she is beautiful.
She is beautiful
A shit, the silver haired student council president who liked to eat old semen was hotter.
>that scene in episode 2 where the dude is getting pegged in the ass while fucking her
I didn't realize that was a thing I liked and wanted until that moment.
mai hentaifu
I want to be pegged by her.
I prefer glasses.
Her scenes were disappointing.
She has a very impressive neck
Why even care since hentai is dead at this point?
I'm playing the VN right now. She didn't want to make the MC her slave, what a bitch.
>can't go for any other route besides boring christfag or you get bad ending
Fucking dumb
I want Reona-sama's slave route
Saori is better
Kaneda was best, they needed a 'good' route where you become her M lover.
Her scenes were fucking awful. A shame
new bible black?
Who was that girl that outlasted the guys that gangraped her?
She's still the best
Same issue with Starless, too many bad ends, not enough routes for girls you like that end up as good ends.
I know
really hot, but boring vanilla personality. I can't get off anymore unless the girls are into some really kinky shit.
>boring vanilla
The VN is unfinished rushed shit.
It's the last good thing from SS though until he started doing more insane hardcore cringe shit.
I liked Discipline Zero if only for the semen bucket scene with the teacher.
Her only good scenes from both adaptations were when she got fucked by the shemale and in Zero where she gave a blowjob and hand job to those two guys while fucking Leona. I was waiting for her to get fucked by them, but I guess they didn't want to piss of waifufags too much.
She's not a virgin
I will always remember discipline as that show that didn't look as good as Bible Black.
yes but at least it wasn't rampant with futa's and blood
and distracting plot
>clipping bells to her nips
why was that so hot?
please don't cry, Great Morimoto Reona-sama.
it sucks that there was no ending for her like there was for saeki in bible black.
What was her ending?
In game? If you got a good end then she got BTFO by MC then he mind break-tier hate fuck her senseless.
in bible black you kill kitami and take over saeki's club with her and her friends as your sex slaves. in discipline there's an ending where you give leona a coke enema, but that's it.
>not impregnating a rich bitch
I want to be disciplined by Reona-sama
Would you drink her pee?
not only pee
Better animation than DB Super.
why so lovely, Reona sama is
I wondered why they stopped with two episodes
I thought it would get six episodes
Budget issue. Milky was in a really fucked situation lately.
ask budget to Reona-sama
Their masculine shoulders were always a turn off. They got so close to great design and ruined it.
Shit that looks better than anime today
Good taste, user.
Shame you didn't get an end with either of them.
Really loved the opening of Zero
Why hentai cant have good quality like this one
This arstryle would be perfect for some futa.
I fact i think there is a futa scene in that serie.
>you will never beat Leona with the cock
>no Maiko
Sup Forums and shit tastes go together
In the first series there was. Though it was a straight up shemale. The wimpy kid from Zero becomes a tranny and fucks the main girl in the last episode of the first series.
The only good thing about the VN is the King Crimson wank and the off-screen eunuch.
This. Maiko was clearly best girl.
Her sister is more beautiful and more dominant, I'd love to be Reina-sama's slave. Leona is just pathetic poseur that deserves to get coke enema right from the bottle.
Leona deserves tender loving, missionary position for the sole purpose of procreation, etc
Everything was so fucking disappointing. There's so many interesting routes they could have gone, from becoming Leona's favorite fucktoy to making the whole school a slave to your dick (which is continually implied to have inhuman capabilities). Instead they had to make every fucking ending revolve around the most boring girl, whether it involves being forced to impregnate her or helping her become student council president despite gaining absolutely nothing out of the arrangement. Even the scenes are shit thanks to half the dialogue being the stupid fucking protagonist whining about how horrible it is to be forced to stick his dick in vaginas and how much he hates having multiple orgasms without his literal infinite stamina. And then there's the fucking "cum in my ass to cure my constipation" scene, I won't even comment on that.
Haven't tried any new Empress games since that shitfest. Have they improved at all or is it still the same bullshit?
Episode one was GOAT, especially the first scene when the milf is pumping dick.
Didn't like anything about episode 2, it was pretty disappointing.
I fap to most degenerate shit imaginable on /d/.
But Sei Shoujo porn always makes me queasy.
Post more please!
>Nukige was cut short
>No Leona route
It's been years and i'm still fucking mad
This VN and the hentai series were rolled out fast to cash in during the post-Bible Black hype
You're like stuck with one girl and then the rest are just scattered scenes, unlike in Bible Black where you can actually pick your poison and even in newer releases like Starless, Dominance, Potential Ability, etc.
What's your opinion on this? Is he going too far?
Most of Empress' new releases are the same old shit.
That blond bitch is kinda hot.
Starless already proved that, so yes.
The Bible Black ending where you become a sex god and enslave your female classmates was pretty nice, but the rest felt kinda shitty due to being some kind of variation on "you fucked up son".
Doesn't help that Otokawa was pretty boring in the game and they managed to make her even more boring in the hentai. Every other girl was better than her.
VN represents her way more better. Literally Ohoho Drills Ojou-sama with Unlimited Money and Libido Doing Whatever She Wants the Game. It's a fun VM only because of her.
What is with this artist/this company's taste of main heroine anyway? The "evil" girl (Leona, Saeki, that futa girl from starless) is always better and more interesting, but you can't geto together with them, while the "main" heroine are always boring, annoying and holier-than-you, yet the game force you to choose these shitty girl and despise whatever choice you choose the MC still choose them anyway, rendering your choice useless except some CG variation.
Shut up, Otokawa is the best!
But imagine scenes from Starless but in zero gravity.
To be fair, you can pick Marika in Starless.
It's just the MC will be a bitch about it, because damn, Sei's MC have gotten offensively boring since Discipline.
That said, yeah. The main girls suck. The glasses main girl in Starless was a huge waste of CG.
When is it coming out?
>The glasses main girl in Starless was a huge waste of CG
I liked the ones with pigfucking, that's the only thing she was good for.
C'mon guys seed this please.
Two years ago.