What's the most you ever marathoned?

What's the most you ever marathoned?
I finished HxH in 4 days awhile back, still my best record, non stop watching.

I once had my player run through 20some episodes of an anime in the background while I was shitposting on Sup Forums.

Unless it was dubbed or you understand Japanese, I don't think you really got anything out of it.


He mentioned Sup Forums so he at least understands "NANI, DAIJOUBU, YAMETTE...".

You'd be surprised how much of an anime episode you can zone out during and still know everything that happened

clannad and after story in 3 days

I know a guy who watched E7 in under 24 hours

stopped reading at
>I know a guy who

all of evangelion within a day

My head hurts around 16 episodes. That's when i stop.

internet went down over the weekend. could'nt do anything bout it til monday. Read all of one piece up to probably past skypia. First manga i ever read

The entirety of LOGH maybe? Or perhaps it was when I marathoned DB all the way up to the end of DBZ.

My longest marathon was both seasons of CG and noucome without any breaks. ( only drinking and eating in between. )

Gundam Seed and Destiny, 5 days.
Personal best record.

That's something I can't really do anymore, lose concentration way too fast.
But I marathoned Umineko within a day, mostly because I had nothing to do.

FMA Brotherhood in two days.

FMP! including its sequels and what not in one day. It was during my really neet phase.

still my favourite anime till date.

I watched 400+ episodes of One Piece in a week non-stop

I caught up with JJBA in a weekend, back when Part 7 was in the final battle.

I watched 265 episodes of Gintama in a week. It was a lot of fun. Got a letter from my ISP about it though so I had to drop the series after that.

I would kill myself if I saw that much shounen.

16 hour long SZS stream with Sup Forums.

I did similar things before, with One Piece and Reborn. I was at my best back then. Now there is not enough time.

32 episodes of LoGH in one session with small toilet breaks. I originally thought they were the standard 22 minutes, but they are actually 24, so I sat there for ca 13 hours.

not proud to say this, but 150 episodes of bleach in 3 days

Watched like 100 episodes of Arc-V in 2 days.
Looking back, I could've used that time to catch up on other series because good lord it just isn't worth it.