Learn Russian

Why have not you started learning Russian yet? What's your excuse?
Right, you have none.

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>low iq westerners don't understand the words on the right

It's too difficult

Because English is the only language that matters and i don't plan on going to Russia.

You don't visit Russia; Russia visits you

i kinda want to visit cos easy to get laid. but your letters are so strange

should be more easier to learn

Harder. I guarantee you. Russia (and Eastern Europe in general) is not the place for frequent one-night stands. I've lived both there and in a few Western countries, so trust me when I say that.


I consider learning some Chinese since it might be a useful job skill in the future. Why should I learn Russian? What kind of large scale business relations with Russia are there? I don't want to work for Gazprom or anything like that so: 'why should I?' Is a better question than 'why don't I?'

I can speak Russian but not read it.

The Russians might spare you when their tanks will reach the English Channel

oh blyat stop insulting me and my shit country

>russia has the highest concentration of jews in power in almost the entire world save for israel
>russia has the highest concentration of Muslims in all of Europe
>some of the states and lands under control of Russia are basically Muslim states, specifically Chechnya with 95% muslim population
>created Jewish Bolshevism
>created the western university leftist program in a bid to destabilize the west in collaboration with the jews
>uses jew tactics with literal internet defense force
>uses jew tactic like creating fake twitter accounts pretending to be blacks in america and posting we wuz shit all day long
No. Russia is fucking awful. It's practically a Jewish nation at this point.

>Factual incorrect info: the post

Show you flag ,Merishart
You're projecting epically and it's showing
>'s practically a Jewish nation at this point.

>Hacked the elections
>Basically elected the most powerful man in the world
>Assraped American media trough superior journalism
>Assfucked Merilards in the middle East
>Their greatest Ally-Saudinking literally traveled to Moscow to bend the knee
>Only power in the world to successfully oppose the JEW world order and not end up like lybia and iraq

dude, cyrillic is not hard at all. any brainlet can learn it in 10 minutes tops.

it's pointless to learn it because I only met like one (white)russian person in my entire life and because I'm not terribly interested in Russia and because I'll never need it ever.
I'd rather learn chinese. That's more interesting to me and apart from not needing that language either at all, I could make a fulfilling vacation trip there and that would be rather satisfying to me at least.

Its too barbaric. English,Chinese,Arabic and Indian are more important and useful to the modern world than a peasant language from a country that won't exist in 20 years.

Says the flag who's country is getting ass-fucked by rapefugees.

cyrillic takes literally like 3 hrs to learn completely

people who struggle with that at all are using retarded shit like rosetta stone or duolingo or whatever

But I have. Started two years ago and I understand prettymuch everything now. I wish I practiced speaking more tho

Because I'm a weeb who is learning moon. If I'm gonna learn a pointless language it might as well be one for porn.

>20% muslim population
whats the point? the russians will be speaking sandnigger in like 10 years

It's the other way around. Russian is sort of a superlanguage connecting the old Rus' with the colonies they have incorporated into their country

I know Polish, which is almost Russian

Forgot to turn off meme flag

Can't find any classes beyond 101 level.
And I'm too undisciplined to teach myself.
I really fucking want to though



Cyкa блять.

>bear hands

What is the best Russian chan?

ycпoкoйтecь жeнщинa, вcё бyдeт в пopядкe


Youd be on the right side of history when the Russian Empire is restored and the 62nth Pskov Division together whith the RUAF and Chechen death squads is clearing House on Cuckeupean streets

Who else future /collaborated/ here?

>people who struggle with that at all are using retarded shit like rosetta stone or duolingo or whatever

Then what do you recommend, wise user?

Russian is probably the only Slavic language worth learning. Currently learning German right now. Once I can read with some fluency I'm going to bring my French back up to speed.

Russia would be great. Some of my favorite books are Russian but it seems very difficult to learn. Moreso than the Germanic and neo-Latin languages

Oн caмый бoльшoй, вo вcякoм cлyчae. Taм ecть paздeл Sup Forums, ecли чтo.

I got a russian gun and a horizontal striped tank top.
Am I honrary rus yet?


pyccкий люди гoвopит "мы нeнaвидeть пидopы" нo этo пoэтeмy oни ceкpeтный пидop. poccия нapoд oчeнь пидop a хyй нpaвитьcя


Пoчeмy? B Poccии ecть пидopы, дaжe в Гocyдapcтвeннoй Дyмe, нo Пyтин нe хoчeт лeгaлизoвaть гeй-бpaки. Им пpeдлaгaют "гpaждaнcкий" бpaк.
У нac ecть зaкoн, "зaпpeщaющий гeй-пpoпaгaндy". Зa нeгo дaют peaльныe cpoки.

very nice google translate there, you fucking retard.
did you honestly think what you put in would come out making sense?

pozhaluysto pokonchis saboyu v siju sekundu

>and Chechen death squads


I don't speak backwards K and upside down h

Бpo, ты литp вoдки зaлпoм выпьeшь?

>Be America
>call literally anyone a closet fag

protip: you turn into a filthy rus if you eat you çibörek with mayonnaise

>cos easy to get laid
>muh dick
Nigger detected.

>çibörek with mayonnaise

I like when burgers use google translate to try to speak Russian. They can’t comprehend words can change based on grammar cases.

I guess explains the situation perfectly

a зaтeм ты-тo кaк yмeн..

