
Which European countries aren't white?



Divide and Conquer the thread

All of them expect for a tiny portion of the Netherlands.


Okay, this is actually getting stupid. I was fine with the 56% face but you're not even trying anymore.


Wir waren Könige und scheiße



Probably a b8 thread, but here's the serious answer anyway.

>Which European countries aren't white?
Albania, Muslim Bosnia, Muslim Bulgaria, the Gypsy nation, European Turkey, and Cyprus.

pick one

None of them.


Albania and Bosnia

check out my OC


>Muslim Bosnia
They can be whiter than serbs. Ive seen aryan looking bosnian muslims,its weird.

All Sl*vic ones

The absolute state of Europeans attacking Americans.
They're not sending their best, folks.

Forgot to show flag

All and none. There are non-whites and whites in every country. For example there is not as many whites in Italy or Spain as there are in Germany or England, but regardless you can still be from any of those countries and be white, there are literally Brazilians who are white.


Being white includes a wide array of cultures, Islamic culture is not one of them


This belongs on /bant/, not Sup Forums

Religion does not equal ethnicity.

Oy vey 0.5 shekels has been deposited into your account

Fuck, this is the best one.

I kek everytime.

All European natives are white

le cookiecutter face



We're talking about race here not ethnicity. There may be biologically white muslims (converts and the odd ones simply born white) but they are few and far between because Islamic culture isn't and has never been a caucasian culture.

It's true, do you really think a country where people like pic related are common are going to be whiter then a country that has majority blue eyes?

>eye color = race

Race has nothing to do with Religion, would you have said the same thing two thousands years ago before Europeans converted to Christianity? Why would Islam be any different?


It certainly has a very good correlation to it considering all non whites have brown eyes. But on the other hand people like this who have brown eyes are white and yes if she would still be if she had brown hair as well.

pic realated
some of you are ""white"" but look ugly af

So by this definition niggers can be considered white as long they're Christian and adopted French culture aka our nigger from Guadeloupe.
As for the Islamic culture, I've been in both Bosnia and Albania, their culture is hardly Islamic, they're secular, don't have any distinctive religious sign and for the most part don't practice. (More true about Albania than Bosnia, where the recent conflict brought some sandnigger preachers that poisoned a small portion of their youth. The Albanian population is entirely religiousness free) They just are labelled Catholic, orthodox or Muslim in that region because of the heritage of the ottoman empire who censed people by religion and not ethnicity. Servo croats still define ethnicity wrongfully by religion while croats Bosnians and serbians have the same language and culture and the few differences are regional at best, in the same way a south east French would be different from a south west French.

>cherry picking this hard.

None of the countries you named before have a majority of their population looking like that.

Italy, it's like the Portugal of Europe

Germanics have ruined Europe tens of times.

He said that culture takes part in being white, not that it is the only criteria, Muhammad.

Big fucking Mickey...

I'm not cherry picking at all. It's actually most of pol who like to live in this delusion that Europe=automatically white (completely ignoring invasions of Arabs and Moors, occupations for hundreds of years of these places. People like this are very common in southern Europe

Because there's an overwhelming correlation between race and religion. Muslims tend to be Asian (Indonesia, Malaysia), black (Somalia), arab (Middle East) or brown (Pakistan, India). They're rarely ever white or latin American. On the flip side, it's rare to find an arab Christian though they do exist (Lebanon, a whopping one country with a significant population of them). Then there's Jews such as yourself of course, almost all will have a percentage of their blood being Ashkenazi.

You're half right, race isn't a sure fire way to identify religion, but generally you can see the patterns.

Are you completely fucking retarded? Did you miss the Islamic conquest or something and the Christianization of Europe. The only reason Europe isn't Islamic today is because of the Battle of Tours, not because whites chose Christianity over Islam.

I guess it doesn't matter than I haven't eaten mcdonalds in over 5 years and am paler than healthy with 100% traceable saxon dna, even if I was a Rican I could still claim to be white compared to you


Culture is a part of being white, it's not the only thing that would make one white. Biology is king when it comes to identifying race obviously but generally speaking whites follow multiple different cultures of which Islam is not one.


