Like a lot of people, I dropped Bleach after Soul Society. Anything good happen after that? Could somebody summarize the story after that?
What happened in Bleach?
Somebody attacked, and there was a fight.
Then things happened, and there was some more fighting.
In the end, the heroes won, but it was Aizen's plan all along, and then more stuff happened, and somebody else attacked and there was some fighting.
>Anything good happen after that?
Not really. Things went downhill so fast after SS. Dropping the manga after that arc was a wise decision.
one would think is joking, but he's not.
It actually was that bad.
Shounen Jump fucked Tite Kubo so after Yhwhank stole Ichigos power, and so he had to rap shit up in only a few chapters, so many loose ends and terrible ending.
But there are many epic moments, Kenpachi shikai beasting, then bankai, Kyoraku bankai, Urahara bankai, Ichigo fused hollow form, all captains getting fucked up by quincies, zombies, and Aizen playing Yhwhank. Still, until the last couple of chapters it was good, and I liked how dark it got in chapter titled Future Black.
Everything went down hill in retrospective of the IchiRuki fandom after SS arc. Literally everything was fine unless your ship sunk.
Went full retard fighting.
Has some fun memes but probably not the Bleach you're looking for
chigoXIchika or KazuiXIchika fanfics, images and Doujins when?
Yuzu raping or molesting her nephew doujins when?
Ichika and Kazui playing doctor. when?
Kubo fucked WSJ by tanking his own series with his shitty writing.
Kazui will take Ichika's virginity, Or Ichika will take Kazui's virginity by force or not.
Did they ever explain what Aizen's deal was? Or Gin and Tosen's? I remember Aizen's betrayal as being pretty well written.
Blandy McProtagonist gets stabbed by a ghost woman so that he can become a ghost man and save his family from more ghosts. Then they hang out for a bit doing cute ghost things, before the ghost woman's ghost government arrests her for ghost murdering Blandy.
Blandy McProtagonist assembles a group of friends that all want to go to ghost town to say hi to the ghost woman, and they fight a lot of ghost people along the way. Then Captain Memester shows up after pretending to be dead and says he's going to hang out with the evil ghosts in Mexico. So then some training shit happens and Captain Memester kidnaps Blandy's living fleshlight, and Blandy invades Mexico so that he can bust a nut once more.
Blandy fights a bunch of ghost Mexicans, and Memester leaves Mexico because he's sick of eating tacos all the time and tries to turn Blandy's town into a key. Blandy leaves Mexico to fight Captain Memester, and he memes more than he's ever memed before. Then Blandy's dad puts him in time out for a month until he gets enough self-control to kill Captain Memester, and then we get a time skip.
After the time skip, all of Blandy's friends start using Facebook and he's bummed out cause he's still using Myspace, so he goes and kills Facebook with the help of his ghost friends. Then ghost nazis show up and start murdering everybody, including god. Then Blandy kills ghost Hitler without resolving anything, and everyone has kids.
The end.
Holy shit. I'm glad I dropped it when I did. One of the most disappointing series in recent memory.
I tell people to read up until Ichigo's showdown with Grimmjow. The quality plateaus about there.
Which showdown? They fought multiple times.
>Soul Society Arc
I haven't thought about this series in years, but the Rescue Rukia arc was still a ton of fun. Group of characters split up in multiple groups across a foreign enemy territory filled with morally diverse antagonists? Love that concept.
Shame my interest petered out so quickly afterward. Something about the random Arrancar fights and every main character's inability to die.
OP you are way to late to talk about bleach. We all talked about it to death when it ended and even posted the video explaining why it went bad.
Something about... Nazis? Im not entirely sure.
You missed the Facebook edits and Aizen's chair diary.
Kubo's pacing and characters are too much for mindless kids.
That was definitely a problem in the Series. Too many characters got sliced up only to be healed three chapters later by Shinigami magic. Momo, Hitsugaya, Renji, It just got ridiculous.
How much % of the series does "Up to Soul Society" comprise?
I don't know about the manga, but it would only be a tiny percentage of the anime. Then again, there were several long filler arcs iirc
It went from shitty generic shonen to shitty generic shonen with god tier music in the espada arc. But nostlagic shonen fags like to masturbate over the SS arc for some reason even though it's the same shit as every other shonen. It at least got some personality with the arrancar. Decent ending with Aizen's defeat and the rest is shit. Only reason to bother with the manga is if you appreciate Kubo's art.
Post em, I missed them as well.
Up to Soul Society is about 7 volumes/71, or a little less then 10%. Up to the end of Soul Society would be 21/71, whuch would be a little less then 30%. Though 21 Volumes is longer than a lot of series.
SS finished 10 years ago, so about 30% I guess.
The espada arc was practically a copy paste of the SS arc.
It even had the "cute innocent sidekick turns into a hot, half naked woman" repeated!
And it was so fucking long.
