Damn good stuff
Damn good stuff
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>that flat chest
He shouldn't have waited so long.
I'd rather die than be an eternal KHV.
Fuck off back to .
How old was the guy?
Maybe he was waiting till she grew into onee-san.
I don't remember if they actually mentioned when he was abandoned but maybe a less than a hundred? he's not human, it doesn't matter. He disappears anyway
>it's ok because he's actually 600 years old starter pack
Tumblr pls
>not wanting to be an eternal KHV is /r9k/
Okay newfag.
The terminology is /r9k/. Fuck off back there.
It was predictable as fuck, but I still cried.
Soundtrack is outstanding.
I watch hotarubi because of this AMV
Tell me: Was the ending happy or sad?
You should watch Natsume Yuujinshu as well.
Sad, but uplifting.
Yuujinchou, user.
But yes, watch it. It's in my top three and season five is coming out soon.
Bittersweet, they spent their time at a festival until a kid ran into him. The last moments before he disappeared, they happily embraced each other. He disappeared into her arms and she began tearing up. Moved on with her life thinking about him. Yes, my heart became dust from the mashing.
When I watched it I empathized with the girl because she's the protagonist. From that perspective it's the classical "a girl meets a boy, boy dies" story. So it's easy to say that the ending is sad.
But when I thought about it a bit more afterwards I realized that the whole story is sad from his perspective. He says himself shortly before touching the boy that he no longer wants to live this way. The sadness is hidden because we don't hear his inner monologue.
Given that he seemed happy in the end and that he was concerned with her obsession over something unobtainable (him) I think the ending was not sad.
I understand, and I like that viewpoint. I still think there's a sadness to it--maybe the ending itself is not sad so much as a cathartic end to a sad story, however. And, as I said, it's uplifting.
Its basically a Natsume's Book of Friends episode without the MC
Though the main character looks like Natsume.