Why do the left hate free speech?

Why do the left hate free speech?

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Because leftism cannot survive in a place where free speech is curbed.

*isn't curbed


the left is based on lies
free speech leads to truth

The reason the university needs to spend $500,000 for him coming is because of liberals in the first place.

free speech = hurt feelings
hurt feelings = sad liberals

Pretty much this. The left hates people like Spencer because he's taking away their voters. If you ask most alt right people they'll tell you they used to be a liberal before they learned about white genocide and cultural marxism.


Whats the story on Spencer anyways? Is he just advocating for common sense and the left is freaking out or does it really say 'kill all non-whites?"

More like, why is the right so obsessed with it? Oh, because if you have free speech, then you can be homophobic, antisemetic, hateful, bigoted, ignorant morons and no one can stop you.

because one of the two teats of leftism (together with theft) is fascism, ie valuing individuals less than hiveminding groups, which implies the hatred of freedom

Because it was thanks to free speech that the iron curtain fell down.

Technically individualism is leftist. The idea that you matter more than society as a whole is what led to all this degenerate sexual stuff.

>individualism is leftist
you're a dumb nigger

They only liked free speech when it benefitted them now they want a lefty dictatorship.


communisim will win faggot

He's not saying gas everyone or anything he just wants a white ethno-state. Here's his latest speech.


November 4

you're a dumb nigger too, but that's to be expected from a runaway slave rapebaby



fuckin right

Why do you love deep state agents?

>it cost, by some estimates, $500,000 to support all the extra police presence
desu this is reason enough to support that closet case going around campus, BLEED COLLEGE DRY

I wish it were 1917 for us as well. Good times.

Because they can't argue with facts

The only suppression they can produce ideologically speaking is literal suppression - aka not an argument

I am reminded of the two minute hate, when I watch that video. All those useful idiots screaming at the top of their lungs how much they hate the evil "nazi." What is amazing is that they project all this hate on to Spencer but it is clear he has none of the hate they claim he is filled with. It is all within the left, that disgusting brew.

In all honesty he is calm, intellectual, and peaceful. What are they going to do when violence finally erupts? They should talk with him now and try to find a reasonable solution instead of letting it get that far. They will not win.

oh, I already know you stand against all that is Human

cause their ideology is built upon lies and falsehoods,the truth would destroy all their progress so they have to ban free speech or errode it enough to shut dissent up

Ahaha, where commie did win? WE the right-democrats - destroy Soveit Union!

why does the Alt-Right hate white people?

They hate independent thought outside of their rhetoric.

Why do you think centrists have no where to go? It’s either “follow our doctrine to the letter” or “Nazi” according to the left.

when you destroyed it you unleashed it on the entire globe, it was contained before

>why do they let him speak?! It costs so much money in police protection which he needs because we can't be civil!

Why you born with down syndrome?

An ideology built upon lies can be easily undermined if people are allowed to talk about it.

>Okay, free speech, blah blah blah, I don't care about that argument

That would actually be a funny meme if the person getting their head chopped off was PJW or Sargon. Complaining to the grave is pretty much all they're interested in.

LMAO the black dude standing with the balled fist. That shit is so cringey

>Yeah OK you beat cancer but you're going to die anyway, idiot

Because their ideology doesn't jive with individualist-minded internet culture that is consuming the entire planet, and since they can no longer win debates by rhetorical tricks, they must shut it down.

Capitalism is working just fine and will continue to do so because communist economics died and became indefensible even in French academic socialist circles as early as the 1950s. What you have is a culture war you're waging seasoned with communism and spread by Jews. You're a golem.

But like any ideology that runs entirely on hate, you've turned everyone against you, which is why you're now losing.

What has Richard Spencer said that is so unconscionable? Has he ever actually explicitly called for violence against certain groups? Has he promoted violence a gain at these groups to his followers?

The only direct quotes I've heard from him are completely mundane statements about "white interests" and such stuff. Do these liberals only hate him because CNN called him a nazi? Because that's the impression I'm starting to get. I don't think any of these leftists have actually listened to any of Spencer's speeches.

