>ruby is a crybab-
Love Live Sunshine
I don't think the last thread had a single muse shitposter, huzzah
>our life as school idoru begins here and now, let's start over our love raibu no monogatari from zero!
Happy kanan.
Rapist Kanan
Whether or not I get into this series depends on one thing. Does Mari throw English into her speaking a lot or just a small bit?
She did for like one episode but has stopped now.
Not very often.
A lot when she's joking
>What a coincidence! So are we!
Damn, looks like I'm out.
>he likes the 'gaijin' engrish
Kurosawa Dia is for _______.
Guess who's going away
Mostly I thought it was cute from a few clips I saw.
Loli Dia is so cute
Pretty sure this isnt Dia
>Dia's hair
What did Dia do? Go to the barber and say "Just fuck my shit up"?
i realized my mistake, i was high when i saved that pic sorry lad
Cumming on face.
Making her a happy mother.
please kill yourself
You're right about fugging that A-rise chick. I dont even have to know her name
how can i kill myself if i'm already dead inside
same tbqh, forget her name tho
Matsuura Kanan is for _____
gimme a hug man
anons had me convinced before the show started that Ruby would be shit
she'll probably be my second favorite by the time it's over
(You shows no sign of dropping from first)
please post more Ruby
Hagu and kisu.
Here is precious wooby..
What the fuck are you trying to say?
Made for bullying and sexualizing.
Why do weebos write like this?
Missionary and deep kissing for the sole purpose of populating the declining countryside.
Now that Kanan is happy, can we start seeing her tits?
Anons had me convinced before the show that Kanan would be laid back.
Is Mijuku Dreamer the best Aqours song so far?
We told you she would be boring zz and after this episode, she will.
>9 episodes passed
>not a single demonstration of Wooby's androphobia
We still got two more before the season ends.
That's not Pikkapika Ondo
Not even the best song on that CD.
No more wetsuit Kanan from now on :(
Which Sunshine has a broken hymen?
All of them.
She was supposed to be laid back but Sunrise decided to make her shit instead
That's what it says in her bio.
And she is, in her normal state.
Mari, Yoshiko have both had sex before
>0 votes
>best song
Do you have more of these
Hymens don't exist in the 2D realm.
never listen to anons
when's Mari's industrial metal?
Kanan is just fine as long as you don't talk about idoru.
I missed the thread when episode five aired but did people really think that was a good episode (like, that's the impression I'm getting)?
Cuz like, I get the idea that Yoshiko is supposed to be a Chunnibyo who is conflicted because she's (presumably) under the belief that she needs to grow up and act her age and also wants to start fresh, yet there's no real exposition that hints at it in the episode, so the first half just makes her look like she had multiple personality disorder.
Like she does something stupid and she is explicitly show to be incredibly upset about these almost compulsive behaviours (but the episode doesn't actually stop to explain why) and then in the final scene, it's revealed that she's just trying to redefine herself as a new person (rather than actually being mentally ill). Except, the episode only ever shows her at odds with her identity, so like, finally learning to let go seemed like the appropriate climax to this, to this single episode character arc.
Except then the group turn up and co-erce her to readopt her identity because it's convenient for their group, so it makes Yoshiko look mental and Aquours look like cunts. (If nothing else the way she's largely been treated as a butt-monkey or joke member since joining makes it feel like they just wanted her around because of her popularity online, rather than because any of them like her).
Like, do people genuinely think this is well written (or somehow superior to the first series)? Because (and I appreciate the original series was clunky) this series feels like it was composed via a game of Exquisite Corpse, like, the character development and seems to be almost incoherent at times.
Even if the first series had its stumbling blocks, scenes where things were just awkwardly handled, at least it was clear, at all times, what the writing was trying to achieve or at the very least build up to.
Thank you
Did Yohane fuck one of her online fans? I was curious and did some research, and it's crazy how there are cam sites that are made pretty much just for teenagers.