After that you get Soul Society 2: Spanish edition. A duo of mysterious new foes appear, more powerful than Ichigo has faced before and kidnap Ichigo's other female friend (Orihime), take her to another world (Hueco Mundo) and lock her up in a huge fortress (sound familiar?). Then Kubo introduced a huge list of new really boring one note "characters", who all end up in pointless fights that do nothing to advance the story, setting or characters in any substantial way. There is really only one good fight. Then Aizen starts his invasion and some decent stuff happens but he gets Deus Ex Machina'd by Ichigo and his dad (who turns out to be a Shinigami and former captain).
If not after the SS arc, then that is where it should have ended.
After that it completely looses its shit and becomes genuine grade A bollocks, then cancelled.
I know. I didn't say it was good either. It just had some unique music to go along with it (god bless Shiro Sagisu) and I liked the presentation with the spanish "theme". The final Aizen fight was pretty cool looking too, I guess.
>cute innocent
Cat Yoruichi was neither of those things (ok, maybe 25% cute).
>A duo of mysterious new foes appear, more powerful than Ichigo has faced before
What's the original Archetype of this? Was there an earlier example then Nappa and Vegeta?
I meant innocent in the sense of "non-sexual", But if a cat with a mans voice floats your boat who am I to judge?
Is Mexican Soul Society at all worth reading? Aizen's conspiracy was pretty cool. Anything close to that in that arc?
Orihime and Ichigo ended up together. That's all you need to know.
It's hard for me to say as I read it week by week and it dragged out horribly so I didn't enjoy it.
Maybe if you read it all in one go it's alright?
If you want to see aizen being a scheming badass the payoff is in the Fake Karakura Town arc. And the flashback arc which is quite cool.
Did you enjoy Soul Society week by week?
I did. I was very active in the big bleach forum back then and it was a lot of fun to discuss the chapters week by week. It was fresh then. The problem is the Mexico arc was so similar in structure that it was boring and people started dropping it. Also the Narutofan crowd seems to really get into bleach then which was when the shipping nightmare kicked off.
Sorting algorithm of evil? DB is probably a bit different because that event also broke it away from just being earth/mythology (e.g. monkey king) based to HOLY SHIT, ALIENS ARE COMING AND YOU'RE AN ALIENT TOO.
Nice bait thread there pal.
Byakuya and Renji's appearance signaled a Genre shift as well.
Out of curiosity, what would you have preferred? A return to the quasi-SOL of the first volumes? An all out war sort of thing?
It should have ended and Kubo should have started a new manga.
I dunno, I think then people would have been dissatisfied at the abruptness of it. These three pull off some kind of crazy conspriacy to achieve a mysterious end, betraying everyone they love, for what? People had a right to know what they were on about.
Well I'm sure that could have been resolved in a couple of volumes more at the end of the SS arc rather than creating a whole new arc. They could have had a big final battle with Aizen and co there and then rather than him floating off. Hundreds of chapters later and I still don't really understand what Aizens motive where.
>Could somebody summarize the story after that?
A wild, wild ride.
I think that him flying off was one of the coolest moments of the series though. I think it would have been cool if they had something like a war. The First arc was sol, the second was shonen fight manga. It would have been cool if the third arc became a war manga (something like Miyazaki's Nausicaa manga). Just about anything would have been more interesting than random Mexicans.
The only thing I would have changed about Bleach is it's rushed end.
And yeah, ok, maybe a bit more of plot quality, but for the rest I can't complain, we got what we waited for every week: great characters (and fashion), very good art (no backgrounds), being Kubo'd from time to time, and a few shitstorms.
Very few manga or anime did this to me. So I hope Kubo starts some new proyect in the future.
Because whether you like it or not, Kubo is our god.
Why did the Soul Society have noble families? Didn't people materialize as they were at the moment of death? Weren't all families supposed to be makeshift, or the result of multiple deaths at the same time?
You can get preggers in soul society + nobles can adopt people.
All the good girls are forgotten by Kubo
>All the good girls are forgotten by Kubo
I got a decent quota of Soifon in the very last chapters.
Last week I picked it back up and read through the whole arrancar or whatever arc through Aizen's defeat.
I haven't gone past that but up to there it's pretty much more of the same. Guys explaining their powers as thoroughly as possible so the enemy can form keikaku, , *teleports behind you*, NANI!?, all the regular bullshit.
>decent quota
Surely you jest?
Renji, Ichigo and Kazui having foursome with Ichika.
I mean, Kubo was definitely winging it. All these souls with all their memories, and they live in feudal Japan? Why didn't they develop a more modern society? Kids are materializing into the Soul Society from the world of the living (like the parakeet boy), and kids are being born via reproduction there as well? It's pretty dumb.
will someone post Narusaku shippper's prediction from tumblr or twitter?
2 of those are little kids
I want to fuuuuuuck Miyori.
I read this expecting you to say something about how Blandy McProtagonist was unable to confess.
>Literally everything was fine unless your ship sunk.
