Do Muslims in Europe

.... realize that most of our vegetables are fertilised with the shit&piss of pigs?

as far as i know even touching packaged pork is forbidden. so how can these vegtables be halal if the most haram of all shit is sprayed onto it?

are they aware?

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You know it's not like kryptonite for them, right? Pork doesn't make them explode. Like they won't go to hell or anything for eating it, so long as they don't wilfully do so repeatedly. They probably square that circle the same way anyone from any religion does when confronted with such problems. They just rationalise a way that it's fine, and carry on with their lives.

The whole "Muslims are forbidden from eating pork!" thing is blown way out of proportion by non Muslims.

Big if true. Source?

lol, butthurt musfag detected

i guarantee kosher food isnt grown with pig shit, thats why Jews will always be superior to muslims

>putting piss on growing things helps them
wew lad

it is widespread practice.
totaly normal among farmers. you collect the "Kot" (Shit) and "Jauche" (Piss), mixing it up makes "Gülle" (liquid manure) and thats sprayed as fertilizer.

so if i tell them all our vegetables are haram, they are a bad muslim if they don't commit hijrah or start their own garden?

fertilizer can burn plants if misused, not just "piss", fucking moron!!!!!

can't tell if trolling or 100% american.

do you honestly the fact that liquid manure is a good fertilizer?

*honestly question

well thats not the question. if you 100% apply quran and sunnah, are vegtables that have been sprayed with feces of unclean animals also unclean?

I dunno, do you consider that you're eating pig shit when you eat vegetables? I can't say I've ever really considered it before today, and I can't really say I give a shit, because it's nutrients, not literally the shit itself. I can only imagine most Jews and Muslims think the same.

some idiots here aren't familiar with fertilizer. fucking brainlets.

i believe it is washed off.

thats why i brought up the "even touching packaged pork is forbidden" point. also, dishes that had haram food and them are considered haram forever, washing does not help.
the logical conslusion: washing does not help.

It depends what the local farm has. If its a dairy farm, its cow shit scraped out of the dairy, pig farm its liquid pig shit. Very common now for them to have been held in a tank for a while, and even been through a biodigester set up to get the methane off it for the farm or a small power plant. This slurry is either sprayed on grass fields, or sprayed on the old dead crop before its ploughed over. I travel over the north of England and always think its hilarious when im in a muzz area and you can smell the pig shit that has been spread.

T. a farmer

i know it only happens where there's also pig farms.

but when you buy veggies in europe you can't tell if they have been sprayed with pig feces.

the question is... is it haram?

Do they know about the use of ethanol in hospitals, or is it ok because gibs me healthcare?

>Pork doesn't make them explode
Kek. Underrated.

Literally this is an issue invented by non muslims. We are forbidden from eating pork, and we need to wash if we get blood or anything wet from the pig on us. But thats literally it, it is considered an unclean animal. A pig could literally run around and pee in the mosque and we would spend like 5 minutes washing it and go back to normal.

You know what else is unclean? Feces from cows, etc. None of that matters because we wash our fruits amd veggies before eating. It is irrelevant if the plant consumes feces or not.

t. Muslim currently in Hawza to become a scholar (Like catholics who get a Doctorate in Dvinity)

Ethanol used to treat wounds is fine, drinking it is haram.

>Sup Forums - religious studies general

okay then tell me, then tell why touching packaged pork is haram and why dishes that once had haram food on them are forever haram...?!

btw, we dont make this problem, you make it. i just brought it into your mind.

Why people are jailed when they put bacon near mudslimes then?

I think they mostly use cow shit?

Doesn't pig shit contain far more bacteria that are dangerous to humans?

No, see my earlier post.

Contamination via impure substances can be removed by washing it. But even if not washed the rule is EVERYTHING is considered pure until proven otherwise. For example if you rub bacon on my eggs and I did not see or realize it and I consume it the sin is on you not me.

right time, right post.
have a sack of potatoes as a sign of my appretiation.

Is it true that if a muslim is bitten by a dog, they won't get into muslim-heaven?

>Touching packaged pork is haram

Tocuhing pork at all is prohibited only in the Torah. There is no sin in touching pork just as there is no sin in touching feces or urine.

Like I said this is literally a fabricated issue by people like you lmao. Its considered unclean no more no less

Man, Sup Forums is finished. I'm just gonna wait for the ameri-orc threads now.


are dishes that had haram food an them haram until the end of days?
i only know this for sure with jewish people, if you once saomething unkosher in a kosher pot, the pot is forever unkosher.

if the same logic applies to muslims, vegetables are now haram for you. kek.

