There are only two gen-

>there are only two gen-

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there are only two genders. This thread has zero arguments.


What is their endgame? Do they level up if enough people call them penguin gender or something? Is there a tranny god?


reality: no

only two sexes.

Whoever made this image should be tortured in the most painful way possible

Someone: There's more than two genders
Doctors: No.
Psychologists: Define gender.
Scientists: "Gender" in it current use is too vague a term to study it properly.
Sexologists: Whatever floats your boat sweetie.
Anthropologists: "Gender" is actually a property that applies to nouns in gendered languages and English isn't a gendered language, so it's quite pointless for us to discuss it.
Asshole: Fill me with POZ cum!

someone: there are more than two genders
doctors: no
(((doctors))): of course goy now lay down so i can neuter um ... i mean transition you

What are chromosomes

Same thing except to the mentally insane.

Gender is a made up word with no biological basis.

There is no such thing as "gender."

Truth kek is best kek

Doctors and biologists disagree - chromosomes don't lie. Anthropologists can find it on social scale but they always forget to mention that somehow the society that the only one able to dominate the world was the one with 2 fixed ones.

>Doctors: No, and it is unethical to treat a mental disorder with aggressive hormonal and surgical procedures.

>Psychologists: Well no, but there are people who characterize or fantasize about themselves as the opposite sex. In some cases these feelings are comorbid with other psychological conditions, though in rare cases they may occur in isolation.

>Scientists: There is insufficient data to support the hypothesis that there exist more than two general human sexes, but we are open to further study.

>Sexologist: I failed medschool, give me money

>Anthropologist: While Western societies have developed a novel apprehension of human sexes as a kind of "spectrum" using the lexical term "gender", this worldview is completely unrelated to non-Western cultural ideas of sexuality and sexual identity, despite the passing resemblance perceived by Western ideological colonialists.

>Asshole: I am planetgender and you have to respect that or I will stalk you and ruin your life

There are several genders!
Several researchs funded by Mr. Shekel confirmed it!!!

>sexologists: Duh!
t. Pervert who caused two patients to commit suicide because of his fucked up "studies".
John Money, the guy who first used gender to describe sexual orientation. He was also a pedophile.

Sage this niggertier thread

CNN disagrees

The oppression Olympics gives out medals for events such as mental gymnastics and virtue signalling

Uteruses and testes are gender specific, thread over

yeah there are more than two genders, and transexuals should be allowed to transition

fpbp. OP is a faggot.

spot on
dublets of truth
here is a (you) my man

>(((John ((((((Money)))))))))

There's no fucking difference between "gender" and "sex" for fuck's sake.

There are two genders
There are multiple sexes (XX, XY, XO, XXY, XYY, XXXY etc)




Turner syndrome = absence of second X chromosome. The one most common chromosome sex-linked disorder

Do you people get zero science material in high school or something?

so theres an O chromosome

Pretty much, and look at Frued too, another kike, saying that everything is based off sex and basically you want to fuck you mom. Oh and he was addicted to cocaine. Oh and we are being taught this in every public education institution across the US that teaches psych. Ye ((())))'s is right.

>has an extra X chromosome
>is called genderfluid instead of a retard with down syndrome

Are you retarded? People with those syndromes become males or females with less/more pronounced sexual characteristics and may be sterile, they don't develop as another sex. You're a retard who looked these syndromes up on the internet just now, I would bet.
Also, sage again

O means "absence of chromosome"

Let's get this clear, faggots
"gender" is a term that applies to words in gendered languages. For example in Spanish the floor (piso) is male, a table (mesa) is female. "Gender" is applied to non-living things that cannot undergo sexual reproduction.

"Sex" is a biological term, it refers to a biological function of reproduction.
In sexual organism the female function consists of producing eggs.
The male function consists of fertilizing the eggs.
Some organisms are asexual and have no sex, they're not male or female, sex does not apply to them, just like Gram-positiveness does not apply to humans.
Some organism can perform both male and female functions, these are hermaphrodites.

Forget about chromosomes, as they vary from species to species, and can get somewhat fuckey on humans (XXY trisomy in humans). These cases are rare, and the patient is incapable of reproduction, so their status is not a valid sex because it lacks function.

There is. Gender is fake. Sex is real.

O indicates a partial or complete absense of a sex chromosome (which usually is X in the case of Turner)

The truth is very frustrating I know. If you karotype these individuals you will see the addition (or loss) of sex linked chromosomes which indicates a sex other than XX or XY

>Forget about chromosomes, as they vary from species to species, and can get somewhat fuckey on humans
No, no. That's retarded. Forget about chromosomes because what actually defines sex is hormonal activity during embryological/fetal development

>>Sexologist: I failed medschool, give me money

Down syndrome is a trisomy located in the 21st chromosome pair. It is perfectly possible to have a trisomy in the 23rd (sexual) pair of chromosomes without any ill effects. In fact, most people with XXX or XYY trisomies never realize they have them.

