This got me thinking.
Is Super truly the streaming pile of shit we make it out to be or is it just disappointment after not getting close to our 18 years of built up expectations?
Dragon Ball Super
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Dunno, I enjoyed the Tounament arc and I'm enjoying the Future arc.
So far it's better than GT, still worse than the original though.
It's actually not that bad. You have to remember, a majority of people that watch DBS come from Sup Forums and the only thing they know how to do is say negative things about something.
But that's just, like, my opinion man
Use the catalog dumbass
Dragon Ball in general has always been shit
How does it feel?
Having the correct opinion, and all?
>not getting close to our 18 years of built up expectations?
Expectations of what?
and you really can't forget that Sup Forums in general makes things out to be way worse than they actually are.
>Is Super truly the streaming pile of shit we make it out to be or
We don't make it out to be a steaming pile of shit, we have threads on it all the time. We had at least three threads yesterday on it, people are enjoying it.
People believe their own version of the world though, if you think reactions range from hating it to just being a disappointment, then that's what you've got with it.
Was expecting fur transformations, turns out I was wrong.
I'm talking about the fanbase in total. You do know Sup Forums isn't the only place that discusses anime right?
>Expectations of what?
Better SSJ forms, characters getting proper amount of screentime/development, etc.
> Expectations
Good animation
Gohan's return
The vast majority of people on this board who shit on Super come from Sup Forums, and most Sup Forumsirgins are GT fans. Just ignore on sight.
Have you seen the webm of Black pushing Vegeta then the background suddenly changes? It truly is a steaming pile of shit.
So how is Goten = Black?
I just figured Black is Goku in a timeline where he never had his head smacked with a giant rock.
The DBS thread on Sup Forums last night was absolutely full of people shitting on it just because "NOT MUH Z!"
it's actually pretty great.
I legitimately like most new characters, especially Whis and Beerus. it's a lot less like a anime about fighting at this point, which is good because battles before the tournament saga were completely awful.
if you tried it during the first 20 or so episode and gave up, try it again. it has improved a ton.
I think it's mostly due to the fact that the first 20 episodes were rehashes of the first two movies.
All the new stuff in between and afterwards has been pretty fun.
First reply best reply
So where's Bra?
Both Super and GT were terrible.
GT was terrible because of power inflation and monkey men, super sucks because Only goku is allowed to be relevant. Vegeta just lost to a person SS2 goku defeated.
WHEN BRA???????
Not conceived yet.
Non canon, user. She doesn't exist, and that's a good thing. She was ugly/annoying
>Gohanfags will literally never recover
I think she already was, but is still cooking within Bulma.
What are you talking about?
just read the multiverse, senpai
>He reads Multiverse
Is this a false negative?
Super is fanfic tier garbage worse than GT
It is shit, it has terrible animation in an action series, and it spent the first two Arcs doing what the last two movies did but worse.
Super was boring until the Black saga started.
Bringing back Future Trunks was perfect.
I enjoyed the fights in the tournaments. Hit and Freezer were interesting.
I still would have liked to see other characters do some fighting. Fat Buu against the machine guy would have been better than Vegeta
It's been shit except for the current arc. Super's biggest issue is that they haven't had an actual villain. Zamasu or Black could be that guy but they'll likely fuck it up. Goku has to lose next episode for it to work well.
I found the tournament mediocre. Still nothing topped the original DB tournaments.
>super sucks because Only goku is allowed to be relevant
Oh no, you're telling me the MAIN HERO steals the show? Stop the presses!
Fuck off Gohanfags.
The Force Awakens was better
majority of super is a recap of two pretty good movies with good animation so naturally people can't help but compare it, others think extending a barely 2 hour production to roughly fifteen 30 minute episodes is questionable
>be Vegeta
>home planet destroyed by Frieza
>cucked into working for your mortal enemy
>train for all your life
>the only times you were stronger than Goku were when you first fight him on earth, or when he was incapacitated by illness
>finally achieve Super Saiyan God through sheer hard work
>train with Whis, one of the strongest in the universe
>see Goku fight Black not even in SSB form
>heh, I've got this
>go SSB
>my time to shine
>get your fucking SHIT kicked in
is Vegeta the most cucked character in any fiction?
don't forget the pacifier
No that'll be Yamcha.