Come on user... you should know that if you are a straight white male you are already a Nazi. Even sucking Tranny dick and being Antifa only makes it so they want to hang you last.

Communism is the idea of losers, each time their regimes collapsed one by one. Even China become a capitalist state. Only North Korea remained.
Bravo, comrade!

This people are fucking stupid.
>white ethno-state
Whites are already a minory in the US. If they "mass evict" non-whites the country will go to shit.

That wasn't the right kind of Communism, comrade.

Why do you think the left has thrust Richard Spencer into the lime lite? Do you think the left wants Facebook to morph into Sup Forums? A free and open society always morphs into something resembling Sup Forums. The right has no power and they want to keep it that way. We're here on this site out of design for the system. The left thinks 10 steps ahead while the right thinks about immediate surroundings and SJW's and other distractions that lowers your IQ to argue against.

Because the left is a bunch of pussies, who can only win if the rights of the right are severed.

The truth doesn't need the crutch of coercion to support it. When people try to suppress free speech, it's because they fear the truth becoming widely-known.

Individual liberty (freedom to pursue the truth, whatever it may be) is the path to enlightenment, and the greatest good for our people.

> muh Cultural Sarxism

sorry buddy, its been debunked


They're a generation raised by thin-skinned uppity soccer moms

Does anyone think this was an accident?

>Right-Wing president elected
>9 months pass
>Millions of conservatives cannot publicly support Right-Wing politics without being censored

Trump will not save you Sup Forums. Being a proud lazy "Trump supporter" will not save you. Retweeting memes about crooked Hillary will not save you. You have no voice and Trump is not the man to give you a voice. Trump does not recognize you Sup Forums. You have to become redpilled, not just #Jwoke. Think about how cancerous the right has become. You will not save the planet by getting a tradwife and having a few kids. You are not even safe in your own country to express right wing politics after electing a right wing president who you thought would end censorship culture. You will lose your job, your social media voice, your email accounts, your family, you do not have a voice, you have become inferior and docile. It doesn't have to be this way. Right 2.0

>literally if you kill your enemies, they win
how many layers of leafposting are you on right now

Communists don't like free speech because they're out to destroy western civilization which is intrinsically true. If you are trying to destroy something beautiful and true ofcourse you don't like freedom of expression. Because it could at any time BTFO you completely. Communists are notorious liars, and are so on purpose in order to destroy western civilization.

It's very simple - American "right" people are sick with tolerance and humanism. They are not capable of overthrowing liberal "democracy" and the establishment of apartheid for non-whites and authoritative president as leader on nation, like in the good old days. So your emotionality and unscientific leftist ideas have nothing to do with it. It's all americuck nature.


I care about that argument. Tons. Enough to never vote for a fucking leftist ever again.

you cant kill communism, communism will hunt capitalism like a ghost as long as capitalism is there. yang and yin, the cold war rages nwo in every country and every city and we will win

If anyone on the right thinks it's enough to identify and criticize their enemies, leftists, Jews, SJW's, fags, feminists, trannies, you are not redpilled. These are pieces on the game board set in front of you. They are barriers to the progress of Right 2.0 youtube.com/watch?v=if1bo00_RVo

>communism will wing it's like ying and yang.
The communists never stop to realize that communism literally want to destroy western civilization, and never consider that they are incredibly bad and wrong by doing so. Including wherever communism went destroying its own citizens in a brutal fashion. Mao alone managed to kill almost more than the total casualties of many many countries waging a brutal war. But he just murdered his own people to about the same amount. They don't even realize why hitler got freaked out by what the commie bolsheviks did to russia, murdering 20 million or so of the best and brightest of the russians. Aswell as attempting to do the same in germany with a literal armed communist "revolution" that failed in germany in 1918-23.

The left hates PRO WHITE speech because it hates the existence of white people. It does not care about other kinds of speech and would violently defend Marilyn Manson's right to be a sick pervert on stage or a modern Allister Crowley's right to preach Satanism.

