>still has a dick
no thanks

>has a dick

You're gay!

That's a dude, don't be a faggot.

it's not gay if it's a feminine penis

fake tiddies are ugly
but there's something sad on those under-the-armpit, never-to-touch silicone blobs

If you wouldn't hit that you're literally gay.


did anyone else see his Q and A on youtube with his obviously gay boyfriend?

They were asked many obvious questions but didn't answer one. Like how do they have sex? Does his boyfriend such her off? Fuck him in the ass? ETC ETC. They also said they wanted to have children. Ummm... HOW? Didn't answer anything important.

This really turns you on huh?

It probably looks even worse down on that things Frankenpussy.

>Not banging dudes is gay.

They still have their benis.

It's only gay if the balls touch you retarded faggot niggers

He's all yours, buddy.

>looks like a plastic doll
>several plastic surgeries already
>will end up looking like a BOG sister
>trannies arent mentally ill

Who's this hot female?

Jesus that's a lot of contouring

>not jerking him off while he rides your cock so he cums all over you while cum inside him

What are you? A heteronormative faggot or something?


Yeah, and it doesn't.

>implying Arby's isn't fucking delicious

Is it someone famous or just some literal who degenerate male who has brain damage?

>If you wouldn't hit that you're literally gay.

Postmodernism has destroyed our society. Look faggot. He has a dick. There are only 2 genders. That one is male.


Your going to be disappointed friend.



just use the post-it note technique and you're in the clear.

I've been fucked by dudes while crossdressing. I have the common courtesy to admit that it's gay.

Open up bitch.

I respect cross dressers. Most out in tons of effort looking pretty and they are under no illusions that they are just pretending for a kink.


How loose is your asshole

Its only gay if youre being penetrated, there is literally nothing gay about wanting to ravage her asshole

Nope, i'm not a closet homo obsessed with this dudes online persona. Do tell though.

>He has a dick.
A feminine one.
>There are only 2 genders. That one is male.
It's female (male).
This guy gets it.



wow pence
really inspired
thanks really

Pretty much. I've got an autogynephilia fetish. I'm under no illusions that it's degenerate and gay. I'm also bi though - I've banged more women than dudes.

Not, really. I've been banged by two dudes, three time. Over the course of a few years. My asshole is pretty normal.

It's still a guy. Why delude yourself?

she doing ASMR with plausible deniability on the eroticism aspect yet?
hearing someone like a lollipop just relaxes me

i don't care for e-celebs personal lives, but saying they want children is kinda... odd

>there are many biological females uglyer than this guy
weird, isnt it?

an asshole feels like an asshole no matter who its attached to. A mouth feels like any other mouth. I would ravage that boihole and let her (him) suck my rod.

Yeah, and the fact that they would answer questions, but not he most obvious ones people would want answered.

I think the truth is that they are both a couple of fags and one likes to pretend he is a women, but they both suck eachother off and pretend they are a normal m/f couple.

Is my boner a delusion?
Cause it's definitively there.

it turns me on too. I am sad but it's true.

I think it's the lipstick that makes her look the weirdest, if she stopped plastering it all around her lips like a clown she'd look more passable

Convincing enough for me.

would dick holes/10

Your boner indicates an attraction to feminine/female-mimicking men. They're still men. You have a boner for men.


otherwise why are you taking like an idiot, a woman, a minority or a 4 year old?


Fucking degenerate.

post op is gross dude.

Perhaps you should consider killing yourself.

I knew it was a dude the instant i looked at it

I gotta admit, I fap to traps sometimes but if I were to ever meet one the girlpenis would probably become way too fucking real for me I think.


Is this real?

Awful truth:

Traps in this year of grace 2017 are more (superficially) attractive than cunts of the same age, because trannies actually understand after a fashion what men find attractive.

Of course they're complete fuck-ups. So are women.

Your boner isn't a delusion, it's just faggy as hell

if you can't see that that's just a dude with titty implants, you are literally a complete faggot.

>yfw you find out traps use flavored lotions on their dongs like bitches use on their cunts

Maybe. But my experience is that once guys are alone with a crossdresser, they lose most of their inhibitions. Fact is most (I don't know if it's actually most, but at least a significant proportion of) dudes would bang a feminine CD, and most chicks would bang a masculine Lez. The lefties aren't wrong about everything. Some people just have higher disgust sensitivity for such behavior than others.

>ywn replace Blaire's obviously gay boyfriend

Trannies aren't traps, newfags.

>has a dick

no thanks

>most chicks would bang a masculine Lez
I'm pretty sure most chicks are bi. They just hate each others too much to date.