When are whites going to realize their time is up and the future is brown?

When are whites going to realize their time is up and the future is brown?

When the collective iq of the planet drops to 85 and then gets lower

trigger warning: Ok ma'am.

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

lmao, asians are gonna wipe em out.

I’m calling bullshit.

>future without white people
it's called the apocalypse

yeah, i'm alright with the asians taking over

Mayne, when end finally arrives city folk will be the first to go.

Farming skills are a gift from God.

When are niggers going to realize they can't survive without whitey and that every other group of people on the planet utterly despises them and would wipe them out in a heartbeat given the chance?

When are niggers and sandniggers going to realize that the white man was the one thing keeping them fed and sheltered and the only thing they asked was for the nigs to obey their laws?

Have fun getting enslaved by the Chinese.

Without whites, HuffPo wouldn’t have twitter to virtue signal. It would be beautiful.

>a future world without white people
Yea the stone age was a great time

so back to the stone age?

Chinese will exterminate them

>and it's beautiful
I see this a lot...

Philosophers reckon the human race will eventually split into two, very much like the eloi and morlocks.

>and it's beautiful

Yeah. Good thing it's a fiction.

City people got BTFO then

> a world without white people

like, Africa?

also, how do you wash that hair? it looks disgusting.

Isn't this kinda racist? Imagine if any news outlet published an article titled Award-winning Western author Blah Blah's new novel describes a future world without black people and it's beautiful

There would be immediate international outrage and condemnation

Sure looks beautiful.


how about we pay a visit to this woman, scare the shit out of her

>the future will be poo
Yep . Christ is surely coming soon.

A future without whites is a future dominated by asians. Africa is currently witnessing this.

Isn't that the black actress playing hermione in the Happy Potter theater production?

Harry Potter universe is a real as a non-white universe.

So all the people who have to work for a living voted for trump, makes sense.

imagine the collective butthurt if anyone writes a book about an Europe without nonwhites?

>And its beautiful

Like Somalia?

You can tell races arent equal when you have so many double standards giving them the advantage and they STILL can't do anything worthwhile.


White people don't know what it's like to be poor!

And when will non whites realize, when white man goes, the civilization and the future goes with him. There is no ifs or buts about this. It will ALL be bygone.

Face it. Without white people, there'd be no nazis or hate. Your time is up. Tick tock.

Never, because they are niccers, either from jungle or desert.
Once the West has fallen, China will take our place as the sole world superpower. And we'll become the China of the 19th and 20th centuries.
But this remains a cycle. One day, the West will reclaim its place.

So why isn't Afrika beautiful?

fake headline

An excerpt from the book:

"And as the gangs roamed for some ficki ficki, they could find no white woman. Their howling and shrieking sending magical waves across the community, such a thing being unfelt since the whites enslaved them. They then, in their much more wise than whitey ways, decided to rape the next best thing: the supple ass of the white man. But neither could that pleasure hole made for bbc be found. No white boi would be bred that night. Their cocks would go unsheathed and cold.

This was the final act of oppression of the wicked whites. They knew of the need their superiors felt stirring in their loins at all times. And this overt racism, allowing a black male to wander around, dick desire unsated, was thankfully the final chapter of the Jim Crow era. Now the men of melanin could rule their kingdoms as they once did. Soon their magicks would return. WE would once again travel the stars without threat from the cave dwellers.

But then the power went out. Whitey must have sabotaged it. Then the food ran out. Whitey must have hid it. Then the water became dirty. The white man planned it. Then the fighting began. Fuck you white man. Take our massive cocks and give us free shit, you fucking oppressors."

can anyone link to this? i suspect it's fake