't exist peacefully alongside one another without forced suppression and censorship of the entire population to keep the peace. It literally doesn't matter who's in charge because at the end of the day we live in an unequal world and multiculturalism, which attempts to force equality, can only survive if everyone keeps their mouths shut which is why everywhere in the world except for the USA has hate speech laws.
Your average black has negative views towards whites as a whole. They are a tool for jews if anything
ITT: OP is a reddit faggot that puts ITT on threads
civic nationalism is better choice
Losers in large numbers are a danger, never forget this. These entitled fools all have one thing in common, and that is the desire to elect themselves ownership of your property and hard work to pay off their ignorant mistakes. May God have mercy on you if they ever gain power in government, look at what goes on in Leafland. I'll be in poverty for decades at this rate.
Islam will save the western men.
I unironically agree
They are enemies in the same sense as coming across a starving bear in the forest. It's nothing personal but they will consume everything from you to maintain their meager livelihood, it's all they know how to do, this can never be changed. The idea of working to produce and trade a value added product is a foreign concept, an object either exists and they'll work to take it by force or the object will never exist outside the imagination of the mind.
Niggers are the enemies of whites ever since Egypt.
Niggers took down Egypt with niggerdom. Jewrab named Esarhaddon tried to liberated Egypt from the niggers. His son Ashurnipal, I think, finished the job.
But it was too late. Egypt got niggered and never recovered.
Niggers are the enemy of civilization.
They were created by nature to thwart the Eurasian's dominion and taming of the Earth.
We'll never colonize space as long as we have to put up with niggers.
We need an Arbiter, someone to go to war with the Niggers of Africa and tame the continent once and for all.
Niggers are being used to sabotage European whites and American whites by diluting their Eurasian temperament.
There are no documented CIA or NSA "agents". Just individuals who see the world in a similar fashion that sometimes cross paths when the chips are down.
list of antifaggots
>Blacks and jews are natural allies against the whites
So canon foder?
I have been saying this. Fight the true enemy.
-t black man trying to cozy up to people who hate him because of his race by getting them to hate other people because of their race.
cardboard nigger.
>the ally of my enemy who is also my enemy is really my friend
if we only listened to your voice of wisdom, x01YXpbz - the lives we could've saved. The horrors we could've prevented!
why would niggers hate Jews though, Niggers thrive in Jewish supremacy compared to how they would live in Africa, also they benefit from race mixing more than anyone else (their woman are trash).