Only a few more days. Who hyped?

Only a few more days. Who hyped?

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Let's have a moment of silence for those who didn't get his far to read them: Mark Lane, Penn Jones, Jim Marrs ...



aint shit gonna happen. also jfk was just a whore bangin bullshit artist who was too dumb to realize his handlers were in bed with foreign nations. play the game or get got
we'll see about that canadian geese...

pretty shit video. if you want to understand why kennedy died a better resource would be JFK and the Unspeakable. tl;dr: by the US deep state for trying to normalize relations with the communists

One video to rule them all: Doug Horne discussing deceit and deception for six and a half hours.

lmao are you fucking kikes trying to character assasinate JFK DAYS BEFORE his files gets released? Do you not understand how stupid you are?


>Jim Marrs
Was a stupid fucking disinfo boomer who should have died decades sooner.

JFK shot first


I think they will show some involvement on behalf of the Soviets and/or Cuba.

He did some good work in regards to the assassination though, finding out things no one else did. Yes, he wrote books on UFOs and monoatomic gold and a lot of other woo.
The point I was trying to make is that this is an interesting time, and it's sad that people who deserve to be here aren't.

dem trips of truth

operation northwoods was released as a result of the jfk record review act? TIL..

My theory on these files is this:

1. The CIA would never let a bunch of documents which actually prove they murdered the president to exist, much less be sitting around in some government file somewhere.

2. By the time the investigation had concluded, the CIA was already well aware of the brewing conspiracy theories (their term) regarding themselves and the assassination of the President. They could have played a very long game to take advantage of this situation.

3. If they typed up an investigation narrative which perhaps said something close to the "official story" without deviating too far - i.e. say that Oswald did do it, and did act alone, but was under close influence of the communists, then if that folder of lies is ever forced out into the open, it will satisfy most casual conspiracy theorists. They will say that the CIA wasn't telling the full truth back then, but given the cold war, etc. you can't blame them for not confirming the suspected communism angle.

4. Make sure this false information gets maximum exposure. When the files are set to be released, feign protest and request that they stay sealed to pique public interest, knowing full well that Trump is going to overrule you and order the files unsealed.

5. Unsealed files make it into the mainstream, normies accept them and use them as a point for how conspiracy theorists are raving lunatics after all

>muh jews

user., you're boring.

JFK refused to sign it, god bless him.

Sorry, not an arugment. Jews about to be BTFO on Friday.

Is this related at all to why WH Insider had jfk profile picture?

i am not stealing this. i thoguht this myself when i was 3-4 years old. i knew the last president was the one they claimed was shot.
I cant wait for what they got to say!

I read Tragedy and Hope and the various JFK texts talking about why the military hated him, and it seems to come down to their fear of the communists. Those texts all seem to portray the military leaders as just insane, e.g Curtis Lemay. Sometimes I wonder whether the cabal wasn't right about the soviet threat, and whether we've just been lied to about how severe it was..

>muh jews

ZZ.. ..zzZZ..

Wh- wh-a ? Oh, "muh jews"

ZZ... ..ZZ.. ZZ...


fag fag fag like i believe you


Thanks for the bump kike! Keep it up!

Let the fact that Operation Northwoods was only disclosed as a result of the JFK Records Act eternal BTFO anyone who claims that "they would never release anything important" in the upcoming dump.

I thought that was Catholics

can't lick our dick!

It was the height of the Cold War don't forget. JFK went in on the Bay Of Pigs thing but opted out of Laos, Berlin, the Cuban Missile Crisis, and he was intending to pull everybody out Viet Nam by the end of 1965.

For my birthday? Yeah it's after halloween
Gibe me steam codes

No. israel killed JFk.


Not even focusing on how Sirhan Sirhan and the entire Palestine issue was swept under a rug. Too close to home for Goyim to start asking too many questions, had to make Sirhan seem nutty so they would blame the "lone gunman" again. How convenient. Then the cucked Ted Chapaquiddick flooded the US with 3rd world debris and the rest is massive conspiracy needed to understand who benefits and the motives for killing the Kennedy's, communism was just a wing of the Jew World Order....Globalism the modern wing of it.

Sometimes you wonder? Who do you think has been in charge since we had an actor pretend to win the cold war by tearing down a BS wall that (((they))) put up in the first place?

All I want for christmas is for the treasonous pedophiles to be hanging from nooses

Not to mention JFK, jr. I sometimes wonder how different things would be if it was JFK and JFK, jr. instead of Poppy and Shrub.

Pretty Jewey comment BTFO shill.

The internal fight over redactions centers around the amount of Mossad in Dallas, and bit later, winter 1963, Israeli art students showing up at classified sites under bizarre pretenses.

fun fact:
the files will be released on Hilary Clinton's 70th Birthday. does it matter? no i just thought it was weird

Do you honestly think they will let us know the truth? If there is truth to be found in those documents, what do you think the people and organizations responsible are doing about that right now?