The sudden spotlight on JFK

All this excitement and publicity on the JFK files has gotten me thinking. If the CIA was really behind his death. Could Las Vegas have been a warm up for taking out Trump? Senators are saying theyre gonna kill him, cia operatives on CNN saying they're going to kill him, celebrities acting out killings of him on tv and social media. WTF is going on in this Country?

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Where was the warm up for jfk?

The Peterson House, in 1865

JFK was ordered to be killed by Mossad with CIA involvement for his demands for the inspection of the Dimona nuclear plant in Israel. The Israelis were hell bend on developing nuclear weapons and JFK was getting in the way.

Its been so long since JFK, maybe they were worried about being rusty?

This makes sense if true

Alex Mason killed President Kenedy

Bretty good.

When president Kennedy took office in 1961, the disagreement became a full-blown crisis. Like Obama, Kennedy was not inherently hostile (unlike Jimmy Carter), but he did not have a special sympathy for the Jewish people. His advisers urged continuous pressure, assuming that Israel would have no choice but to accept US demands. Every high-level meeting or communication repeated the demand for inspection of Dimona. One form of pressure was to deny Ben-Gurion an invitation to the White House – his May 1961 meeting with Kennedy was a low-key affair at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York, and was dominated by this issue.

>The sudden spotlight on JFK
>25 year time limit comes due in 25 years
>all of a sudden
>out of nowhere
>why is Trump doing this?
>but y tho?

Its been talked about by the president of the US recently. = Sudden spotlight
use your brain faggot not the niggers sitting next to you.

the living ex-presidents wasted no time saying what a good boy bush 41 was the night after trump dropped that tweet.

Think the big banks hired for his killing

Israel was founded on a terrorist bombing by Israeli Zionists on the Kind David hotel.

This was not self defence.

All he's doing is not blocking the release.
It's a good thing.
Good for the country.
Good for him.
All of a sudden?
Also, Trump had something to say about everything. You seem surprised and confused by this.

If anything the release will stop him being the new JFK

I doubt they'll be anything substantial anyway, that'd mean implicating LBJ and G.W senior. It'll most likely be reams of blacked out pages

Vegas and the Kennedy assassination are very connected. Our government does NOT want for us to know who the real shooter is!

Jackie Kennedy has a sizeable archive, but won't release it until her and her kids are dead

Every. Fucking. Time.

just (((coincidences)))?
okay i'll move on then

indeed, it's all the unanswered questions about them that made me wonder about the similarities between the two

Unless you think he ran for president just to be in office when the 25 year deadline came due.
Roger Stone might say that, and it might be true.

Interesting read from the grandson of the bomber.

im not saying they're immediately connected read my initial post. and

Are these "people" even human?
Literally brain dead

Interesting. Interviews with the bombers are on youtube.

I understand context and nuance; yet these double standards remain for others in a seemingly smiliar context.

So funny how posts like this never make it to the top of /pol. Who could be responsible?