Sorry, when I say, she's never shown to be at odds with her identity, I mean, "she's never shown to be at odds with the idea of giving up her identity".
Which Aqours would make the best romantic partner?
Which Aqours would makes the best mom?
I thought she's friends with Hanamura
Holy shit, stop writing like a fag if you want someone to care enough to read your crap.
Probably someone closer to home, like a cousin or a neighbor. If she fucked/was raped by an online fan, she probably would have quit camwhoring at that point.
I think she's probably a "secret" schizoid. It's the closest thing in western psychology to a chuuni.
When I see Ruby and Yoshiko, I tend to say "don't they recieve attention of a psychologist?"
I only read your first line/paragraph.
People were upset Yoshiko wasn't full on chuuni and a lot Yoshikofags hopped over the the Maru bandwagon. Also, YoshiRiko died more when it turned out Chika was the one who convinced her to join.
Just an average episode.
Yoshiko is friends with Hanamaru, and is probably getting friendly with You off-screen. This is because both of them live in Numazu, and ride the bus back home together after school/idol meetings.
"autstics", "cancerous", etc are much worse. Don't complain at little things when there are higher matters
Maru too. She has mental retardation of some sorts.
At the end Chika outright explains Yoshiko's character. She wants to be special, which is a basic element of the chuunibyou archetype, but doesn't want to alienate herself from her classmates like she did in middle school.
Now Riko's episode, that shit made no sense.
So you deflect the criticism to a strawman instead of at least taking a look at how awful it is to read your text? Fuck you, you're a piece of shit on several levels.
Only yoshikohaters would say this stuff 2bh.
I think the general idea of that episode was for Yoshiko to learn that it's okay to be yourself instead of conforming to what society expects of you, but I agree with you that it was really badly executed. It seemed like Yoshiko was genuinely ready to grow up and leave her childish delusions behind but then Aqours forced her back into it, and in the end it seemed less "it's okay to be yourself!" and more "we need you to slide back into this childish bad habit to make Aqours more popular even though it makes you uncomfortable and you're ready to grow out of it"
But I'm used to shit writing in LL so whatever I guess
If that's the case, why I do see whiners complain that Yoshiko is full chuuni after episode 5?
>People were upset Yoshiko wasn't full on chuuni
I was relieved.
too bad that ray of sunshine is fucking gone
Oh, yeah, right, I forgot about that because it literally happened in the last minute and felt incredibly contrived given that Yoshiko is presented as having DID and then as someone who is coming to terms with their encroaching adulthood.
The result is that it feels as if the episode presents three different alternative personalities and potential character arcs for Yoshiko.
Nah. I'm serious person, I know how to focus myself and comprehend a serious text, instead of whining for just a nomal word that everyone uses on a daily basis in actual real life.
It is legit. Better than all the crap you weebos write. Go complain there, not here.
jeez it's so easy to be an ass
Why does every anime song have "dream" in it? Is Aki Hata running out of ideas?
>Mijuku Dreamer
>Yume de Yozora o Terashitai
>Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou
The last one even has it twice. SINGING MY SONG FOR MY DREAM
Your text is awful to read. Go back to your favorite forum if you don't like it being pointed out.
Maybe the twist is that the entire show was a dream.
Meowy! Should probably point out, (though the anonymity obfuscates things a bit), that the user you're arguing with didn't even write the wall of text.
Also, suck it up a bit. We're on an image board, so it hardly matters if my writing is a little rough around the edges, it's hardly a dissertation submission.
Is there a Honk's ass forum?
Because that would be nice
Yume Kataru yori Yume Utaou
Rather than talk about my dreams, I'll sing my dreams.
i want to honk honker's badonkadonk!
Ha. Yeah, too much for you. There's something called reading comprehension. Apparently, you're too lazy to bother being serious, instead, you act like a kid would.
You're also lacking sense, desesperate, trying to off.
you lost
I thought Honk was ugliest in Love Live. Then this happened