/nig/ - Neogaf Implosion General - Win this culture war edition

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>Why this is important

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Welcome Sup Forumsfugees.

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best waifu

I saw Tyler Malka at a bar in Spain yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to buy a drink up at the bar I saw him trying to walk on the dance floor with like fifteen asses in his hands without getting consent.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to get consent for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be drunk and not be in the right state of mind, but eventually turned back around and brought them consent forms.

When one girl took one of the forms and started signing it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to sign them each individually once “to prevent any sexual infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she signed each form once and got him to pay for a drink and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by trying to climb into the shower.

Where the discord links at
I wanna see the butthurt in realtime

All I care about is if there's going to be a Half Life 3.

I hope you're all having a good day, anons

here faggot


deal with it faggots



>Is that vomit?
>I love vomit.

>the woman who killed neofag


ITT: we post game series that died with more dignity than Neogaf.


thanks doc

Any lol screencaps so far?


What did he mean by this?

Confirmed never happening

Give me your worst neogaf screenshots, I need to show a friend why I'm so happy they're being shut down.


Assuming ResetEra does have the institutional email requirement again what's the easiest way to get one?

I got bored of the shit, just some Sup Forums fags spamming mostly.

The $10,000,000 pussy.

thanks doc

Thanks doc

Why does it have Daily Dose colors?


this is what i have to do now
this is my life
someone send help
pic very related


Neogaf refugees are starting a new forum calling it ResetEra,

It's best to bomb that hashtag as much as possible to hamper their efforts.


>be me
>hot gaming chick with pink hair 9 out of 11
> goes to gaming convention with the 10 Million dollar CEO of Neogaf
>have great time and we're getting drunk
>his place is across town so I asked him to stay at my hotel
>takes shower
>he comes in with his raving 3 inch benis ready for action
>I do as he asks
>trump gets elected
>fuck men!

Might be time to unleash the fashwave folders with a #ResetEra watermark on teh twiggers.

Have the very worst first.

Isnt that the recolor from pol. I thought the original was blue/silver

Either Bloodborne or.. I can't think of anything else, so pic related and Bloodborne.

To be fair, she has a Juggalo tattoo. With evidence of poor life decisions tattoo'd clearly on her body, he probably thought he had a shot. Probably thought she'd hike her leg up for anything willing to throw their dick into a a box of crazy.

"This is it. It's now or never. History doesn't remember the men that didn't try."

>a literal nobody promoting themselves on Sup Forums

Why are LOL threads banned from Sup Forums?

Christ user..

You are kidding. Seriously?


im late to this but why don't they just build their own forum?

Nope. That's her.

Someone make some Hitler RestEra edits

That's the NeoGAF replacement aparrently
Be sure to nip it in the bud
It might not be though, I find it strange they're using Picollo Dick/GG colors

yall might want to ruin the resetera name before they start formally rolling with it

Refugee camps for NeoGAF users so far:


>Probably thought she'd hike her leg up for anything willing to throw their dick into a a box of crazy.
And he was right. Just not when she was puking-drunk in the shower. She admitted she was fucking him not long after that incident. But don't mind that, LISTEN AND BELIEVE user! That misogynist should burn!

Because they belong on /vg/ idiot.

favourite pasta

God damn man




Christ I can smell the triggering and daddy issues from here.

Seems like cisgendered white christian males win again

That's not Rise

Dont forget giantbomb and vice waypoint forums

>Be sure to nip it in the bud
This is the best course of action.

>become literal whos
damage is already done no matter where they crop up again

you're correct. yukiko is not a whore

>always off-topic
>usually someone dumps porn
>just pure shitposting

There's a reason they put LOL in a spoiler, it autosages if you just put LOL by itself.

the fucking range bans are ridiculous

Yeah, it's pretty clear this was just a "now I regret it" thing.

No one is fucking naive enough to go alone with some dude to a party city, get drunk, and share a hotel room all while maintaining a platonic relationship.

>2024 Olympics could include competitive video gaming

video games in the Olympics, who would have thought?

>being straight and normal is weird and douchey
What did it mean by this?

>But bitching about “problematic” material in video games like sexy female characters is SOMEHOW video games related, huh?
Is this true about Sup Forums?

>shopping at a bar

>tfw you can't even call them cucks as an insult because they legitimately take it as healthy lifestyle choice.

Because no one posts video game stuff

Yet another one of NeoFAG's victims who is finally getting justice. And really, they all deserve much worse after what they did to Tim Soret.

NeoFAG ruins lives, so it is incredibly gratifying seeing the man who created that cesspool having his life ruined by his own monster.

I agree. UK and Canada users complained this morning about being rangebanned too. Don't know what stick got in their asses since neogaf went down.

>neogaf meetup
It will all make sense.

why do they all type in the same cadence?

Guys we should know by now that throughout history it's women that bring down empires. Basically that woman that destroyed NeoGAF is gaming's version of Helen of Troy.

>mfw reading old irc logs
>janny jokes about combining Sup Forums and Sup Forums
The fuck is this then? 2 years later but they forced this to happen

I miss Junji Ito threads

Every NeoGAF related discord is getting raided.

>nip it in the bud
Considering Sup Forums got expelled from their own board and didn't put up a fight I doubt they're capable of raiding a highly moderated one.

He can make his game, which btw is looking very good already, even better. No need to pander to those marxist libcucks.

Except he was right. They started fucking for the following months and then broke up around E3 2015.

I think it's pretty hilarious. Shows just how upset they are over it. Really does make me think the mods were gaffers.

numale or women

>yfw Sup Forums mods are fully infiltrated and Hiroshima is fully supporting this

based 8v


Don't think Hiro is aware just how fucked this situation is.

Can we get moots attention and get him to call Hiro?

Oh shit, I know that ChronicMathDebater guy. Pretty cool, even if his taste in women is shit

And FUCKING DEEP SEA THREADS. God I hate nu-Sup Forums.

Nobody heard of neogaf you fucking shitdicks.

GaymerGate was 5 years ago and now you have a guy who is GRABBING 'EM BY THE PUSSY like Trump and you're fucking looking for a worthless scalp.

This guy is like Pewdiepie - bots like him.

You think moot still gives a fuck about this place?

This is insane. These are perfectly fine threads being pruned for no reason.


>Somalian refugees from my knowledge and experience have a reputation of being model citizens.

LMAO people like this is why the Founders made the 2nd amendment.

Abomination, people like this exist. They should be dead

no. he is satisfied with being a cuck. that pussy is strong

I'm having so much fun watching them bitch and moan.


Those were my favorite threads. Got so many cool images from them.
The spooky threads also seem to be getting removed

See now this is a rational attitude. Poor guy however is dealing with the crowd that put matress girl on a pedestal(turned out she made the whole thing up) and kicked off a lynch mob at UVA (turned out there wasnt even a party) .

The entire SJW ideology is all about immediate gratification of feelings and exhultation of victimhood. Such things are not open for reason or debate according to them. The accusation of a woman is sufficient to trigger the destruction of careers and reputations. If it turns out it was all based on baloney that is okay because the cost of ruining one male oppressor who happened to be innocent at the time is a price they are willing to make other people pay.