Because your countries are cucked

No, one simply has to wash the saliva off before the next prayer and he is fine

that fucking mandress shit is so ridiculous and probably my biggest issue with that spook-based culture, you look like a fucking faggot dressed in a big gay drag queen gown, if this was 20-30 years ago, in my town you'd be glassed for looking loke a gigantic faggot in public
and rightfully so

dress lile a fucking white man, jesus fucking christ


We had a cleaning lady who was Muslim.
Part of her job was setting the tables for lunch and cleaning up afterwards.

She refused to handle pork products like ham.
So we had to find someone else.

Yeah that's what fertilizer is

No if a dish has something haram put on it, it needs be washed.

However mixing haram and halal food is an issue in which the wntirety of the food becomes contaminated and become haram to consume.


pig shit is poison dumbass,the shit we use is cow and horse shit,they dont eat meat pigs do

okay, we actually learned something here lads:

jews: cleaning something unlcean can not make it clean
muslims: cleaning something unclean makes it clean.

alright then. apperciate your part in this conversation.

Pork may not make them explode, but infidels eating pork does kek

Because countries like the UK are cucked.

But probably because of the intent behind the action I guess, more than its outcome.

in germany we spray the pig feces all over the veggies. don't know how you britbongs do it.

Nice way to get ecoli.

It would be like you watching someone eat feces. We view it as gross but if thats your thing enjoy, just keep in mind the Torah has far greater restrictions and you are violating the law of God yourself so

I was waiting for this.

Sounds like a massive health hazard what about airborne pathogens when the feces gets areated and spread airborne

because liberals are fuck idiots???

>Kafir status officially set to rekt


It's also funny they think a masjid can't be built where pigs blood has been. Where do you guys learn these things? Or do you just make them up?


bacteria don't survive on dry air exposed surfaces.
they also don't survive as an aerosol. sometimes especialy in the summer when it gets it lays an unpleasant smell over the rural areas, but thats all.


Thats nothing

canada and australia are the only two developed countries in the world that fertilize their crops with human piss and shit.

I like how people seem to think that if you dip bullets in pigs blood and then shoot a Muslim, it's like staking a vampire, and they'll go to hell. Even Trump peddles that one.

talk about eating your own shit

it's probably the secret as to why theyre so vile and disgusting

Did you fire her?

You sound like a butthurt sandnigger muslamic cunt on damage control duty. From what I can tell, it's not blown out of proportion at all. I used to work in ASDA (the UK's division of walmart) and when we got a halal section forced upon us, I took it upon myself to put packets of bacon on top of all the products. Every time, they would have to clear the shelf completely and re-stock it. They had to give the whole store a 'warning' for doing this, stating that it means they refuse to buy our products. The police also made a similar statement.

.t a muslim-hating Bong

Imagine what it does to the inside of the rifle.

Impurities only affect your ability to pray and read Quran. For example if I have sex with my wife I am considered impure until I shower.

Or if I get shot and blood goes on me I need to remove the blood before I pray and wash the area.

Its a far simpler concept then nonmuslims make it out to be

Kill yourself immediately, scum.

Hehe oh and the thing about being killed by a girl as well haha. People really obsess over the pork thing for whatever reason. And the dog thing.

Everyone knows doggos are 1000 percent halal, you just have to wash the saliva off and clean a bowl if they lick it. How could dogs be forbidden if Rasulullah (SAWS) laid out the shariah regulations for owning dogs and hunting with them?

Says the same shit skin people that demand special rights, protest, and sue any time pork is bright within ten feet of them.

This shitpost made me smile.

I will ask the muzzis I know.

No they don't and they don't care. Its the same effect that all the "city people" don't realize about "rural and suburban retards." When people start talking shit about flyover states for voting Trump, I always say, "You realize those are the people that grow all the food that feeds half the fucking world right, and they also have all the guns?" Shuts people the fuck up.

And she worked for a cleaning company, not our company.
So I assume they assigned her to a different client.

I just thought it was silly to sign up for this type of work when you don't want to handle pork.

>Islam is a monolith
Here's the problem when Sup Forums talks about Islam. Is Islam a shit tier religion? Yes. Do people on here in general talk about it with any nuance? No, no they don't. It'd be myopic to claim Christians in the US, the UK and Africa were all of the same ideology, because cultural differences exist. It's the same with Islam. And that's not even getting into different denominations there within who hold different views on certain parts of scripture.

If you paint things in broad strokes, you miss crucial nuance. 1.6 billion people are not a hivemind just because they follow the same bollocks book.

every field in Poland

"muz" here. I dissected a fetal pig in high-school.
Life goes on. It's not a big deal.
The only muz that give a shit will be the long bearded freaks and burka hos that take the whole (((religion))) and religious mind control too seriously.

They all read the same book.

Paper cash is made of swine fat as well.