No it wasn't
I'm not a cancerous shipper and the series still went to shit after soul society
oh the fucking irony
>implying the music wasn't good from the beginning
literally kill yourself
You should consider how bad the pacing gets after SS though, so in terms of chapters it's smallish, but in actual content it's not.
>tfw her bankai
Only that Orihime went to ss because loved ichigo. Chad goes because was ichigo fight budy, and uryo goes cause he just wanted to know more about ss.
And then all those subplots were droped and it became a dull manga. Only Orihime subplot kinda survived, but instead of a cute crush, it turned into an actual Mature love for no real reason.
What's a soul society?
You know at least Ichigo saving Rukia had more to it considering he owed her for saving his family
>how do we fix bleach?
is what I want to ask but I doubt anything could save that train wreck after soul society
so now that this is over, will he finally pick zombiepowder back up? everyone cross their fingers
It wouldn't be that hard, you just need to fix the pacing and restructure the stuff that happens after SS.
Soifon, Byakuya and Kurotsuchi. My three top captains. I thought I would never see them again, and there they where, interacting with each other in last scene we ever saw of Soul Society.
For an abrupt end, I can't ask more.
And ruin that too?
No thank you
Maybe I expected more since Soifon is my waifu. Just gotta take what you get I guess.
>for no real reason
It had to do with getting to know him more and more. Like, you know, any relationship progresses. You're also forgetting he was willing to die to save her and helped her with Sora.
This happened.
And this was my reply when RenRuki happened.
What. The. Fuck?
I'm of the opinion that the Soul Society arc is a bit overrated because it's just as filled with powerlevel bullshit, designated battles, and generic protect muh friends stuff. But Bleach was sure a lot fresher back then. The main problem with Hueco Mundo is that all the villains save Aizen don't really matter in the story; they're just assholes who kind of have to fight for Aizen. Their interactions with each other and their leader are in no way more interesting than the feuding that went on back i the Gotei.
>Maybe I expected more since Soifon is my waifu. Just gotta take what you get I guess.
I also wanted her to interact with Yoruichi one more time (and with Urahara and Hachi), but I guess there were not enough enemies to fight, nor time for Kubo to wrap things up.
>RenRuki happened.
I've never been a shipper, but I always saw them together.
That was the least surprising thing to ever happen in the series.
When Renji wasn't jobbing, he successfully retrieved Rukia to return her to Soul Society where she would almost get executed. And as Ichigo was working to rescue Rukia, Renji stood in Ichigo's way.
Yep! Renji truly deserves her.
RenRuki felt nowhere near earned and Rukia always struck me as devoted to her job.
most bullshit thing to happen, see Kubo did not give a single fuck. Series is getting axed, better trot out the kids!
>Childhood friends
>Clearly deeply cared about each other the entire way through the series
>You get confused because of a character arc where someone discovers whether or not they value their friends or their duty more
Nah, you're just retarded.
d'awww, Renji deeply cared for Rukia as he bloodied himself hindering Ichigo's attempt to rescue Rukia's life.
Well isn't that nice?
>I don't understand character development arcs
Yes, he absolutely did.
>Yes, he absolutely did.
Well, as long as he learns it was wrong to put the life of a childhood friend in peril. Shame that it took a childhood friend's life being put in peril for him to learn that lesson.
The entire arc, for Renji, was about him discovering that he values his friends over his duty and that he didn't want to just follow orders anymore. That's called a character arc. You just repeating what you said in your original post again and again isn't going to change that. I'm glad you understand now.
So did he not know Rukia's life was really valuable to him? The friendship part came before the duty part. Some friend.
>You just repeating what you said in your original post again and again isn't going to change that.
Nothing will change the fact that Renji nearly got Rukia killed and he actively worked towards having her successfully executed.
character development is a meme.
been away too but I don't really care about the ending
my question is: any good doujins come out since the ending?
Oh, so you actually just don't understand what a character arc is then.
>So did he not know Rukia's life was really valuable to him?
He didn't know that his friends lives were MORE important than his duty. Key word
>The friendship part came before the duty part. Some friend.
I have no idea what you mean by this. At the start of the character arc, he was unsure of which he valued more, then by the end of it, he knew that he valued his friends more than duty, hence why he was helping save her. That's why it's an arc. Things change. This isn't a difficult concept to understand.
>Nothing will change the fact that Renji nearly got Rukia killed and he actively worked towards having her successfully executed.
Except that it clearly did because they got together, no?
Additionally, the fact that things changing is literally the entire point of a character arc shows that your statement is completely false.
I'm out of the loop, have Kubo commented that botched ending yet?
Renji needed a whole arc to realize the LIFE of a friend was more important than a job?
Wait Bleach is actually over?
I thought that 685 was NOT the last chap..
I mean, he did almost die fighting byakuya to rescue her.
There's no talking to him, he just wants to keep on repeating the same thing forever.
I miss Ulquiorra. ;_;