Jojo Thread: Killer Queen Edition
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Is that a reference to the cancelled Kira stand rush battle cry in ASB? It sounds similar.
after he turns on Kawajiri
Look over here.
Look over here.
Hey, I told you to look over here.
What the hell is this?
What is your excuse for not having read the manga already?
post smelly sluts
I think it's just before The Cat That Loved Kira. It was a while after he adopted the Kosaku Kawajiri persona.
killer queen makes me want to touch my peen!
bites the dust is going to be so fucking amazing holy shit
Deadly queen has already touched the peen :^)
post yfw bites the dust is orange
It's after that because Hayato video tapes it and that's when BtD comes in.
But I have user
No, pretty sure it's "My Dad's Not My Dad", because Hayato records it which leads directly to the bath confrontation
How is Okuyasu walking around with his dad in public?
F fatty.
he didint deserve to die.
Gappy makes me happy
Honestly speaking, Shigechi's death looked so much more fucking terrifying in the anime than it did in the manga, not only was it really sad but
>That scene where his spirit is screaming and crumbling into pieces.
That was fucking dark, not only did Shigechi die in a horrible way but his spirit was fucking destroyed by Killer Queen. Poor kid didn't deserve anything that bad at all.!
Can someone explain his powers? They just seem kind of like a mess to me.
>post yfw we finally get the blonde Koichi
You know, i read for the first time part four 16 years ago and i really hated shigechi, man i really REALLY hated him and his dead was meaning nothing for me, but now, thinking about him and how he's dead, he got me a little, jesus christ, old age softened me.
I also was thinking Kira2.0 could have really managed to have a normal life with his family
he tells people they were in the circus.
Dude Kira took out a severed hand in a shop and licked it and nobody noticed.
The citizens of JoJo are dumbasses
Animeonlies genuinelly seem to think that SHA is just some RC tank that Kira's controlling and primed with a bomb
>Heart Attack
>Heart Father
They're going to think there's a connection, aren't they
Literally no one liked Shigechi until his final moments where he cried about his parents. Fuck off.
He has the power to read the manga
He takes things
I caught up two years ago. In fact, I'm pretty sure most people in these threads have caught up.
another one bites the dust ;_;
>No one liked (Character) until (Development)
Congrats user you did a thing.
Random civilians in JoJo are fucking retarded.
Because it's nipland and the nips just ignore anything that doesn't conform with quiet disgust
Wonder if they'll make the Rohan/Koichi/Josuke/Jotaro deaths that brutal and then just end the episode.
It'd be a cool takeout.
jolyne is just a slut, she isn't even smelly!
yeah. he was an asshole but he did not deserve to die for it.
Killing Josuke makes it obvious something's up, though
They should have Josuke react to the others deaths then end it
>Animeonlies genuinelly seem to think that SHA is just some RC tank that Kira's controlling and primed with a bomb
>Animeonlyfags' faces after Star Platinum jobs to it
Are they retarded? It's clearly invisible to the tailor as well.
Be careful not to cut yourself with that edge user, here's your (You)
>The way you see his fucking body implode
DP really nailed just how scary Killer Queen was this episode, solid 10/10.
I'd imagine so, same with Koichi getting Kakyoin'd.
Hoping they do something really good for Okuyasu's fake-out death too.
yeah, i just noticed that too. i swear to araki that i set it to 720p
hold on, i'll make a new version
How is the anime so far?
Pretty damn good, a step up from part 3 in many ways.
>Are they retarded?
Yes, user, this is well established
Doesn't anyone like part 4? Seemed like it was one of Sup Forums's favorite parts before it started, and outside of Sup Forums it doesn't seem popular at all. Do Japs even like it?
>i swear to araki that i set it to 720p
Sure, but that still means you downloaded the shitty upscales.
God that is fucking terrifying
Pretty good
>hovered over image
How fucked am I?
some episodes are god-tier (like today's) and some episodes are so bad that they ruin everything that made the manga good (like last week's)
Enjoy Bowie Kira while he lasts. Soon he'll be generic jap salaryman
>some episodes are so bad that they ruin everything that made the manga good (like last week's)
last week's episode wasn't even bad, people are just pissy because KQ looks like shit
Did anyone else tear up a little from Shigechis death?
well, of course
>yfw RPS kid and Cheap Trick get milked for two episodes to make Japs buy the BD's again, leaving a rushed and QUALITY Bites The Dust + finale
user, your post is already a b
>Not naming the image Kira Yoshikage
You cunt, now I've seen it
He can steal something from another object.
I fucking love this pose.
>tfw Bowie died twice this year
Has Jotaro been smoking weed with lolyne in the room?
I miss the crazy dubstep from the first two parts.
>Two whole episodes of some comic book artist beating the fuck outta some kid at rock paper scissors with an invisible baby too
>Two episodes of spider walk rohan '
As much as i like Rohan, those gotta be 1 parters no matter what.
I teared up a bit, seeing kids die in anime or manga really punches my gut, and I found Shigechi to be pretty cute and funny so it was pretty bad. Didn't hit me that hard in the manga but the anime nailed it.
How is his ability to encase things in bubbles and float them connected to this?
>Filename is Killer Queen
>Name in image is Deadly Queen
I've never realized how weird this makes me feel until now.
There were a lot of things they fucked up
>hand scene
>general QUALITY all around
>overuse of kira's theme
>removal of iconic poses
>GIRA GUEEN :)))))
Have you even read JJL?
Watched the episode and it was stellar. Anyone who disagrees can fite me.
It's much worse if you can read katakana
>Shigechi sends Harvest after Kira
>takes out at least six of them
I thought this guy was supposed to be good at math?
I didn't know they were upscaled, no bully pls
He can also manipulate the bubbles. Like putting someone inside a bubble or using it as support.
>hey look it's a middle school kid literally bleeding out and with some clear head trauma
>eww just ignore him, he looks disgusting
First jojo part where i like the villain more than jojo
Is it just me or are JoJos getting more feminised as time goes on? The first 2 were fucking powerhouses and Jottaro was pretty rough as well. Josuke, not so much.
Where can I find Kira's there from the anime? Youtube isnt giving me anything.
read the manga and leave before you get the entire series spoiled for you
who the fuck would sue crunchyroll just for using the name "killer queen" in their subs? I DO NOT COMPREHEND WHY THINGS MUST BE THIS WAY
Where did you read that they think that
*theme. Im a dumbass
He makes people happy
I didn't read it, I skimmed the reaction videos
Always helps to get a handle on their dumb little "theories" so I can make fun of them
Do you not remember Prince?
Okuyasu dies
Kira gets faceswapped after killing Aya, then dies by being crushed by an ambulance
>the scribbles on Shigechi's desk
Fuck off David