A new project is coming, have some university girls to live the hype
Girls und Panzer, GuP and /ak/ stuff
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Darjeeling is my wife, and I am one of her favorite husbands!
Darjeeling is my wife!
What did he mean by this?
Who is this meme man?
Don't be so rude to Klara, user.
>not knowing the best boy mighty jingles
I am going to cry like a big bitch probably.
I'm going to feel sad but it will finally have a conclusion
>last chapter
it can't be true. i think the gup creators are trolling us. again. remember pic related and the sinking carrier preview in the manga?
Erwin is cute and she is also my wife!
I bet every time Katyusha sleeps Nonna is slurping on her smooth, tight, underdeveloped pussy. Katyusha in her sleep would orgasm as her lips tighten around Nonna's tongue every night. Katyusha would wake up feeling wet and uncomfortable as she thinks she wet herself while asleep. She would hide it from her subordinates but tell Nonna. But Nonna knows the truth.
>GuP as we know it is coming to an end
Listen to this and cry with me
You're late like 2 threads ago.
Don't care senpai I'm well chuffed
>those bodies
Jesus fucking Christ!
Jesus Christ,user, you are too slow
Even Rosehip is ashamed of you
That is one cute Nina.
Which girl would be the worst tank commander?
Post police Darjeeling
All Nina's are cute.
Er, would Rosehip not be especially ashamed of him for being so slow?
Maybe they were making fun of late night anime's whole "TEH SUFFERIN" kick. It's like a reverse troll on Madoka Magica, a fun high octane franchise with likeable lively moe designed characters masquerading as a dark movie about pointless suffering and angsting moe girls. Also improbably a better box office than it's movie had.
Fuck the memes, she's pretty good as shown in Little Army 2 and Ribbon Warrior. She lost in RW just because Hime is a massive faggot
Pepperoni, she is too much of a baka even for Chi-ha-tan.
Keep driving and shoot as needed.
My own personal issues with the panties aside, jesus christ. Pravda girls are something else. Easily my favorite of the rival schools.
...which kinda makes my dream about Duce a little on the weird side
It's the ojou-sama poses they're doing that puts it over the top for me. If that happens to be your fetish this franchise is basically heaven on earth for it.
>ywn be kidnapped by Pravda
>ywn be Katyusha's personal plaything
>you and Katyusha will never fall in love with each other
>ywn get married to Katyusha
Why live?
Pravda is just the best school
Because Klara is better.
I'm pretty sure it's true, for the main cast at least. How many times can you recycle the "school is going down if we lose" thing especially when it never really was a threat.
It's time to either
1. Adapt other manga (LA2 or Maginot probably, RW is too Nogami to become a part of the franchise)
2. Pass the torch to younger generation, maybe using the themes that didn't make it into the movie (like rabbits vs cute delinquents)
3. Move the focus to a different small school as they struggle to make it big in post-Ooarai senshado world
Eh, she didn't lost to Shizuka, but to the BC vicecaptain.
Before that, she handed Shizuka her ass.
But I wanna be Katyusha's plaything.
Fan fiction isn't cannon
Fan fiction is rifle.
as long as it's not the end of the franchise i'm kinda ok.
Even then, why did Maho make her vice captain?
Probably not because shes bad. Even if she merely filled Mihos place, if she's been too bad, Maho would have chosen someone other.
Anybody have translated (text in eng) of this?
Could be in Polish too.
Why is Nonna so perfect?
She isn't even real russian.
What's her secret?
She's basking in Katyusha's glory
no, it's clearly a melee weapon
"Tobie też wydłubie oko kurwo"
"Ciesz się, że trzymam tego miśka bo byś już zdychał z szablą w płucach"
If all the third years graduate that means we get new characters. Maybe Smugchan will finally get a name!
Jajka in tracksuit then?
Bermuda please
I will follow your order, user.
>Maybe Smugchan will finally get a name!
She already has a name.
>No more Maho at school.
Poor Erika.
>Jajka in tracksuit then?
I would love to see this, but I'm afraid of requesting stuff in drawfag threads, they're way too cancerous to stay in. I'm jealous of that one user who got his WH40k Yukari.
Yes, rapeface-chan
She managed in Little Army 2.
Jajka in anime when?
I would love to see nips trying to speak polish or sing polish song
Seeing she's from a fan-fiction, never
That's because she has her own kouhai she can bully now.
>tfw the user that made this still hasn't continued from this.
Not soon, because RW doesn't fit "muh family friendly franchise" theme that the main series set. The only way I see RW being adapted is relasing it simply as "Ribbon Warrior" instead of "GuP: Ribbon Warrior" but that would guarantee it fails commercially.
Maybe if Shidenkai no Maki got an adaptation they would consider adapting RW so it could sell as Nogami manga adaptation instead of part of GuP franchise.
Yuu Kobayashi as Hime
Yoko Hikasa as Jajka
no idea for Rin
Wonder what Maho will do after school, leading the Nishizumi school?
In that case i really could see Erika working there, too.
can't wait to see best girl have her revenge
I wonder when the artist that makes these is going to make one for Katyusha?
GuP is coming to an end, not THE end. Could be the end of the Oarai story, either by graduation or end of carrier's operational life.
>tfw MEXT guy was right, the carrier should have been scrapped long ago. Girls und Boot confirmed.
> I won't fall for that again!
proceeds to fall for it again
>tfw MEXT guy knew that the school carriers were going to be scrapped and the inhabitants moved onto subs anyway and was just trying to speed up the process for Oorai
Ukulele is made for doggystyle anal.
>the carrier falls apart at the end of the series
>evacuation is going horribly, because of the sheer size of it
>dozens of people die
>Mako won't be the only one without parents
why didn't we listen?
Saori has a backup plan just in case tankery doesn't work out. Do your girls have one?
Jesus, user.
GuP is already dark enough.
Anyone want to translate this:
He's summarizing what he saw in the PV.
Anybody have a list of all the tanks that've all been shown/driven?
Of course, I'm sure they'd all make excellent PE teachers
This is what I was looking for, my faul for not saving it before.
Does anyone have a zip for all of these?
I know this has already been asked a million times but does anybody have the final recap of the CYOA?
Tried dropping it in imgur, didn't work.
3rd time lucky
Is that fucking soup? Is she serving it to old men?
Wasn't expecting this to actually work.
Very simple game, but shows some potential.
Holy shit, I think it is.
Huh, well it's piqued my interest if nothing else. Will keep an eye on it.