What are your thoughts and opinions on Perfect Blue, Sup Forums?



I really did not see that coming. You know...the last part of him.

loved it, but MA was better

Was he real?

Why wouldn't he?

Real enough to be a real threat.

One of my favorite movies of all time

Well here's something I haven't thought of in at over 6 years easily.

It makes me incredibly sad to think about Kon's early passing. Why did it have to be him and not someone like, say, Kubo?

It felt like any run of the mill 80's to 90's suspense thriller. If it wasn't animated nobody would care about it at all, I feel. I could see it being live action and being released around the same time as "I know what you did last summer" and having the same sales.

>It felt like any run of the mill 80's to 90's suspense thriller.
How so? Its subject of idol culture makes it way more interesting than most suspense thrillers of that era. The twist (even if you guessed it - which I didn't) was great as well.

Would Sup Forums like remake?

I don't get this at all, the way the film was edited I was constantly wondering what was real.

Is that why there was a shitstorm when it got rereleased as Black Swan?

>he way the film was edited I was constantly wondering what was real.
Wow. It almost like it was done on purpose.

It was, the point is that it wasn't a run of the mill thriller.

Its quality and especially its editing techniques are massively overstated. It's most celebrated aspect, the disorientating and world-bending manner in which the film cuts from dream/hallucination to reality, had already been done in the 50s with films like 8½ and Wild Strawberries. I'm not a huge theatre buff but I'm pretty sure even Shakespeare wrote plays with a similar type of psychosis presented in the same way. It's not as though there's anything wrong with a film borrowing from existing works, however comparing Perfect Blue to those films only highlights how corny and hamfisted this film is, something people would otherwise attribute to it being "old" or "from the 90s".

It's just one of those cases where people who typically enjoy anime wouldn't be familiar with the older movies so praise this imitation as original or groundbreaking, or those who are familiar are just so grateful something slightly experimental is happening in the industry they ignore how it might have been done between years before.


I liked it but I enjoyed Paprika more.

Almost everything has been done before at this point, making that your only critique is stupid.

I bet you don't have the good shit to back up that critique

Also Wild Strawberries isn't the same kind of cuts for surreal effect

>It's not as though there's anything wrong with a film borrowing from existing works, however comparing Perfect Blue to those films only highlights how corny and hamfisted this film is, something people would otherwise attribute to it being "old" or "from the 90s".

People tend to forgive the film's clear shortcomings because it's a novel concept. I've been watching this weeb shit long enough to realise that pretty much everything is like that. People gravitate towards gimmicky "new" concepts without taking into account the quality of their execution. SnK is the best example of that in recent years. Perfect Blue isn't a bad movie but it's far from the classic people hail it as. I was just using the film to make a general comment and perhaps spark conversation.

Not the same person. Also I haven't seen Wild Strawberries in ages but I'm pretty sure it gradually becomes more surreal as it progresses, though I do remember a particular scene early on in a car that is very similar in its blend of dream-logic and reality.

>basing your whole criticism on the praise of the fans

Simply being surreal and having people that may or may not actually be there does not mean the same thing when the whole argument is about direction. How they do it matters.

The frequency of camera cuts is greater in perfect blue and the change between shots (information introduced) in general except for specific scenes in both movies. There's a huge difference in tone between "idol tries not to lose her shit" and "old man comes to grips with his past" specifically because of this. This is what makes The Shining different from The Ring, for example.

I will say that Wild Strawberries is a bit dated in a contemporary sense but is still worth a watch in the right mood. It's a pity that some people get boxed in to certain genres but you don't get to stand on a high horse because you read books and watch anime.

>If it wasn't animated nobody would care about it at all

What is Black Swan?

Genres should be mediums

She actually got away with murder in the end, right?

I liked it more than Paprika and Millennium Actress

Well, it wasn't murder. It was self-defense.

movie "inspired" way too many film makers.
pretty fucking good if a bit predictable at times.

thinking about it, it's probably his best one, followed by tokyo godfathers.

I wish Satoshi Kon was still alive to make Keit-ai.

Wow it's almost like animation is it's own medium from live action film with its own merits and strengths! You aren't wrong, did you also know that can apply to any piece of art! "If the mono lisa wasn't a painting and instead a photograph no one would give a fuck!"
"If the brothers karamazov wasn't a piece of literature and instead a standard drama film no one would give a fuck!"

The real Mima didn't actually kill anyone

I don't know why people kept thinking this.

I watched it for the first time three or four days ago.

I thought it was really mediocre until the final third and by the end it was one of my favorite anime films. Liked it just a hair more than Paprika overall.

>liked it a hair above Paprika


Is this movie American Psycho of anime?

American Psycho was better tnqh

Why did he had to go bros

More like blue velvet

Will it ever be released? I hope so.

Who's blood?

Doubt it, and if it is it'd probably just be a mess.

That there needs to be more of same quality.

The ecchi parts were pretty hot.

Don't say that about her! Mima-rin is pure!