No the only speech that is wrong in the (((Leftist))) world is speech that leads to white people having an identity. Expose your Jewish Masters and turn the heat up on them. They hold the keys of power through Central Banking, Education, Media and Entertainment. They are pure evil and white people are in their cross hairs.

Hard to control peoples minds if you can’t control their tongues

That Alex fellow seems mentally ill.

It's not enough to be #Jwoke. White nationalism is the way the system primitizes the white man.

NORMIE FRIENDLY redpill on the holochaust and why some jews fought for hitler and some jews fought against hitler. youtube.com/watch?v=QlBA2zp992c&bpctr=1508767138
>ethnostate kikes vs communist kikes, kikes invented communism to destroy western civilization and bring it into the jewish mindset. They both hate eachother.
The commies were the ones that came up with the 6 gorillion, it's physically impossible but the 6 million was preordained because jews love numbers and gemmatria. 6 is a holy number to them, and 6 million is exactly 6 and 6 zeroes.
Hitler even gave many jews who fought for him in military leadership positions awards aswell as the title of honorary aryan.

>communism will never truly die
So it's just like communism will never truly work?

>Hurr durr we should take away people's rifhts to speak because I'm too emotionally fragile to not react to everything they say
Grow up and get some thick skin or get the fuck out. Nobody wants to tolerate and pander to your socially retarded ass anymore, pussy.

Those who invented and fund communist movements know exactly what they're doing. They're absolutely intent on destruction, death, and total control.

Their useful idiot foot soldiers are just naive and gullible cannon fodder.

Why does the right love hate speech?

Why does the right gravitate towards racist ideologies?

If you want to be redpilled you need to know more than a few Jews in charge. Think about it this way, you could be redpilled and never say the name of a Jew and accomplish more than those who feel oppressed by the Jew. There is more to the system than Jews. Don't become just another game piece on the board.

>armed communist "revolution" that failed in germany in 1918-23

and look at Germany today, there a squatted communist buildings in every major German city - after trump was larping against globalism while attending the G20 in hamburg we wrecked the german police in the streets


white people genocided the native americans so dont teach me about how great the west is and Mao's crimes

V for vendetta

Why does it matter what people think and say? Why are you such upset drama queens over words? Why do you honestly believe you're entitled to higher privileges than everyone else just because you're emotionally weak and easily offended? Are you actually retarded? You keep saying those claims yet never explain why they should happen

The right does too, see #takeaknee

HOLOCHAUST WAS COMMUNIST ATROCITY PROPAGANDA. In order to have free reign to continue to dismantle western civilization which they now renamed as cultural marxism after they got their heads together after the war in the frankfurt school of cultural marxism. And the "survivors" have been lying to you your entire life in order to collect free gibs from the german government in restitution.
The ethnokikes (zionists) wanted their own state and agreed with hitler that they would leave germany and fought FOR him, hence the havaara agreement was struck. The commie kikes wanted to destroy western civilization and stirred up the bolshevik revolution etc. But the kikes in US and britain and ofcourse hardcore kikes in russia jewed eachother. And decided to fuck over germany instead of resolving it peacefully, so a massive battle ensued with germany fighting for its own life. Aka wwII

N for national guard killing commies like this sub human

>hate speech

Dumb, meaningless term.

More like N for Nigger you unwashed faggot.

>mommy, mommy, make the bad men go away, I can't handle words! Please, I need pictures of puppies and Star Wars legos to deal with the stress!
Grow a fucking spine.