Whatever dude, don't get so pissy, both are valid reasons.

Sex is about phenotype, not genotype. There are women with XY chromosomes, but that didn't produce testosterone during their fetal development and didn't become males, they develop as normal females except that they don't have a uterus. People with combinations other than XX/XY either become males, or females, but usually sterile and with less or more pronounced sexual characteristics. Sage

technically they are right. Gender is a completely fabricated term, so why can't their be infinite genders?
>There are infinite zizztabblers, and how dare you say otherwise.

>asshole is right

Can you really blame the person who did this?, academics have been enabling this fuckery

Doctors are pressured into coddling their patients, psychology has never been a bigger mess, prominent pop scientists have backstabbed their profession, anthropologists are forced to look the other way

The image is not telling lies

What gender is cancer?

>e only one able to dominate the world was the one with 2 fixed ones.

Cultural anthropologists don't believe in that, they believe that viewpoint is Eurocentric and biased. They believe Africans banging sticks together in the Sahara is the same level as white man going to the moon with rocket engines. I wish I was kidding, I literally asked this in my anthropology class and they said it's the same thing, there's no way to measure "advancement" of civilization

I'm a doctor. There are two sexes, and a gradient of norm that becomes a degree of dysmorphogenesis closer to the middle, with the midpoint being completely undeveloped woman-ish sterile something that needs a surgery to be made into a girl.

Cancer is caused by a mutation on living cells within a multicellular organism. These cells replicate in an uncontrolled in detriment of their organism, much like Muslims and Mexicans.

There are more than two genders, but transgender isn't one of them.

>I'm a doctor
stethoscope or GTFO

What do these people actually do?


>There are more than two genders
German language has 3, male, female and neutral, with the "der", "die" and "das" articles respectively.

Complain on tumblr and work as counselors or advisors to Bill Nye's new show

there is. "gender" is how you relate to your sex mentally and if you feel male or female.
"sex" is literally your physical self and the reality of your body in terms of what sexual reproductive organs you have.

just look at that. if somebody says they identify as an attack helicopter I want them to point out where there sexual organs are. protip: a machine has no sexual organs and therefore there is no valid attack helicopter gender. you're a male or female animal and that's that.

Sexual health. Because sex is a biological function that might require care, same as other functions such as breathing and walking.

hahah that is fucking perfect, especially the twist ending.

+1 gender, user.

>you're a male or female animal and that's that
certain animals can be hermaphrodite or asexual.

>Anthropologists: "Gender" is actually a property that applies to nouns in gendered languages and English isn't a gendered language, so it's quite pointless for us to discuss it.

thats just linguistic anthropology. Theres a whole field of cross cultural gender perspective and the OP is right, tons of societies have a third sex to name a few:

Travestís – Brazil
Guevedoche – Dominican Republic
Quariwarmi – Incan

The Sworn Virgin – Balkans
Catamites – Ancient Greece
Mollies – Modern England

Alyha – Mohave
Hijras – India, Pakistan & Bangladesh


Fa’afafine – Samoa Polynesia
Fakaleiti – Tonga
Mahu Wahine – Hawaii
Mahu Vahine – Tahiti
Whakawahine – Māori
Akava’ine – Cook Islands

Not that I agree. Most of them shit outside and live in huts

>There are only two genders.
>Doctors: Yeah
>Psychologists: Basically
>Scientists: Yup. Here's several studies.
>Sexologists: Duh!
>Anthropologists: I could name like fifteen failed societies that believe in more than two genders right now.
>Asshole: No! Many! I feel like a quadropaneroticsexual today!

But the one identifying as something is still a human and must identify as something that would make sense as a human, aka a male or female animal.

So fucking triggered right now. How dare you question my identity? We attack helicopters have twin .50 caliber dongs and we have interracial gay sex at 6000 rounds per minute. Don't judge us.

This. Almost everyone on this board is dumb as fuck. There are two sees, many genders. Any gender except male and female is still degenerate though. But every time this discussion comes up, Sup Forums yet again proves itself to be full of uneducated idiots who think they're "red pilled" from reading sourceless (and VERY often factually wrong) infographics and memes. Sup Forums is good for entertainment if you're already an educated and intelligent person, and are able to recognise that the majority of facts and opinions presented here are pure bullshit. Unfortunately way too many of those who visit here actually believe what they read and end up making themselves even more retarded than they already were.


means crossdresser, aka a male that dresses like a female>Bichas, Viados, Guevedoche, Quariwarmi
all those mean "faggot"

dont know about the other, but most likely are words for faggots and degenerates

>hurr durr, all cultures have faggots and deviants
>that means faggots are a gender!



>Linguists: Please stop dragging us into this. It's a political issue, not a scientific one. Using gender to metaphorically refer to social roles of the sexes only started in the 1970s. You know you are confusing people on purpose to get what you want. Most people learned to equate sex and gender by filling out forms, for god's sake. Communicating poorly and then blaming other people for not being understood is assholery of the highest caliber.