None of them. The last remnant of the white race is in the northern part of the US.

>moldova whiter than france


i havent seen much but i am assuming they are since mohameds didnt get there in medieval times. Also this map is in modernity before massive nigger migrations (1400s to early 1900s).

Greece, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, BaH, Croatia, Slovenia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Kosovo and Serbia.

This most likely is a gypsy. If 100 years you could show a nigger born in France and claim Gauls are niggers for that matter.
Race is independent of religion. There are Catholic Japanese and chinks, are they white/Jewish/Armenian? There are muslim chinks, are they Arabs?
Albanians were split between Catholics and Orthodoxes because of their geographical position during the schism, and both sides tried to use religion to push their agenda. So by the time Turks invaded balkans, Albanians already considered religion as a farce and a way to buy people or divide and conquer, so most of them converted to yet another manipulative religion because at the time they offered the best deal in terms of power position and education possibilities for their children+economy wise. After the fall of the ottoman empire and during their national awakening Albanians rejected religion as a whole as anti nationalist and alien and to this day that lecture prevails. Their three major religion groups are autocephalous and completely out of the sphere of influence of other Catholic/orthodox/muslim powers/countries. It's merely relegated to a national holiday status and nothing more, in the same way Pentecôte is considered in France, some old bullshit nobody cares for but we get to stay home and have a meal so we keep it.
In Bosnia it was a different story, their branch of Christianity, bougoumiles, was weak and considered heretic by both Catholics and Orthodoxes, so they had no problem to negate their Christian faith and say them fuck you since they were seen as abominations and rejected even while they were Christian.

i didnt see it, i dont even know what that irrelevant country is.
Also france has a los of moors like spain, italy or moortugal, the whites there are really white, unlike the ones in yugoslavia.

Europe doesn't automatically mean white, London is barely 60% white at this point. The pictures you're posting are yes, people who most likely have some non white blood due to historical race mixing. Most Spaniards and Italiens don't look like that.

I'm romanian, and white. Yeah we have shitskins (gypsies) but they're just 3% of our population.

England, germany, France, spain, Italy and Sweden are all sharia shot holes. They can no longer be considered white.

Romania was never white.

Turkey is borderline white.

I haven't been to EU in a couple years though so this is just my assumptions.

According to your logic, anyone who claims that these men are not white must be a shill paid by jews to spread disinfo

I'm not claiming all Italians are racially mixed with Arabs or Negros or Moors. But a lot of them are, and it can be seen all throughout Europe.

No see now you're just throwing a temper tantrum because you got caught being wrong and are resorting to special pleading by saying "but in this alternate timeline"

France, Belgium, and England. In the next 20 years: Germany, Netherlands, Sweden

Italy has never been white in ~50k years of homo sapiens presence in Europe. It has nothing to do with the projection of your sexual fantasies on history.

>just 3% of our population.
i believe you if you say there are whites, but 97% HAHA fuck no. Are pic realted suposed to be white or are examples of gypsies?

You forgot Moldova and Cyprus.

then how are we not white?

mohammeds never reached us. the only colonizers were vikings, normans, and anglos.

These are ethnically from Africa, and mixed up. A brief search on Wikipedia will show you their ancestors were from the Portugal colonies. Saying Portuguese are black because those two are would be like saying Americans are all black because of Obama, who btw is half white like those 2 gentlemen.

wtf this is about traditionally speaking, not about modern day. Those countries were the withest 70 years ago (except france).

The kid has le ~46% face.

A very large percent do though, and even then there are all the interbetweeners that still are barely white.

I haven't been caught out at all, your just making such absurd claims and now outright claiming historical facts are untrue, everything i said is a historical fact. If the Muslims had of succeeded in conquering Europe, Europe would be Islamic. If Christianity had succeed in conquering the Middle East, it to would be Christian.

The meme flag went on for some reason.

Kek, go to Bulgaria, Romania or Greece sometime

If that's not white, what the fuck is ? Also, i think you're much darker than pic and me...

Sure thing boss.