it work and continuous to work

>An Egyptian writer, a dyed-in-the-wool liberal, wrote in the now-distant days of the first Tahrir square: “The people I saw on Tahrir Square were new Egyptians, having nothing in common with the Egyptians I was used to dealing with every day. It was as if the revolution had created Egyptians in a higher form […], as if the revolution had not only rid Egyptians of their fear but also cured them of their social defects. […] Tahrir Square became like the Paris Commune. The authority of the regime collapsed and the authority of the people took its place. Committees were formed everywhere, committees to clean the square and committees to set up lavatories and washrooms. Volunteer doctors set up a field hospital.” In Oakland, the Occupy movement held Oscar Grant Plaza as the “Oakland Commune.” In Istanbul, no better name could be found, already in the first days, than the “Taksim Commune” for what was coming into existence there. A way of saying that revolution was not something that Taksim might lead to one day, but its existence in actuality, its ebullient immanence, here and now. In September, 2012, a poor Nile Delta village, Tahsin, 3,000 inhabitants, declared its independence from the Egyptian state. “We will no longer pay taxes. We will no longer pay for schools. We’ll operate our own schools. We’ll collect our garbage and maintain our roads ourselves. And if an employee of the state sets foot in the village for any other purpose than to help us, we’ll throw him out,” they said. In the high mountains of Oaxaca, at the beginning of the 1980s, Indians trying to formulate what was distinctive about their form of life arrived at the notion of “communality.”


97% of the left is white or non-Jewish. You aren't thinking clearly if you feel that you can call it a day after knowing a few historical facts about the Jew. Pol has become the McDonalds-Right. A quick and easy pseudo-intellectual snack with a side of juice. You will never break free of the system as a low-mid IQ white apart of a social movement.

It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.

The truth about immigration, by the numbers:

Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:

Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:

Cultural Marxism & Social Justice explained:

Why are we in decline - Cultural Marxism:

The Jewish role in the refugee crisis:

White Genocide is real - In their own words

Leftist subversion explained by former KGB agent Yuri Bezmenov:

also see

The facts about slavery in North America:

Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:

The Jewish role in the porn industry:

Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)

The Holocaust:

>white people genocided the native americans so dont teach me about how great the west is and Mao's crimes
See this is communists in a nutshell. White people are bad and white people and western civilization needs to be destroyed. The cultural marxists kikes have brainwashed them completely and instead of others sorting out their own countries it's all about beating on the white man for daring to exist.
>V for vendetta
Literally being such a fucking useful idiot that they follow predictive programming color revolution TV propaganda as a main tenant of their beliefs.

>you cant kill communism, communism will hunt capitalism like a ghost as long as capitalism is there. yang and yin

I cant even apply logic in that sentence. If capitalism and communism are yin and yang then there will be time communism wins and there will also be time capitalism wins. If its gonna be a one-sided victory by communism anytime then they are not in yin and yang relationship.

>If you want to be redpilled you need to know more than a few Jews in charge. Think about it this way, you could be redpilled and never say the name of a Jew and accomplish more than those who feel oppressed by the Jew. There is more to the system than Jews. Don't become just another game piece on the board.
HAHAHA, the video just explained to you the different factions of the kikes if you would watch it. It's almost like your response was done without watching or reading what i was saying. in wwII you exactly had two kike factions fighting against eachother aswell. One on the side of hitler, another the commies to destroy western civilization, why they hated germany aswell.

Native Americans genocided native Americans before white people ever showed up. White people just do it - like everything - better You're dumb and ignorant as fuck. At the very least you are very confused and self entitled

Wow, communism really worked out for Egypt, huh?

>Any movement that preaches intolerance and persecution must be outside of the law.
Except some, apparently.

>it's so debunked that overt Communists with Communist flags in their editor profiles on Wikipedia had to delete the entry and all its sources

>we cannot tolerate the intolerant
Great! When can we start executing Antifa?

>claims that communism can't lose because it's like yin and yang
>capitalism will totally lose though

fighting wars is not genocide, the Indian fought, but they never killed woman and children. war was a thing between young man ready to show thier courage and win prestige for themselves never a wholesale slaughter of entire peoples

BLM tries to butt in and make everything about them, so let's start there

When did you begin to believe that Jews were the answer the redpill provided? The redpill is timeless fundamental principle. The Jews guard the gate to the system. If all you see is Jews you cannot see the system.

spencer is free to talk all he wants, but "free speech" != "entitled to force universities to spend massive amounts of cash to protect his faggot, attention seeking ass"

it takes all the cops in the world to keen communism at bay


Anybody in power hates free speech, for free speech could potentially compromise their position of power.