The perfect waifu falls right into Subaru's lap

>The perfect waifu falls right into Subaru's lap
>He ignores her for an ugly half elf slag
How do you even fuck up this badly?

>advertise Emilia as the main heroine
>she has barely any screentime

How do you even fuck up this badly?

I never seen Re:Zero, but this Rem girl seems like the type neckbeards want to protect.

Rem is perfect.
But I want to ram Ram.

I love Emilia.

The best part of Rem is her VA when she has her horn out

Knife-ears can't be trusted!

You get Ram if you pick Rem. They're a two for one deal. Rem wouldn't want her sister to get lonely after all.

She rejected Subaru first. Why can't faggots understand this?

Yea, but then time reset thanks to Subaru dying, so that doesn't count

You won't find any argument here.

If I were Subaru I would choose Emilia too.

If I were Subaru I will start questioning why I smell like the witch

Nah, she can usually handle herself so long as she isn't dragged into anything too huge.

I wouldn't call lapping up all her love, affection and praise ignoring her. He's relegating her to his #2 because even he's not insane enough pass her up completely.

He wouldn't be a Japanese MC without the shit taste.


If I were Subaru I would put on some deodorant

She can protect herself pretty well and it's part of her job to protect. But any man would want to protect what he loves, faggot.

>Make run of the mill twin comedy duo that shouldn't have been a major story element past the arc they appeared in
>Turn one of them into a major character and waifu bait


The same reason this man isn't the MC.

Because theyre boring?

Can somebody do a "nicest person you'll ever meet/twisted fucking psychopath" edit on this?

Your views don't matter apparently.

Do it yourself you lazy faggot

if this is any more photoshopped she would be more 2D than actual Rem.

Because the author obviously wanted to play around with the character types and focus. Reinhardt is a Gary Stu MC and Rem is a largely irrelevant background character, especially in her backstory, yet Rem plays the more significant role in Subaru's story.

Another re:zero thread? Seriously?

>The perfect waifu falls right into Subaru's lap

Is this before or after she turns him into meat paste and tortures him? She wasn't a waifu until Subaru brainwashed her with his resets. By that logic Subaru can make the perfect waifu out of any of the girls if he retried enough times, he almost even got Crusch to become his waifu #3 after fucking up the whale once.

>she doesn't even notice him over Emilia

Well in the timeline where she tortured him, he comes right into the house saying "let me stay here indefinitely in exchange for helping you" and hides in his room for days doing nothing but mumble, anyone would be suspicious of him.

>be suspicious of someone
>torture and kill them with no evidence of them being guilty of any wrongdoing

Completely justified. Any suspicious person deserves a slow and painful death. After all if I believe they're dangerous then that's all the proof I need.


Subaru is practically a hole in the Witch's seal, through which she could probably murder anyone and everyone around him if she ever felt like it.

Wasn't he supposed to leave but staked outside the property with a knife? Subaru acts funny and smells like the wicked witch. Bad news.

I don't know?

user, she would protect you.

AKA my dick.

The rejected girl always seems better because the audience is given more insight into their thoughts, their love for the protagonist. But the main girl is always depicted entirely from the protagonist's point of view, as someone he considers really amazing to the point where he must earn her love. We aren't given many scenes of them desperately wanting to be with the protag, because if we know she is and we know that the protagonist also wants her than it is frustrating to see them not get together for a long period of time due to being retarded or something. The exception is tsunderes, but that also gets pretty fucking old if it keeps the couple apart for too long.

It's more that I literally couldn't tell you anything about Emilia's personality after 20+ episodes, and neither can Subaru, yet he's supposed to be "in love" with her.
In one episode he spoke with Rem for longer than he's even seen Emilia the whole show, much less talked to her.

The only thing the audience or Toyota even knows about Emilia is she wants to make society great, and also she's touchy about being a filthy half-elf. That's the extent of what Honda and the audience knows about her character.
She's so unknown to him, she's barely even seasonal-waifu level, and we're supposed to buy into him being in love with her

Watch Symphogear.

Emilia can't pass the Plinkett test.

>MC ignores perfectly fine girl that is actually in love with him to go chase after some girl that doesn't want anything to do with him or treats him like shit.

Every anime with romance ever

He said he's already got a #1 and a #2 in his heart. This implies Rem will be either a mistress or the designated schtupping staff after he gets together with Emilia.

Yeah that is definitely true of this show, and a lot of anime and manga. She is the object of subaru's affection and nothing more, which basically makes her a literal object. Its particularly funny in this case because emilia must know even less about subaru since all of their most important interactions have been erased, except his angry breakdown about her not showing enough appreciation (which would be weird from her perspective which would have only allowed her to see him sort of vaguely helping but not being the main saviour in two incidents, rather than a guy who suffered over and over again for her).

This show has been unusually good at probing at neet psychology though, so maybe subaru is eventually meant to realise he just has a dumb obsessive crush on emilia (oneitis), even if he maintains a desire to see her win the crown after growing up and ditching the crush.

If this is how Nips portray romance to impressionable teenagers it's no fucking wonder their birthrate is sinking faster than the Titanic.

I just realized that our favored bluenette never gets anywhere because the world operates like a 1980s PC RPG and her name in the script is literally REM. Remember what that does to a line in a batch file?

Hopeless romanticism characterizes the springtime of youth.
She's for when Emilia isn't doing the trick.

rmdir hopes_and_dreams

no, I don't

So it comments out the line? She's just a comment?

Every time I look at her my trap detector goes off, still can't believe it's a taco-owner

Japan has ruined you

The breasts give it away. As expected of breasts.

desu seen a lot of face-only pics

>tfw it's revealed this character is a guy

>into your dick
Fucking degenerate.

I think what he might be referring to is the fact that Rem falls into a coma after being devoured by Gluttony. I haven't read up that far, but I think she's supposed to be partially conscious, like she's in a dream, meaning her thoughts and words would be nothing more than a "comment" that's removed from the main picture (the rest of the world). I might be looking too deeply into it but I think that might be why she was named Rem in the first place, to allude to the REM state of sleep in which you're dreaming. Probably just coincidence though.


To sucker the audience and then effectively off her. Don't knock a man's capacity to be cruel to the gullible. Nor the enjoyment he can get out of such an act.


He was pretty suspicious in the timeline that Rem killed him.
Especially the part that he did hide in the mountains after lying that he was going back to the city.
I won't deny that Rem was too hasty to take action but Subaru was the at fault here. Not to mention he has a strong witch smell that accompanies him to everywhere.
He get killed once in mansion by the sisters as well where he looked like he was trying to sneak into Emilia's room.
Well I also think both of the time they had Roswall's ok for it.

NotKefka is kind of a douche

Is this really the MC of this super popular series? A "man" who screeches like a toddler when he sees something exciting happen?

>super popular series
It is popular because of the waifu wars.