you are conflating the communist position with a socialist one, the socialists want to increase welfare, in the US this is called "bigger government", "smaller government" is the right wing position - cat taxes on the rich and fuck the poor. "commies" are not even in this discussion [for a couple of reasons...]


what? what "MILLIONAIRE CELEBRITIE" is in favor of abolishing bank?


the "commie" position is not in favor of a Catalonian state. please learn what are you talking about

> FUCK THE STATE! *grabs state gibs*

there is nothing wrong with leaching off welfare and using your time - instead of slaving at some stupid service sector job - for more interesting projects...

>commies and fascists tend to agree on a lot of stuff


Other urls found in this thread:

Size of the state is irrelevant. They want a full communist state.

Yeah, like what the fuck is this? Global socialism is the e only way forward, I unironically believe this. This user is just babbling nonsense. He's making strawmen and attacking them.

Are those numbers global or for the US?

Because if they're for the US, you're full of shit.

there no such thing as a communist state.

please dear god let nov 4th be big enough to finally start wasting commies.

Global, but it's more of an illustration of how the numbers argument is bullshit. Pollution is linked to 9 million premature deaths annually, I should be able to pin that on unchecked capitalism.

Yeah there is, it’s called California.

Oh thank god, I thought you were genuinely being retarded.

there's a film

here's the trailer, you can watch the whole thing on the page

>the "commie" position is not in favor of a Catalonian state. please learn what are you talking about
We know what we are talking about you dumb commie piece of shit.

Whew that really cleared up my concerns. Everyone will just love each other and start sharing. Wtf i love communism now. What happens if someone doesn't share though?

I cringed so badly

civil war, obviously

imagine aspiring to be like pic related

So kill everyone who disagrees. But what about after the glorious revolution when someone doesnt want to share?

Might there be a group of people who act on behalf of the people to ensure compliance with the people's standard?

obvious Photoshop. at least post the guy with the toy gun or the "fag" from germany

Same thing as happens right now. If your crimes take resources from the state, you go to the gulags. I'm not seeing the problem.

Oh, so there is a state. Confusing original post there, friend. Maybe even... an intentionally deceptive one.

communist already share. besides, what do YOU even have of value? communists look for land, factories, buildings, universities, public space to communize, not your sorry car or tooth brush. irony is, most people resisting communism, beside the elite of course, are people who have nothing but debt

I love socialism, but anarchists (including Antifa) all need to jump off a building.

no coomunisim is unrepresentative

there is only pure presence

there is no representatives of the "people"

So how did they end up the gulag?

Did the peoples essence take them there?

I thought there was no private property. How could it be mine, whether i made it, bought it, or otherwise? Does it all not belong to the people?

they took over the state, that was the Bolsheviks mistake.

today however, the state and capital are indistinguishable, after 30 of neoliberalism [privatization etc..] the state is capable of almost nothing, there is no sense of taking over it even if in the past it was thought of as desirable

Communist and socialist have not created a viable commune that is worth living in.

They have yet to provide an alternative that is better than being butt fucked by corporate overlords.

This is why they fail. They have every advantage in the world and still squander it by being terrible at organization and providing value.

If they cannot provide value to a small group of people using the labor of indentured corporate slaves, how could they possibly guarantee a comfortable fair and equitable standard of living for all people in the country.

you see, the are no individuals in communism, you have to understand that now you are an individualized being, an atom in a sea of atoms. the individual is actually a liberal invention, its a particular historical contract. the revolutionary posses abolishes that, you yourself become common. you "get rid of yourself "

after all you didnt gave birth to yourself, didnt you? it takes a village to raise a child. without individuals there cannot be individual property, only the commune, the community, common property,

The state is not powerless, it is just not interfering much in the economy. Its primary role of law enforcement, keyword force, is intact. Which again brings us back to how the people's essence has teleported a dissident to the gulag

>you are conflating the communist position with a socialist one
No, you are. The difference between a socialist and a communist is whether or not they control the government.

what the fuck? antifa in london?! i thought they liked not being able to say mean shit online.

yeah, today the state is primarily a huge police station, its literally a police state.

That doesnt make much sense. A person is both an individual and part of a group. If we dont individually exist, how could i choose to slack off at work? Individual agency exists whether you recognize it or not.