Gender is a function of language used to refer to the sexes and objects.
Gender literally means NOTHING outside of this context.
Humans have two sexes which are referred to with binary genders.
A place holder like they/them is used when a gender is indeterminable or one is talking about a group of people.
>why use those pronouns when addressing a singular person then? Gender is clearly non-binary HA! Checkmate Christianity

In example, a job advertisement is taken out in a Newspaper. “Looking for someone competent in laser etching! They will be on time, courteous, and productive!”
“They” in this case is referring not to a single person, but all qualified people available. Out of this group, only one will be selected.

Another example:
You find a wallet on the sidewalk with no ID inside and say, “Whoever they are, they dropped their wallet.”
“They” is again, not referring to a single person, but many because anyone might have dropped their wallet. You are not referring to a single person, but rather an entire group of potential candidates for who dropped their wallet, even though only one person dropped their wallet.

>certain animals can be hermaphrodite or asexual.

yeah, but I was generalizing anyway for the sake of simplicity. I doubt you're a snail or something.

But that’s wrong



Yeah, basically it's a made up term that isn't grounded in reality. You could just as well come up with a word for when you feel like someone with a certain skin/eye/hair color. Whether you "feel" like a blonde is irrelevant to objective reality, you either have blonde hair or not.

>if somebody says they identify as an attack helicopter I want them to point out where there sexual organs are

Transgenders don't have the sexual organs of sexes they identify as, either. What is the difference between transgenders and people who claim they are attack helicopters but really are not? Stop being so retarded.

Gender is either a misused word or completely meaningless.
Liberals often misuse it as a synonym of sex, in that use, yes, there are only two genders for humans.

you should really form a political party then. I'm surprised there is no Attack Helicopter Party in the UK as of yet. How will people take you seriously then?

There are only two sexes, human sex is a bimodal distribution and defects don't mean that this fact changes. Gender is a reflection of both the society the sexes live in and their roles. When people say gender is fluid, they are only saying that they want to fundamentally rewire the culture to fit their perspectives of how men and women should interact.

John (((Money))) was a sexologist who came up with the social contruction of Gender.
He, like anyone else who isn’t a rationalist/empiricist, was a Postmodernist who followed that epistemology.
Which is to say that he believed in basically nothing except that words are the building blocks of the world.

theres an Explanation somewhere in there
also uncle dolf gets a speaking role in the end

>Sexual health
That's gotta be full of gays, jews and women

Indeed, ftm trannies attach inflatable fake penises to their crotches, why am I not allowed to surgically attach a machinegun to my arm?

There is only one gender. Women are objects

> Doctors: Yeah

good, lie about your gender when you go see a doctor, you stupid pervert.

Bill Nye
>the do anything for a dollar

Two sexes- one has testes, the other has ovaries.

The rest are genetic freaks or mentally ill weirdos.

>there are more than two genders
There is only Marxist gender and Man gender

Sometimes I think mass purges are the only answer.

>Yeah, basically it's a made up term that isn't grounded in reality. You could just as well come up with a word for when you feel like someone with a certain skin/eye/hair color. Whether you "feel" like a blonde is irrelevant to objective reality, you either have blonde hair or not.

you forgot a very important and crucial detail.
testosterone and estrogen are influencing your psychological and mental state significantly which only furthers the development of a healthy male or female identity.

>What is the difference between transgenders and people who claim they are attack helicopters but really are not? Stop being so retarded.

gender dysmorphic disorder is a mental illness.
attack helicopter is a silly joke and a meme that makes fun of people with GDD because their body image is altering constantly and is so unstable the identity could suddenly refer to any random sort of object. similar meme is saying you're pansexual and meaning you're attracted to frying pans instead of what it actually means.


Linguists can never be left alone now that Postmodernism is the dominant epistemology in Academia.

there is sex gender and sexual orientation. there are 2 sexes infinite genders and infinite sexual orientations. there are more than 2 genders because there are people who change their outward appearance to be perceived as something other than traditional male/female like furries. likewise there are infinite sexual orientations as there are people who cant get off to anything besides animals. this doesnt mean these infinite possibilities should be encouraged but it is a fact there are people who cant be classified socially (or sexually) as male or female because they just dont fit those categories

So if gender isn't sex, what is it? Delusional mental illness? You say there's scientific proof, but what objective criteria is being used as the scientific measure? Feelings?

if someone lives its life dressed as pic related, never says a word to anybody (so no one knows its biological sex) and fucks dogs can it really be thought of, socially or sexually, as male or female

Yeah, sure....

Look here for an actual definition

gender is how you and others perceive yourself. do you and others perceive/think of you as a guy a girl or a nightmarish cartoon character

dressing up as a dog is not a gender

>gender is how you and others perceive yourself
well that's just a retarded definition

inever said the person "dresses up" i said lives its life. im talking about wearing that from the moment it wakes up to the moment it goes to sleep. no one has and no one will ever see the person underneath. in this case its more than just dress up