What building is this

what building is this

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that's just stupid

The Thot Scraper

It's kind of a mental game, whats the chance you would fall of something like that if it was on the ground, you wouldn't.

Same with like hanging from a pole, or something. How often do you fall off from a pull up pole?

looks like hong kong

Dunno - but it looks like Hong Kong.

Meant pull up bars, not pole.

You probably never heard of wind gusts. They're pretty strong at that height.

a good gust of wind makes all of that a non factor

If there's no wind at all there isn't any at that height either.

and no amount of wind would make me fall off a pull up bar.

most of those people have really good balance

People do this all the time.

How do you walk on that without falling off?
To quote a 9/11 thread on this site, "What was the last thing going through his head when he jumped from the WTC? - the pavement"

Let's stick to fjords, bro.


Either way, I wouldn't test my luck like that without a good reason.


I see people falling all the time from gusts of wind. One on the most dangerous natural occurrences known to man.


what if your hands get sweaty while you're doing this?





Knees weak, moms spaghtitt

These make me so uncomfortable.

how about this?

Looks vancouver desu

Doesn't mean it isn't stupid.

Same, my balls tingle


That's the palace in Anor Londo

Fall to the ground SPLAT, spaghetti already

There's awfully hot coffee on his sweater already

Hong Kong. Recognise that place.

This sort of shit triggers my acrophobia

>american education

>Risking your life just to get some epip instagram photos and some likes.
Absolute state of our world.

Fuck all y'all. I'm bout to have diarreah

This doesn't seem to count. It's one of the few photos in this thread where I could be in that situation with a straight face.

They'd never risk their lives for family or country but do this dumb shit for a few likes on Instagram.

Beat you to it
On toliet about to wipe, sucka
Enjoy your wet dump too bro

Please fall off

>I'm bout to have diarreah

Flag checks out.

who here sweaty now?


bad germanbro.

thats an awfully hot jelly pot


Clean up on aisle 4


>the lengths people will go through just to look good on social media

I truly can't comprehend these levels of narcissism.

shopped, look at the bottom of the flat foot.

Fuck off, footfag!!!!