It is critical to maintaining order. Our dissident is still out there and the people are busy working. What will stop him? Mob justice?

you "slack off at work" because the product of your work is not yours, you sell your living activity to a boss, he owns it, its alien to you. ones you stop selling it, it becomes your and your friend's, then there is no "theft" [or "slack"]

you dont "slack" when you paint your house, dont you? or if you are you just end up with a shitty paint job, which is cool, you and your family need to live there, its just yours, you are free.

we have something in common already between us, you know? we speac english, who owns it? no one, no body can make it his private property and make us pay him dividends, the internet as a whole is also like that, even though some people now want to privatize parts of it

we dont have dissidents, we have enemies

I wonder what happens when the wheat growers realize that it would be in their collective interest to feed themselves, and that others are merely taking advantage of their work, and decide to overthrow the non-wheat growers

>cat taxes on the rich

If you slack off at work you'll lose your job. The state will help find you another one, but if you continue to drain resources, you go to the gulags. I'm not sure what's hard to understand here. Everyone works. There's no free ride under communism.

life does not consists only in wheat alone

How long do you expect it to work before it inevitably fails again just like it has every single other time?


Awesome, so as a baker I need to only bake enough to feed my family, then I can start slacking off under communism.

You realize productivity falls under communism, right? You're not convincing anyone here.

its works already

But hundreds of kilometers away from the ZAD, in the nasty suburban sprawl of the metropolis, you find a collective, a commune, inhabiting the disaster and filling it with life. You sit in a living room, drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes, and you watch as the entire commune walks in an out of the collective house all day long. Everything is sharded freely, tobbacco, food, beds, drinks, money, vehicles. Downstairs, people fix the engine of one of the communal cars, getting it ready for the big trip to the ZAD. You are told not to ask for things so many times you begin to feel like a baby.

It is decided the next day would be best, and you go with them to help, swinging a sledge hammer, tearing down brick walls, carrying wheel-barrows full of soil, and ripping out wooden beams. This is going to be a massive space, part social center, part house, part gym, part studio. When it is finished it will be in the center of an immigrant suburb and will be a hub of life for those living in the neighborhood. After working for the day you drop one of the comrades off at their apartment. It is in one of the twelve story apartment blocks, the banlieue, and as you watch them walk off towards the concrete towers, you realize the commune is possible here, in the metropolis, and that it is possible to overcome defeat. On the way back to the house, the comrade driving the collective car tells you that you will go with them to the ZAD in one week.

You do a good job painting your house because it is yours. Would you care for communal wives as well?

Well to the ukrainians it mattered a bit.

you are not a Robinson crusoe stuck on an island with you family. this is actually your current condition. as a baker you bake enough for the region that serves that bread. if its too much for you then people decide that more help is needed. whats the problem?

you never been part of a real common so you dont know how it is. sure you care, those are all your friends, your fellow human beings, you care, you love them

>all deaths worldwide are the fault of capitalism.
millions starved under Chinese and Soviet communism. You can't argue that those systems would end all preventable deaths.


You can't argue that capitalism is better because more people die prematurely under communism is the point, friend. If you can say communism is responsible for deaths due to famine I can say capitalism is responsible for deaths due to pollution.

>buying new-age antifa

member when antifa was about drug fueled "anarchism" ?


The idea is that everyone is the state.
Thats why leftism advocates for a large state

Fourth largest economy in the world, lol

leftism advocates for welfare subsidies, which means taxing rich people and not letting the poor die off. true communists advocate communizing everything, that a building, for example, cannot be privately owned. there is a big difference actually

>true communists
There are multiple schools of thought on the private vs. personal property issue, friend. All are true communism.

this accurately describes western nations today

well, personal property is, i suppose, your under underwear and toothbrush, but who would want to use that?

are you saying there are not privately owned buildings today? Trump tower is the private property of Trump, is it not?

if you pay property tax, you dont own it. Hes the property holder

you have to redistribute wealth at least somewhat, its actually to the benefit of the capitalist system. without some redistribution the whole shit will collapse in only a few months. there would be to much destitute people and those will set off an insurrection which will destroy the whole thing and full communism will win. actually it happens already since the neoliberal ear

Communist, anarchist, and socialist groups were beginning to look a lot more attractive to the unemployed and with riots becoming more common and unemployment still on the rise, one could speak of a “mass disorder” by the mid-30s. The New Deal (though it made some concessions that more hard-line American ideologues were uncomfortable with) was designed to steal that thunder and return the unemployed to work where they would become stable again. Roosevelt put it in simple terms: “I am fighting Communism, Huey Longism, Coughlinism, Townsendism,” he told an emissary of William Hearst in 1935, “I want to save our system, the capitalistic system; to save it is to give some heed to world thought of today. I want to equalize the distribution of wealth.” Direct relief is never the goal. By 1934, Roosevelt was calling for its dissolution. “Continued dependence upon relief” he said to Congress in 1935, “induces a spiritual and moral disintegration.” Direct relief may even have the opposite of the intended result that workers might begin to realize that there is no need to work if they can extract a living from relief agencies.

Personal property is also your home where you live, for example, under that theory. And your car and all the stuff you need for your life. You just aren't allowed to own multiple homes and charge rent, because absentee landlordism is incompatible with communism.