That was an incredibly in depth and intersting paragraph you've replied to me with there. Australia shill should take some pointers from you. My basic point is that in today's contemporary world there's a correlation between race and religion. I was incorrect in implying all muslims are non white however in today's world, and I think you'll agree with me, the vast majority of muslims are NOT white.

you are white, but some of you look weird, not like you would spect a white to be.
Anyways i am an euromutt (spanish-chezk-french-portuguese-scotish-irish-italian) kek


He was trying to say white countries don't exist because there's some non whites in them.

yeah that's totally what the average Italian looks like

try not imitating your nigger overlords for a moment and stop attacking/stealing other people's history

completely agree. especially in West Ireland, they look like they're made of smushed up play-dough. Absolute goblins.

Here in the East of Ireland (West Brits) we're a much more aesthetically pleasing people. All that Anglo-Saxon/Viking blood.

american mongrels literally don't have a say in this

When have i ever tried to claim your history, if you wanna sound out loud your a shitskin go ahead, dosen't change the fact that you were occupied my Moors and invaded hundreds of times by them.

You oversimplify what culture is in this context. Bosnian culture and identity is not Islamic in character in the sense that strong conviction of Islamic theology has been a defining part of Bosniak identity. It is impossible to ignore religion when it comes to culture of course, and resistance towards alien elements within Europe is to some extent weaker in non-Christian areas of Europe.

But to take that and call Bosnians non-white, either by race or character is just silly and doesn't reflect the complex reality of the Balkans.

west brit

HAHAHAHA those look like asian-turk mix, are you unironically saying they are white??
pic related is white (based pure anglo)

>dosen't change the fact that you were occupied my Moors and invaded hundreds of times by them
here, this is what you do like all white subhumans constantly need to do, make up bullshit to justify why we are all different

mainland Italy has never been under any non-European control
learn some basic history, white subhuman

>barely white

That's vague. You're either white or not white.

I never said it was untrue, in your alternate universe what you're saying is very true. But we're talking about the world we're currently living in, hence you moved the goal posts.

Romania is 100 times white that most EU countrys. The 3% gypsies are a meme, we don't reacemix idiot. But you are to stupid to understand that.

Also Argentina your meme is weak, we are 100 times whiter that you. Cry me a river, we don't give a fuck.

exactly what i mean kek i didn't want to ofend you. Now the romanian gypsie LARPing as white is another thing kek see

Meds aren't white by northcuck criteria nor are we Semitic/berberic/, levantines. We are our own breed, somewhere in between the failed mutations up north and down south. As Aristotles used to say we were cooked just in point. Then again, we don't have to prove we are white or to prove we are not white if someday niggers rule the world. Our history stands on itself. I don't think Japanese really care of racially they're closer to chinks or mongols, their history speaks for itself and as far as they're concerned they're just Japanese. We are the European race that created the basis of arts, philosophy and institutions that rule the world today. If anything German and Anglo cucks should be the ones fighting over who was Rome'd the most, not us proving them we're white and have blue eyes and shit sparks all over our face. We are the superior race of Europe. The Germanic pride lasted for a dozen years under Hitler, the British pride only started 3-4 hundred years ago at best. Our history started millennia before JC and continues to inspire and create modern culture to this day. All scientific nomenclature is either in Greek or Latin. Let that sink in.

Yea you know I'm starting to realize that part of my world view might be stemming from my own personal bigotry and the fact I don't want to accept there are white muslims out there. I clearly don't have as much knowledge about the Balkans as you and that French user. That's why I like this board, you learn stuff.

since when the fuck fucktards from argentina give lesson about whites?? go fuck yourself nigga

>having a quarter of your nation occupied for hundreds of years by a different racial group dosen't change the racial makeup all through the country and beyond. Not to mention pretty much every side and angle of your country was subjected to many battles and invasions.

Ever heard of a 10 percent black person who is whiter then a 40 percent black person?

This is how some of Sup Forums unironically views europe

Mate. I've met many romanians in my time because you cunts decided to flock here to sit on bridges with paper cups for change in your thousands. Believe me, you're not white. Even the ones I worked with were the laziest cunts going. Seriously, not showing up for work, constantly trying to get legal claims. Scum.

Italy has never been under non-EUropean control in a single point in history
otherwise, please, feel free to cite those times, illiterate white trash