Nobody is hyped for this meh tier anime.
Mob Psycho 100: 8 hours until episode 8
I'm still in the ride OP
Another well-animated episode should be incoming given that Yoshimichi Kameda worked on it.
What are you talking about. I'm so hyped I woke up an hour earlier because I couldn't sleep.
We made it, we'll get our episode within the day, I can't say it was easy, but it doesn't matter anymore, the suffering has finally come to an end
I can't fucking believe it's coming to day. It feels like I've been waiting all my life for this fucking episode.
Words cannot express how ridiculously hyped I am rn.
Hype: 100%
Yes the wait for this episode was..challenging
lads i may be hyped for this meh tier anime
It's actually really good though.
How are you feeling about the blood they're showing? There was barely any in Episode 5, and very little in the preview of 8.
I can't remember any of the mangas panel being particularly bloody, instead there's always a lot of saliva and sweat
I don't think the manga had a lot of blood either, but since it's a major part of Hostility's design it makes sense that we see more of it this episode.
>Meh tier
That's not how you spell AOTY retard.
I agree with you
I'm a Mobfag but lettuce be real, Mob psycho isn't even the best psychic, comedy, slice of life anime of the season.
>Mob Psycho is the best psychic, comedy, slice of life anime of the season.
>Saiku Kusou Psi Nan is the best psychic, comedy, slice of life anime of the season.
Saiki is fucking Gintama clone even on the same magazine. It's boring as fuck. It's shit.
Saiki might be funnier (at times), but Mob Psycho does drama and characterization better. But you really can't compare them, no matter how much alike they are.
i am hyped user, it's the only highlight of my day, the only thing that has kept me going through the past week to this monday since i've been thinking about dying all week long
Stop making threads and kill yourself
>inb4 I do it for discussion
It's not working retard.
Are you OK user?
I hope you're not talking about Saiki
>shit one note characters
>that character design
>unfunny nippon-gag humor
>no interesting story whatsoever
Why don't mob just quit the shady job to be more with his buff butt buddies?
they better keep the glowing eyes, at least for the first appearance.
he needs the income
already unbanned, shitposter-kun?
What income?
BONES fucked up Sadness(white eyes wut?0 and ???%(manga version is better) so far. I think it's safe to say they'll fuck up Hostility too based on the preview.
>300 yen per hour
>call that an income
He just wants the free meals.
>Le Bones fucking up things meme
White eyes give it a nice touch, I actually like it.
It's the same OP who made Mob is not shit it's meh-tier threads and then proceeds to baiting and samefagging in the same thread.
He's probably talking about that.
I'm the guy who created the thread last time but I'm not the one who made and posted that shitty pasta. Lettuce be real, Mob Psycho is an average anime. It's not really mindblowing.
I loved Sadness, I actually wish it was longer. ??? was perfect, don't know what you're talking about.
>implying bones would deliver
Just look at pick related and don't get your hopes up.
Why did people dislike ???%? It was the same as in the manga
No, Mob is literally AOTY
Forget other episodes, there's still nothing that even comes close to Mob's ep5.
And ep11 will be even better than that, you do the math.
I warned you about generals.
Don't know why you keep making threads for an anime you don't even think is good, but whatever. You do you, user.
Just don't shitpost.
user, learn to read sarcasm.
>there's still nothing that even comes close to Mob's ep5.
Eva is better than episode 5.
The amount of Ritsu haters there'll be after this episode, tho
>since i've been thinking about dying all week long
Why? Are you a neet? I thought you guys are happy with your lifestyle.
Well if that's best you can compare than Mob can go as far as being AOTD
I'm just trying to be objective here and give my two cents. While I do enjoy Mob Psycho, there are still better anime out there like Saiki.
>one episode
>carrying a show as AOTD
user, there are more bad episodes in this show than good ones if you look at them individually.
Sorry user, that level of sarcasm was literally too low for me to notice.
>there are still better anime out there like Saiki.
My sides
I agree with everything you said except for the Saiki part.
The only episode that was kinda bad is ep1
The rest has been at the very least above average so far and it just gets better and better with every new episode.
>and it just gets better and better with every new episode.
Not with that rushed as fuck ritsu episodes.
You've been giving the same shallow two cents for weeks now. If at least there was some ground for discussion in your OPs or posts it'd be alright, but you know damn well there isn't.
Seems to me like you're just fishing for (You)s, desu senpai.
Seeing someone as pure as Mob crying hit me hard. It was even more heartbreaking considering he's always expressionless.
>b-but where is muh hype
Thank you based God. We don't need crossboarders, underages and powerlevelfags to shit Mob threads up.
user, you don't get it do you?
1. They had no choice but to rush it due to the source material.
2. If they didn't rush it, you'd be complaining about them being boring instead.
Can't wait to see this in anime
>Reigen miscalculated
My sides everytime
But you now have newfags who take every posts too seriously.
I'm actually glad this moment wasn't voiced. I don't think my kokoro would've been able to take it.
But I'm from tumblr user.
God forbid anons wanting to discuss things on a discussion thread.
Then what are you doing now, user? It sure isn't discussing anything about the show.
We don't have these but we have a small number of shitposters and falseflaggers who are very dedicated to turn these threads to shit-flinging contests.
OP being one of those.
I wonder which episode between 8, 5 and 11 will end up being the best. Now that I think about it, I wonder how GRATITUDE will even look.
How far will this episode go? Mob, Teru and Dimple entering the hideout?
Every Reigen panel is best panel
Nah, probably Mob, Teru meeting the arrow guy at the Awakening Lab. 5 chapters per episode as usual.
>6 hours left
I literally just took a nap and had a dream about Gratitude, for fuck's sake. This anime is doing bad things to me.
The last Mob thread was so comfy but it seems this one has gone back to shitposting
What do you expect with an OP like this?
Surely the only ones left in these threads are actual Mob fans since everyone who dislikes it has dropped it by now.
I don't see the point in starting arguments desu
keen for ep8
This is the only thing I'm keeping up with anymore this season other than orange.
Ricchan a cute
How about you people make a new thread damnit and stop bumping this stupid bait thread.
Saiki is the better comedy, but like you said, the two shows go for completely different things. Saiki never tried for drama and characterization, whereas comedy wasn't the main focus of mob 100. Pretty silly to compare the two.
How would Mob react to Ritsu/Shou?
He'd be happy for his little bro.
>4h 30m
The shitposters are still, there, sadly. Can't do much about aside from posting more cutes and staying positive.
tfw gone from disliking the art style so much I dropped mid-way through episode 1 to really loving it.
It grows on you.
What am I supposed to do in the meantime?
Re-read the chapters in question to hype you up even more. I know I did.
Rewatch 1-7
I have already done these. ;_;
Oh right, I almost forgot to do that today
Mob is the MC of the season for me
Fap to Reigen.
He's a really well rounded character.
I feel all the characters in Mob are very sympathetic even as zany as they are. They feel pretty human.
It's like the opposite of One Punch Man where everyone (obviously intentionally) felt like they were always hamming it up, even Saitama with his 'im so borrreddd'.
It's a pleasant surprise
Now this is something I can get behind.
If you insist user
I often color manga panels of what has to be animated next when I can't wait for a new episode, but sadly coloring Mob Psycho 100's art might not be that entertaining