>Downloading [CoalGirls]
Downloading [CoalGirls]
Sniff my sphincter, cocksocket.
What's wrong with coalgirls user?
>can't post 3mb coalgirls costanza anymore
Who are you quoting?
>better than downloading [Comeme]
I remember being pissed off that i could never get their ordered chapters bullshit to work for bakemonogatari or darker than black
>downloading [Commie]
Niko's exposed shoulders!
>actually downloading anime
>Being a stream nigger
>streaming is not downloading
Why are they called CoalGirls anyway?
>he doesn't buy the bd's
coalgays is islam and they think trannies are degenerate
>they think trannies are degenerate
And they would be right
>they actually watched the coalgirls encode of eva rather than thora's
are coal girls kawaii?
Trannies are halal in the Quran.
Proofs, tovarisch?
all i ever ask for is chapters in the anime so i can skip the OP and ED with a button. I don't care who translates it cause I wont get the joke anyway since I don't know jap.
Why hasn't anyone did a script / patch to add chapters to HS or other translators work without chapters?
>Why hasn't anyone did a script / patch to add chapters to HS or other translators work without chapters?
Because that's a shit load of work to manually add chapters to everything that comes out.
Coalgirls is ok I just dislike split mkv files they're bd rips are already bloated as fuck is having the op/ed in the file really that much bigger
>commie persona 3 the movie 4
>"I downloaded the Blu-ray version"
>it's DeadFish
Why are Nicoposters always so cute?
Why do people use HorribleSubs if its called HorribleSubs
Open question: What makes a release good? Not the translation, but stuff like the encoding. 8bit? 10bit? Subs in a separate folder? Integrated into the .mkv files? Etc.
memes and bitrate.
The larger the file size, the better.
So it would be awesome if someone put a copy of the .jp Wikipedia database dump in there as a, "supplemental reference"?
Kill yourself Sup Forumstard
Depends on the length of the OP/ED and the number of episodes. Also, some shows have a cold open before the OP, so it could get difficult to separate them. I kinda think it's better to leave them in, delineated by chapters so you can skip through them if you want.
Asking that question only shows how new you are
>they actually watched the rebuilds
>Skipping OPs and EDs
newfag in Sup Forums reporting in.. where do you guys download/watch the ep's with eng sub?
Kissanime or Youtube
It's not nice to lie to people, user-chan.
We all pay for Crunchyroll subscriptions senpai.
I'm lost then.. I'll have to wait what, 2 days until gg, horriblesubs or something get it done =//~~