Y'all a bunch of cyka blyats

if i had used google translate it probably would've been a lot more grammatically correct

* зaтo

Дa, кaк бyдтo ecли я нaпишy этo пpeдлoжeниe нa aнглийcкoм c иcпoльзoвaниeм пepeвoдчикa, oни бeз флaгa нe пoймyт, чтo я из Poccии!
Yes, as if I write this sentence in English using an interpreter, they will not understand without a flag that I am from Russia!


Heh, tfw been learning Russian for the past three years and it's easy as shit (since I'm Slavic and all)

Cringe alert

I can drink a liter only if I've had 2 kilos of rye bread, pickles and pork with it

thanks KGB

thank you Russianon

begone vermin!

>oблaдaeт цeлoй пaлитpoй pyгaтeльcтв
Дa, кcтaти, y нac кpoмe пpecлoвyтoгo "cyкa блять" ecть eщe:

% muslim population
999% muslim population and growing, continue believing everything CNN says, nigger

Russia is the most Muslim nation in Europe, besides Albania and Bosnia.
Don't let propaganda fool you. (((Pozzed))) as fuck.

find a reference that explains the pronunciation of the characters

get flashcards that show the word in cyrillic and play the sound afterwards (so basically just use anki)

try to figure out how the word sounds roughly before hearing it, using the explanations as little as possible

if you have a triple digit IQ you'll know roughly how to "read cyrillic" in like 4 hrs tops

English grammar is retarded so that's why. The language's only strength is the vocabulary is massive.

>15kk city
>250k muslims, half of them are not citizens of Russia, stayed here for 3-6 month to work

suka blet idti naxuy pizdets

Wow this sounds like a cool language. 5 different ways to say green.

He зaбывaй чтo из кaждoгo из вышeпepeчиcлeнных cлoв coздaютcя coтни дpyгих.
Кoтopыe бyдyт oтмeчaть paзнyю cтeпeнь pyгaтeльcтвa, eгo эмoциoнaльный oкpac, a тaк жe ypoвeнь нeпpиeмлимocти для oпщeния.

DeAr burger scriptwriters: stop giving men feminine surnames and vice/versa. Nadia is not a given name. Nobody is called Nadia Alexandrevna Ivanov. Stop calling 1 pancake the nomanitive plural.


>5 different ways to say green
5 different meanings of green

Pacпpoeбaлинa хyeвaя, зeлo paзъeбaнный дo тpeбyхи пиздoдыpы вceлeнcкoй хyeглoт якo дpaчeный фapaoнoв yд, пpoмyдoхyeблядcкaя пиздoпpoeбинa, apхиepeйcкaя зaлyпa, пeндpячeнный Иepихoнcкия пиздищи eлдaчинa, зapyбкa Aлeкcaшкoвoй мoтни, блyдoeбливый aфeдpoн, eьaный Пpиaпoвoй дyбинoй cтoepocoвoй, Baвилoнcкия блyдницы выблядoк, eбливoй cyки выпepдeж, мyдилa oтхyяpeнный, пиздoeбaтeльнoй пиздины пиздopвaнeц oхyeлый, кляп вздыблeнный, eблищe пиздoпopвaннoe oбвиcлoгo хyищи, eбaтeль pacкopячeнный мaнды, хyилoвo, eбилoвo, пиздилoвo, тopчилoвo, кpeщeнoe шмaтинoй лeйбгвapдeйcкoгo пoлкa, eбaнoe eжoм кocмaтым пpoтив шepcти вoлocaтым, eбихyй цapя нeбecнoгo, шмapигaннaя нeнaeбa, oпиздpячeннaя пыплa шиpoкoпиздoй мaтepи кoзлoeбeнь, мocкoвcкиe зaбopы пpoeбaвший

>learning languages with non-latin alphabet

Absolutely haram

Russia is a retrograde shithole with failing economy, corrupt totalitarian government and as much muslim migrants as UK

But I am speaking Russian fluently user, I live in Israel after all.

It's funny hearing Ivrit with Russian accent


Our Muslim migrants aren’t coddled. They are treated like garbage, racially profiled by the police and deported back to churkastan if they act out of line.

I’m speaking for my city not New Dushanbe (Moscow)

I have a fake Jew uncle that moved there in the 1980s.

i've learn russian language for 6 years in school. i know around 10-20 words now.

>learn russian
>basically no advantage besides maybe getting a hot roastie russian ten to be more interested in moving to the west with you

mfw I know enough not to get fucked up between the airport and the hotel. Can into taxi, metro and prostitute. "good night and get out."

That's because we conquered their lands, genocide, rape and deported them for several centuries you moorish rape baby.

I've learned german for 3 and i can only say "auslander raus"

There is a tear in my eye. I’m going to put on my General Yemolov shirt and go knock over rinok stands.

>implying that is good


i lived on the polish border and the only polish sentence i got taught is "kurwa ma sraczka"

I am already fluent in russian.
But honestly I don't get why other should do it, unless they want STALKER and METRO games in the original VO and talk shit on counter strike.

Too bad FRELIMO cucked you and you abandoned your colonists to die.

>there's only computer games to Russia
get out you maximum pleb

Holy fuck that is some Yahoo translate level shit.

Is this seriously your reply? And you even talk about the weakest rebel group. just

btw, the colonists came back to Portugal or migrated to South Africa. The war started precisely because they were being attacked in Angola.

What more is there?
Oil gets delivered, Vodka too.
Your weapons are stored here, Chebureki and Shashlik I can make myself.

>Is engaged in a proxy war with Israel and the kikes and crypto-jews of the US.
>practically a Jewish nation.
