Aahh, I remember this one, so good.
Bumping for others who hasn't seen it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Watching now.
Who gets BTFO'd? Jorge or the Hwhite man?
How new are you?
Jared has never been btfo'd.
Jorge obviously, no one can beat Taylor
>posting cenk interview for keks
Taylor is the type of people we need more.
No edgy le 1488 fat autistic neckbeards or people with mental ilnesses and criminal records. We need to get rid of the white nationalist 1.0 types especially like Andrew Anglin.
SJWs fail because they are all a bunch of repugant, fat, obese, mentally ill freaks who rage over the slightest things.
Let's not turn into them. People who are educated, articulate, calm, normal and not retarded. That's what we need.
Hwho do you think?
Every single person at the Hillary victory gathering? Even brought a while room, collectively, to tears.
Also this vid of Scheuer destroying Israeli cocksucking Congressmen to their faces is something everyone here should watch.
Andrew Anglin I a great resource, he’s been polishing his guys as of late, focusing on a white American Nationalism and optics instead of nat soc optics
I suppose it's an invitation of reform and improvement.
The 88 needs to go in my opinon especially. What is dead may never rise again. Instead of larping with old, taboo flags create new flags. It's more creative, more interesting and way easier to push to normies.
>The 88 needs to go in my opinon especially. What is dead may never rise again. Instead of larping with old, taboo flags create new flags. It's more creative, more interesting and way easier to push to normies
I agree, if we are to be the future we cannot stay tethered to the past
this god damnit
holy cow this is amazing
These are the kind of threads being sled lately.
What an admirable man. FFS
Whites need to stand up.
Good stuff this, recommended viewing for any newcomers to Sup Forums
>I identify as a Mexican-American
>We are all the same, we are all Americans
>I'm advocating for us latinos
>But we're all the same
How fucking greasy can this guy be?
Don't worry he's totally assimilated.
He doesn't even understand his own bullshit lol
> maybe not in Mexico
okay. that's as far as i can watch. I don't approve of cruelty to animals.
The virgin anti-racist vs. the Chad hwyte advocate.
you can still have the 88 without what you are saying no one is fucking larping with taboo flags those people are fbi now stfu you underage faggots
every time i see this guy im reminded of how spencer is literal shit compared to him
checked, and holy shitted how did I miss this one
Spencer really isn't that high on the power rankings for woke intellectuals.
spencer isn't high on anything
yet somehow he wants to be
It's interesting seeing Mr. Taylor actually getting angry at certain points during this.
Nazi LARPers need to be removed for sure.
anyone would get angry, this "mexican intellectual" just talks over him and dodges everything
Best moments?
Spencer is an Autiste.
There is a real “alt right” (for lack of better term) movement in this country as well as others. Every movement needs a leader, Spencer is simply trying to seize the opportunity
I saw Jared Taylor at a book store in Oakton yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “whuh? whuh? whuh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen copies of the Bell Curve in his hands without paying.
The Mexican girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the books and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each book and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Yea, Jorge is an annoying bitch
> he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly
Breddy gud
yeah and once he does he'll crash it with no survivors
how convenient
Spencer is a closeted homosexual and he's most likely working with the CIA or some other government organization
I don’t think he’s a Fed, if he was he would be advocating for acts of violence
Then again, if he’s still planning to go through with that “AntiCom” rally.....
Yea, there are no proper leaders to take the reigns atm, Someone like Jared Taylor is our best bet
THIIIS. I've never seen anyone best him. Advocating for freedom of association and ending racist programs that only benefit non-whites is hard to argue against.
I can't see any reasonable, sane, self respecting white man watch Jared's videos and come away from it disagreeing with him. It's really just common sense and the amount of psychological abuse, brain washing and indoctrination we're forced to go through all just to make us not believe something as simple as whites should be able to determine their own destiny is kind of proof of that.
Yes, the Pharisees and Sadducees.
The same happened with me and Shia labuf
I bet guys like Taylor and Spencer hate hyphenated Americans
All the Sicilians, Poles, Germans etc were garbage and just padded out the numbers, but they have to be politically correct for the Right and say everyone is on Team HuWhite
>shilling the HUwhite guy
This guy should come to Europe. 20-30 years ago huwhites here didn't had Muslim immigrants, yet they still found n*ggers of the whiter race among them.
Since the days of Yugoslavia there was a saying in Germany that Yugoslavia isn't really Europe but a bunch of turkic-mongol hordes.
Slovenes always claimed that they were 100% European and that the Croats were where "Balkan" actually starts.The Croats naturally said that they were also 100% pure Europeans & devout catholics and that the Serbs were the real turkic rape babies - the Serbs also retaliated claiming that Bosnians were the real Turks and that they (Serbs) are 100% christians defending Europe from turkish invasion...
The n*gger is a construct that could be applied to anyone at any time.
It's always some irrelevant country that wants to claim everyone's a nigger. Sorry to tell you this Ahmed but some white folks have actually accomplished things and they don't really care about your townie bullshit.
Serbs are niggers though
>literally everyone a nigger
this is what niggers actually believe
How many times is Ramos going to interrupt, deliberately misinterpret Jared's answers, and otherwise act like a jumpy asshole. I'm getting second hand anger just watching this. Not even on account of what hes saying, his whole approach is just irritating.
JT has the patience of a damn saint.
>How many times is Ramos going to interrupt, deliberately misinterpret Jared's answers, and otherwise act like a jumpy asshole
Pretty much every JT "debate" goes this way. Liberal/mud/Jew tries to puts words in his mouth, interrupts him constantly, and tries to wriggle around any question he poses to them the answer to which would expose their hypocrisy.
Interesting how to dual citizen congressmen or traitors start asking if other CIA members feel the same way...trying to find out if they need to disband elements
I don't think it's physically possible to beat Jared Taylor in an argument, nonetheless BTFO him.
Sicilians and Germans are based and have contributed immensely to America. I can't really speak on pollocks tho
Jared Taylor is great and all but gets very little attention from the media because he can't be painted in a negative light and his ideas are very hard to debunk. People like Richard Spencer and anglin are good because they get media coverage.
>Maybe not in Mexico
I like the tone being set here. Getting the popcorn ready.
He came out swingin right from the start. He must have been annoyed at that mexican jumping bean from the get-go
>Jared Taylor
>the Grandpa I've never had (both of my Grandpas [pat/mat] passed before I was born)
His tone is /comfy/ as fuck desu.