Why do they hate us?

Why do they hate us?

Was Bush right when he said they hate us because of our Freedoms?

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Islam is a truly backwards and violent religion. They genuinely believe that allah wills them to kill, own, or convert non-muslims.

Arab supremacists are triggered by the existence of superior non-Arab society. Yawn.

They hate the west because not only are we christian but we're also successful.

They hate us because we got involved with their communities in the fight against communism and they don't agree with how Americans live their lives and find it haram.




Yes, the globalists do hate you because of your freedoms.

>They hate us because we got involved with their communities
Pic related is the only reason we've ever been involved with these bare-hand wiping savages

Pan arabism was easy-mode. By killing the bathists, we unleashed pan-islamists which evolved a caliphate.

Prohibiting the baathist party from taking part in iraqi government was the biggest mistake we made so far. I guess the same goes for qaadaffi and assad.

We can fix it. Put these motherfuckers on reservations and treat them like indians until they grow civilized. Its the only option left now.

Islam wasn't a problem until you fucking Jews dressed up like Muslims and started committing terrorist attack false flags.

because we've been fucking around in their region the end of WW2 and before that, western powers fucked around after splitting up the ottoman empire in such a shitty way after WW1

They are radicalized primarily for the West's support for Israel.

This is explicitly why Osama bin Laden targeted the United States multiple times culminating in 9/11.

The Israeli-Palestinian conflict and our side in it is the root of it all.

Okay muhammad, you've made your point. Has it ever occurred to you that americans support jews just to spite you? Jews are your best friends, because you are the only reason the west doesn't come down hard on them.

They hate us for rightfully kicking their teeth in after 9/11. Our biggest mistake was not out right annexing them and destroying their culture.

That and the Government fucking with their countries to steal oil and other resources.

Cognitive dissonance. They are told they have the only true religion, the highest religious practices, and the favor of the only god who exists.

Then they look at their shit islamic countries and wonder how all of their assumptions provided such shit countries.

Then they decide it must be the devil; hence America is the Great Satan and Israel is the Lesser Satan.

>implying Islam isn't just sanctified Arab supremacy
Read some history of Arab mercenaries in the Byzantine and Persian wars, and be aware that Muslims believe the Koran doesn't exist except in the original Arabic of its "revelation" because it can't be translated into lesser tongues.

Islam was a problem when Mohammad was born.

Let strongmen rule that part of the world as they have for centuries, we supported it until we decided we would have moral reservations about it and did nothing to quell the uprisings one way or another until it turned into a mess.

Both the Bush and Obama foreign policy has lead to the migration crisis we are facing today. Iraq War was amazingly stupid as was not supporting stable governments or wiping them clean under Obama. Those countries were run they way they have to be run.

Two opposite extremes and our collective reaction to them has lead to what we are dealing with today.

9/11 was a false flag, inside job, with the help of the jew that owned the buildings.

>hating the USA

lol not in particular. the USA made ISIS. they're more concerned with the Shias and Alawis wiping them off the map right now

>m-muh Sunni genocide, America pls halp

They hate you because your "freedom" means sexual promiscuity, porn, cuckoldry, faggotry and transgender degeneracy



Islam was certainly subhuman even before Jewmericans started fucking with it, just not nearly as subhuman as today.

>they're more concerned with the Shias and Alawis wiping them off the map right now
They're more concerned with not getting their shit pushed in and families extinct by the US Air Force and Peshmerga

No user, it was always this stupid. We just didn't let Arabs on boats and planes not going to Mecca.

>blaming us for their troubles.

Come now, they've been fucked since the mongols showed up. Then they got double fucked for trying to invade europe in the 17th century. Now their triple fucked becuase al-baghdadi tried to make a caliph and exposed and devided al-quada's jewish style cultural usurpation.
I would agree, but the arabs have always sucked at making wars. They've always relied on mercenaries like the mamlukes, ottomans, etc. When they were prideful, they got shot down easily, but since they started parasiting themselves on their traditional chattel, they are actually have a modicum of success.

Saudi Arabia is the cause of Islam being shitty, and whaddya know??? The Saudi Royal family are Jews.

You where hated long before 911 - u really think they didn't hate you before that? How the fuck could the juice manipulate them into attacking then?

I used to hate u for yr selectivly meddlesome nature. And to this day I hate you for your divisiveness - I mean, dude, watch cnn for a week and then fox for a week and u'll see both sides are equally stupid.

Why do you have to be so fucking loud all the time. Like an attentiondeficit kid or some shit?

On the most profound level I hate you because my dream of america was a lie and waking up was painfull. You hurt me, and you act all proud about it.

>The Saudi Royal family are Jews.
Bullshit. They're not financial wizards or cunning schemers, they just lucked into killing every rival on their patch of sand before modern man discovered the fuel of the 20th century under their asses. If not for that, they'd already have been deposed by some other tribe of Arab degenerates.

Arabs couldn't even destroy the jews when they outnumbered them six to one. You're not even worthy of (((them))) bitching about, you're that inferior.


hahahah. israel won't exist soon. Enjoy watching it crumble. You think Mueller is stopping at domestic issues? JFK-9/11-Vegas and everythign in between is about to be revealed. Jews worldwide are FUCKED.

ha ha

>they don't leave in peace because we redrew borders and made enemies live with each other!
>lmao, of course muslims can integrate into the west, why the fuck couldn't they?!

You hurt us... Your are damn right I'm proud of it. Quite frankly I think we were to soft on you.

Ayatollah, calm down

You think I'm some jewish apologist. There are no jews in my state, theres a reason for that. By all accounts, they've done a better job of managing that shitty desert you call palestine than the muslims ever did.


You guys can't even see it yet...can you? I guess that's the problem with kikes. Living in the now only gets you so far when you can't see the future you're headed towards.

Im Norwegian.

Check this, subtitled for (you).


>We can fix it. Put these motherfuckers on reservations and treat them like indians until they grow civilized. Its the only option left now.

Wondering what a Muslim casino would he like.

Sand niggers don't need a reason to hate besides their moon religion.

No, nobody cares for your "Freedom".

Everybody hates you because you do bussines destroying others people's countries...

And pretend you do it for the better good, not for the sheckels.


I don't care about where your from... If you are a Muslim I hate you and your people. You are disgusting filth that has to be dealt with by blood and Iron. Because quite frankly that is the only language you sub-human trash speak in. You better pray to fucking Allah that someone like me never becomes the president. Because I will go out of my way to redefine what hell is for your relegion.

No, they hate us because we have a presence on the Arab peninsula and we support arab tyranny.

And we support israel. If we dumped israel a lot of our problem would be solved.

Doubtful. I'd like to see both go away, jews and muslims alike. Muslims get played like a fiddle, then promptly spanked when they act up against their masters. Not sure they should be the ones leading the charge to oust the jews. Fuck em both.

Check the song. It is the most poetic Jordan-,like explanation of why even your friends hate you, maybe even why your own hate you.

I don't even know why I'd try to redpill u even more. U seem like a perfect stormtrooper.


They hate us because its their religion to hate and subjugate christians.

We realize now that they hated us because we had such a fucking beta for president.

Perhaps stormtroopers are needed to deal with Islam. I see through your act of being peaceful. You may have fooled some of us. However, there are more and more people everyday that would love to light your Arab shit-hole quite literally on fire. I'm tired of your insane religious values and the innocent deaths those values cause. I won't loose any sleep once the West takes care your insane religion for good.


(meaning we bomb the shit out of them and destabilize their countries in order to extract their resources at super low expense while providing nothing of value to them as a people and naturally this pisses them off so they want revenge)