So, this ended.
I still don't get it.
So, this ended.
I still don't get it.
Wait it's over?
I can finally start reading it?
it was shit. le message to humanity manga
basically it tells you life is just a never ending cycle and that humanity should be kinder.
could have had that wrapped up in 30 chapters or less too. His other manga had a much more intriguing story than this shit.
Holy fuck. It's true, it ended. I didn't even started to reading.
The final two chapters were good, though the army soldiers should have had to sacrifice their legs. This ending is so much better than 20th Century Boys' ending. Albiet you're right, the last 20 chapters or so (save these last 2), the Tommy stuff, seemed somewhat directionless and meandering.
Some people should just stick to discuss the Bleach ending.
i liked the final two chapters but the ending really did feel abrupt. My favorite arc still is the married couple going through KKK town.
I think he finally learned not to try and wrap it all up in one big pretty bow. This sentiment he left off on was pretty powerful, I think showing us the final comic was a mistake but okay, it's a step in the right direction. 20th Century Boys was actually hard to finish.
iirc there is gonna be a manben episode that will show him drawing this chapter
>His other manga had a much more intriguing story than this shit.
Even Happy and Yawara?
>this ended
Time to read it. I will never want to read an ongoing Urasawa manga
I picked it up when it began, and followed it to the end; but for some reason I enjoyed this a lot less than Monster, Pluto, 20th Century Boys and Yawara.
I really don't know why.
>I think he finally learned not to try and wrap it all up in one big pretty bow.
But I liked that.
I fucking love Happy.
jeezus, this manga was a fucking rollercoaster. Looking over the whole thing, I think I like the Kevin Yamagata stuff the most, but as a whole I really enjoyed the series.
Happy has the most satisfying ending out of any Urasawa mangas desu.
I liked it, all things considered. I don't know what I was expecting for the ending, it sure as hell wasn't something like this, but I'm not disappointed in the slightest.
If there's one thing I'm willing to complain about is that it seems like he mishandled Timmy quite a bit. There was a much greater potential in his character than what we've seen.
yeah I agree Happy was great and probably had the most satisfying ending out of his series that I've read
Monster had a lot of build up but ended anticlimactically
20thCB was a fun ride but was a mess at the end (although 21stCB did help a little bit)
The only major Urasawa manga I haven't read are Pluto (which I am currently reading atm) and Master Keaton, so I can't 100% agree that Happy has the most satisfying ending out of all his series
Batch release when?
I could never took this thing seriously. It's like a South Park episode
>Michael Jackson, Don Rosa and Lee Harvey Oswald must protect the world from evil Walt Disney
>evil Walt Disney
Who also a Nazi, and Micky Mouse predicted 9/11.
>So, this ended.
Yeah! I can finally pick it up again!
Master Keaton is mostly a series of self contained stories and vignettes, no real overarching story to have a big finish with. His best work IMO. Not sure how it ends though, I don't think anyone's TLd that far.
But that sounds great.
And Kubrick filmed the fake moon landing!
Dont forget Yawara, which is basically a better Happy.
This is great news, now it's time for me to marathon it.
I loved Pluto because I'm a sucker for robot stuff but the ending was pretty meh.
Still my favorite Urasawa work though, everything about Gesicht was amazing.
With all the story timeline all the way back to Jesus time, it just feels like the series is quite half-assed.
I just checked, and we get a whole new season starting in september. Finale is the the urasawa episode of course, but that wont air until early october.
oh yeah Yawara, I need to go back to that since I remember reading it but who ever was translating it was still at it so I put it on hold until it was fully translated.
I enjoyed the absolute fuck out of this series. I love the broad scope in most of Urasawa's works but including real world, historical events/people made it so much more enjoyable, all the reveals were so good. It felt like they had more weight than usual since they're already significant to us independent of the series. As it often is with his stuff, the scope is a bit too big for the ending to really do it justice, but at least this had a good message and was pretty emotional. It was great that the whole series revolved around comics too, using western style art made the visuals memorable and it always had this fond sentiment towards drawing and comics that felt really nice.
Honestly probably my favourite of his manga. Pluto didn't really do it for me since I'm not that into sci fi.
might take longer since I think the last episode from season 2 is still untranslated
Honestly very disappointed, but the ending itself wasn't that bad. It's an uplifting message about how the world unfolds is ultimately up to humans and we only need to will ourselves into action, rather than relying on God or some other superhuman entity.
I still felt the series as a whole was meandering with Urasawa trying to do too much and its tension fizzled off. Maybe if it were a story told in under 10 volumes, I'd like it more.
I followed the series until the end, but there was a definite drop in the story after Finney's intentions were revealed. Urasawa obviously didn't know where to go from that point.
I liked the ending even though it wasn't what I was expecting. Though Kevin couldn't make a wish since Billy said before the wishes have something to do with parallel universes and there weren't any left to use. So since he couldn't do that, and Billy showed him the next 50 years, he put a message to those people in his comic in an attempt to have them improve the world.
I do feel like with others that it might have gotten a bit directionless towards the end but it wasn't that bad. Not sure what people's problem with Timmy is though. He was meant to be a successor like Kevin but he couldn't actually talk to Billy so he just turned back to the original guy, doing it to make money and killing anyone that wasn't him. Not sure if it was intended or not, but he could have helped with Billy becoming a world wide thing. I mean it already kind of was but even after he took over he was building Billy Lands and stuff all over the world, which even served as shelters it seemed.
I guess it's just to show how long Billy has had an influence on the world to cement his god-ness.
Been a really long time since I've read it, but from what I remember it took the retarded ending and gave it even more chromosomes. Probably the most disappointment I've felt for a series
It sounds great as a parody, not as a mystery.