Would you take advantage of a child-minded girl?

Would you take advantage of a child-minded girl?

Children have rape whistles

Like in that one hentai?


>Would you take advantage of a child

Yes because a child with an adult mind is illegal

Can I get away with it?

>Wanting to give your seed to anyone who isn't your intellectual and creative equal

As in, a retard?
Hell no.

Since when?

You wouldn't a girl that's smarter than you, then?

It's fine if it's consensual.

that discribes all women.

most are more "brat" like, though.

Seeing how I'm a child-minded boy, I believe this would be a perfect fit anyway.

>Would you take advantage of a girl?

Reminder that every female behaves like a child.


In Fino's case I'd find ways to get her to wear as little as possible.

In Tohka's case I'd find ways to use her stupidity to bully her.

So she'd be right up your alley.

what are you talking about

Honestly? Probably not.

A child minded girl would activate my onii-chan instincts. And in my case, onii-chan insticts=protect.

Exactly. So you must protect her womb from other mens semen by putting your own in there first.

A child minded girl would activate my onii-chan instincts. And in my case, onii-chan insticts=molest.

No need to lie user. Here i fixed it for you.

I'm too awkward and antisocial.

Do you actually mean antisocial, or 'asocial'?
Cause there is a very big difference, and its a pet peeve of mine when people mistake the two.

I would take good care of her

he probably means asocial

I would a Fino.

yes just to give her the trauma of motherhood and raising a kid.

>Since when?

Since that LN where a salaryman reincarnated into a warmongering !nazi loli

>big tits
Into the trash.

The misogyni in this thread..

I would probably adopt Fino as my daughter, but I'd sneak in some sleeping between her armpit and chest and other skinship without it beeing lewd.

define advantage. wouldnt do anything morally or legally wrong. me on the left btw.

if it's fino, then absolutely

>The misogyni in this thread..