At least Vegeta fucked Bulma over and over and married into the richest family on earth.
>gohan fag
Is that the only thing you drones can say to protect super?
Thanks for proving my point, DBS is terrible and the only reason you people defend it is because
kek. Even more desperate than spics defending DBGT
>lose to Hit
>lose to JELLY filler
>lose to mini Cell
>lose to Cell
>lose to Buu
>lose to 17
>lose to Black
I mean the list just keeps growing and growing
I can't believe someone would use "great" to describe Super. Talk about lowering the bar.
If madhouse was doing it instead of toei it would be good
You can't be this stupid. They were fighting across city then he kicks vegeta and knocks him all way back to where trunks and goku were at hence the grass
Why are half saiyans stronger than full blooded saiyans?
Power inflation, user.
Super is shit
The Hit fight and the Black Arc are alright. I'm not really sure what I would do to improve them, though.
Also, did that user who said Gohan would save the day ever end up holding everyone's hands? I feel like Gohan being left out of the time machine trip was the nail in that coffin.
I think it's just trying to do its own thing while being one of the few decent remaining shonen series. People just expected some AF super saiyaJIN 900 power level crap instead of what super is. I like it but I just want it to get past where end of Z left off or else this whole thing could easily be seen as some filler series where whis probably erases everyone's memory
Quints don't justify sexualizing Mai!
I have to agree, Toei knows they'll make money even if the animation is a steaming pile of shit.
So is it all but confirmed that Goten is Black?
End this meme
>is Vegeta the most cucked character in any fiction?
He's probably up there, but he still hasn't surpassed the King of Cuck.
why doesn't goku just use spirit bomb and kill him. He's pure evil at this point.
Black literally confirmed that he's on Son's body last episode.
It is everything but possible.
No one cares
Bulma regularly makes gods her bitches. You really think her son isn't going to be OP?
Takes a while to charge, there isn't a lot of humans on future Earth to charge it, and it's kill count isn't that great.
How do I make a god my bitch?
solar flare :^)
What happened here
he was pulling energy from other planets when he was on namek. Now that he is god level he should be able pull more energy and faster from the entire universe.
I wish Future Trunks would become relevant again.
Thanks for the link.
Looking back at the admittingly non canon movies, it strikes me that it's better when Goku doesn't joke around or act dumb and just straight up wants to beat the shit out of the villain. It made the fights more entertaining. Like when Goku was absolutely pissed off at the Androids 13, 14 and 15 for endangering civilian lives, or when Cooler blasted Piccolo's body in front of Goku. Having that pissed off Goku was great. Maybe we can see him return in the upcoming episodes.
You fuck Champa in his big, fat ass and watch it jiggle against you every time you thrust into his warm, tight insides as he squirms around like a bitch in heat.
The Namek one failed to put Frieza down. Plus, people have to willingly give up energy. People not knowing who he was was a problem on Earth, that problem isn't going to just go away if he tries for something larger scale.
>Trunks being happy for seeing his waifu alive.
My kokoro.
But who is inside of goku's body? It doesn't seem to be Zamasu.
If I had to guess, Black is just a creation of Zamasu's. Possibly a reanimated Future Goku corpse?
He is very excited and relieved because his waifu is alive.
Not the user that made the bet. There is a new straw to grasp at though.
>Gohan is a damn pokemon now
I'm that user and I stand by this bet.
Bra fags on suicide watch
Black SSJ rosé wtf is this man...
Well you owe all the anons who said you were wrong your ass now. Anything they want to do to it can and will happen. Anything
Your ass and hands are going to be ruined at the end of this arc.
>Is that the only thing you drones can say to protect super?
Dunno. Is "oh no the main protagonist has the main role" the only thing you retards can say to shit on it?
It doesn't look too bad. They probably chose that since
>Rosé is a type of wine, which keeps with the god theme of being named after liquor
>Super Saiyan Rosé follows the naming scheme of Super Saiyan Blue
That way, it fits into both naming schemes.
The arc isn't over! This isn't the final battle I'm sure! My ass and hands are safe.
succ their diccs
The looks of a man who truly loves his waifu
Frieza isn't as evil as black. Also, it killed kid buu who is way stronger.
Main timeline pregnancy soon