So do Catholics and Protestants. To claim they believe the same things, or can be lumped together in ideology would be putting your fingers in your ears towards over half a century of tensions worldwide.

*Half a millennium even


>Keeping beard in accordance with quran and sunnah and not dressing like a stripper makes you a "freak".

It is obligatory for a man to act and dress like a man, being effeminate is a major sin. Shaving your beard is the first step on the path to effeminacy. And wow insulting women who don't dress like whores. Just stop bro. Think about what you are saying.

fuck off and die.

To reiterate...They all read the same book. I'm not a christian either. I'm actually a Bong, so It's not like I don't know muslamics. Funny how in all my life, I have never met a single one who I found even slightly tolerable. Every. Single. One. They are scum. Muslims are scum. It's a cancerous cult. Even apostates say the same thing.

>Pork doesn't make them explode.
No, pork doesn't make them explode. Their religion does.

>a roach
Why are you even posting?

my grandpa takes gülle out on the fields on sunday mornings, making sure he drives by the church at least twice. everyone in town hates him for that disgusting smell. he's in his early 70s and doesn't give a fuck. great dude.

We use petrochems for fertilizers,,Baller

Fucking hell lad, top zug zug

I remember the explanation when it happened here, the blood just has to be cleaned before building commences or something.
i.e. let it rain then build

Its actually not that uncommon, its not literally human shit being thrown on soil (as in China for example) - it has been broken down by a complex of biological processes.
And we'll need to do more of that, since we are approaching Peak Phosphorus.

>We live in a world where such questions are relevant to a lot of people.

Also why do muslims have such hatred for porks ? I get that they don't have the right to eat it, but it seems like anything related to pork is in fact considered Haram by extension. Why ?

To reiterate, that doesn't make them a hivemind.

>i believe it is washed off
You can't wash off what is absorbed by the plant

>yeah, lemme just open up this carrot and rinse it out

This is correct. Either way it's most likely composted before it's applied to the firelds, so it's literally not shit anymore anyway. I piss on my compost regularly (got to get dose urea gains) and I"m no worse for the wear. I'd never drink my own piss tho.

They act like a hivemind though.

BUT if the information was presented to them that the food in Europe is grown with the byproducts of swine, they would then be willingly/repeatedly earning it, UNLESS they went to a country where thats not the case

the cows also eat ground up bone meal from pork. Basically non grass fed cows have been eating haram all the time.

IT's fucking disgusting to them. It's like watching someone eat adog sanddich, or eating stuffing seasoned with vulture fat. I think most realize that pig is fine for food and even very tasty, but they find it objectionable, just as you likely do for some foods which are perfectly edible.

The contaminant is ethereal in nature. It dates from pre-Judaic semitism when the pig was not considered unclean but was, instead, revered as a god. Their god anthropomorphized but the cultural stigma of eating pig's flesh remained long after they forgot the reason. Frazer covers this well in The Golden Bough.

Yeah but once they know vegetables are fertilized by pork shit, it becomes a willfull choice to continue eating them.


>I have never spoken to a Muslim in my life

I try not to, but we have a bad case of them in the UK. They're fucking everywhere. So unfortunately I have spoken to far more than I would like.

The advance of Arab culture naturally evolved away from their easily understanding their own early primitive roots in mysticism. They have abstained from pig's flesh for so long that it predates their current cultural mores. They have adapted to incorrectly understand that the pig is unclean and should, therefor, not be eaten. In reality the abstinence dates from a time when the pig was their holiest of gods and eating it was a sin, except for an annual festival where they partook of pigs flesh in a ceremony where they - incoherent to modern thinking - sacrificed the pig to itself. To them the death of the pig in full health ensured that it would return reanimated in full vigor in the spring. They believed that if they let it die of old age that its life force would wither and fail to return after death.

isn't that part of how you make gunpowder too
literally pouring animal piss on animal shit

>isn't that part of how you make gunpowder too
Not modern powders.

not smokeless? maybe blackpowder since its rustic tech

They don't care. Because to them Islam is an accessory, usually worn for gibs and general destruction as a means to ruin what they, in their delusional minds, have aquired; a place to call home.


>shitskins out

Pigs actually were unclean before modern sanitation and so on. Kosher and Halal laws forbid eating pigs and shellfish because they're basically health and safety practices for the pre-modern Levant, and pigs in that time and place carried trichinosis.

holy shit,

You are not looking far enough into history. The Kosher and Halal laws are relatively new. The modern observation that pork may be unhealthy under certain conditions is a relatively new way to legitimize abstinence of something that makes no sense to a modern man. Though their religion has changed radically, they maintain many old customs. This is very natural, just as many Europeans maintain many pre-Christian customs - and often have no idea why the custom is a part of their culture. Dig deeper friend.